Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 103 Nagini becomes human

Name: Nagini

Species: Bloodspell Orc/Viper

Level: SS level

Personality: In human form, he is shy, gentle, considerate, quiet and kind. In viper form, he is extremely powerful, loyal and protective of his master, and does not like to have physical contact with people other than his master.

Physical status: healthy


Poison mist condenser (can cast poisonous mist to paralyze nerves, or condense the poisonous mist into a poison weapon)

Snake-like movement (within ten meters, running out of wavy afterimages, which can confuse the enemy's sight)

Whispering (can communicate with the same kind, and briefly control the other person's mind through changes in pitch, timbre, and loudness)

Ever-changing (the snake body can be reduced/expanded 10 times, note: the reduced/expanded state is maintained, no time limit)

Simulated human form (when released into the real world, you can freely choose human form/snake form. Note: This skill automatically covers the stocking function and has no time limit)

Magic value: 12000

Combat power: 12000

In addition to the name and species, everything else in the information column has changed. The level has changed from S level to SS level, the magic value has increased by 50%, and the combat power has increased by 20%.

However, what has changed the most are the talents and skills.

Of the original four skills, only the 'Snake Movement' is retained. The four new skills are all exciting to watch.

Poison mist condenser, with this, you no longer have to rub other people's potions when shooting poison needles at enemies;

Whispering, with this, you can master another foreign language. When fighting in the wild, driving a group of snakes is a good method;

Things are changing rapidly. With this, Nagini's melee combat ability has improved a lot, and she can still keep it in her pocket as an ice weapon in the summer;

With this, Nagini can become a human being, move around in the real world all the time, and become the best assistant;

But what does Nagini look like when she becomes a human?

This confusion is as unbearable as a feather scraping against the ear socket. If I don't figure it out, I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Robin opened his eyes and poked out the curtains. After confirming that the curtains were all tightly closed, he silently recited a spell to release Nagini and let it use the 'personification' skill.

After Nagini landed with a thud, it swam toward its owner with the tip of its tail waving. When its head rested on the edge of the bed, several thin lines of purple electricity suddenly flashed on the surface of the snake's body.

Then, it turned into a beautiful woman wrapped in a tulle skirt. After standing still for three seconds, she twisted her body like a snake and crawled into the curtain.

Robin used a fluorescent crystal ball to see Nagini's appearance clearly.

She has an Asian beauty face with a classic charm, a pair of soft almond-shaped eyes under the willow eyebrows, a high nose bridge and a round tip, and a light red upper lip that is slightly tilted outward, adding a touch of charming beauty to her. .

Nagini climbed to the head of the bed, trying to circle her master in circles like before, but now that she was a human and not a snake, she couldn't wrap around half a circle. After frowning in distress, she put her head on her head. On the master's shoulder, hissed the 'Snake Letter'.

The moment Luo Bin's back was wrapped around his shoulders, the pores in his body shrank and his blood temperature dropped to zero.

However, when there was a cold, wet touch on his lips, his blood boiled and the pores in his body opened rapidly, making him feel sticky all over.

Luo Bin took seven or eight sets of deep breaths, and then all the body functions gradually returned to normal. He pushed Nagini's head away and said: "You are a human now, you can't swim around, wrap around, wrap around, or lick like a snake." , Nagini, do you understand what I’m saying?”

After hearing this, Nagini's eyes changed from aggrieved to surprised. She frowned and thought deeply. After a moment, she stuttered and said seriously as if she had just loaded the human language: "Tie, post, post, hug, hug, hug, Sleep, that’s what everyone can do.”

After saying that, she slowly got into bed and stared at her master shyly.

Robin: ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭, it seems that on the night of the battle with the Black Spider, when Harry translated the snake language, he did not add the yellow word randomly. However, judging from Nagini's behavior just now, whether she is in snake or human form, she has no previous memory. She is like a little snake that has just broken out of its shell, relying on and admiring its master. I went back to the library to search for a few books and let her read them and learn how to behave.

Robin was thinking about it when his sleeves were suddenly pulled down. Seeing a look of worry and urging in Nagini's eyes, he asked her to return to her snake form and at the same time activated the 'Transient' skill.

Then, he rolled a 40-centimeter-long small green snake into a mosquito-repellent coil and placed it next to his pillow to sleep.

When the sun was shining directly on the castle, Luo Bin was awakened by a loud banging on the door.

"Luo Bin, get up, the game is about to begin."

"If you can't afford it, I'll cast the unlocking spell. I don't know if you have the habit of sleeping naked."

Then, ear-splitting laughter came from the door.

It's Fred and George, these two guys are really good at casting spells to break into dormitories.

Luo Binshe suddenly opened his eyes, recited a spell silently, hid the 'natural ice air conditioner' inside the Rubik's Cube, rubbed his cold chest, and walked towards the door.


After the door opened, Robin saw George put away his wand with a regretful look on his face, "It's only ten twenty, why did you wake me up so early?"

"It's only 10:20??? Wood's head is about to explode. If you don't go down, he will..."

"Wood is going to ride on his broomstick, smash the glass on your dormitory window, lift your quilt, and lift you naked."

George saw the tip of the ebony wand crackling with sparks, and swallowed the word 'fly'.

"Your joke sucks. Give me a few minutes."

After Robin finished speaking, he closed the door with a bang. When he opened the door again three minutes later, George held his bleeding nose and scolded him for being violent and impolite, with Fred still supporting him.

"Before you punish someone next time, remember to pick out the dragon fruit seeds."

After Luo Bin finished complaining speechlessly, he turned around and walked downstairs towards the broom shed. At ten forty, he arrived at the stadium locker room.

Fred wasn't lying. Wood's head was indeed about to explode. His short brown-blond hair stuck straight on his head. I guess he pulled his hair a lot when he heard that Harry couldn't participate in the competition.

When Wood saw Luo Bin, he was as surprised as if he had seen a savior. He grabbed Luo Bin's arm and taught him various catching skills like pouring beans from a bamboo basket. He refused to let go until Ms. Huo Qi blew the silver whistle.

However, Wood's nervousness and anxiety were obviously unnecessary, because just ten minutes after Robin came on the scene, he caught up with the Golden Snitch before the Ravenclaw Seeker.

Luo Bin made a sharp turn and swung his tail, and the broom branch knocked away the golden ball. When Luo Bin was confused, he suddenly grabbed the golden snitch to the upper right. He held the golden snitch tightly in his hand.

The stands were filled with excitement. Hermione, Ron, Seamus, and Dean put their hands in the shape of trumpets to their mouths, shouting that Gryffindor must win.

Wood happily led the players to fly around the field. The old bat's face was still frighteningly cold. Dumbledore smiled like Santa Claus. Professor McGonagall was sternly reprimanding Lee Jordan for singing indiscriminately.

An hour later, the stadium returned to silence. Robin, Hermione and Ron went to the school hospital to apologize to Neville.

After Neville saw the person coming clearly, he hid under the quilt in a daze, with only his round eyes exposed, looking at the three people in fear.

Hermione took out a palm-sized toad science manual, Ron took out a can of dried termites, and Robin took out two claw rings containing positioning magic. He was no longer so afraid.

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