Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 104 The first person to pick out words

Next, it was relatively smooth.

The three of them took turns apologizing. Neville hugged the apology and said with a smile that what happened last night had changed. Under Robin's guidance, he put a claw ring on Leif and a ring on himself.

Neville pointed at the two small dots on the ring and said excitedly: "The red dot is Leif, and the green dot is me. Hey, the two dots overlap? Oops, it turns out that Leif jumped on top of my head. .”

Luo Bin: →_→, there was a reason why Laifu ran away from home every once in a while.

After the three people left Neville's ward, they went to see Madam Pomfrey and asked how Harry was doing. After learning that Harry was still in a coma, they asked the school doctor to notify them as soon as Harry woke up.

Then, the three of them went to the library to search for books related to 'Parasite, Two-Face'.

Two days later, library, four seats by the window.

After Hermione read a book called "Analysis of the Medicinal Properties of Moss", she looked up at the three books beside Robin.

"Intermediate Vocabulary and Sentence Making Guide"

"Teach you how to be a person"

"Elementary Mind Reading Skills"

"Robin, why do you want to borrow these books? They don't talk about magic, the habits of herbs, and they don't talk about all kinds of weird magical creatures."

Robin: Because Nagini lost her memory of being a human, she had to learn everything from scratch when she became a human again.

"Oh, I'm tired of reading the same type of books. I want to read something new for fun."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young nurse wearing a white apron and a white pointed hat walked over with steady and fast steps.

"Harry's awake, right?" Robin asked.

After the little nurse nodded, the three of them ran to the school hospital without reading any more. They also met Pomfrey and Dumbledore in the corridor of the single ward.

"Ha Harry, we are going to see Harry."

Ron said breathlessly.

"The patient needs to rest. Come back tomorrow."

"But, you promised"

"What I promised is that when Harry wakes up, I will notify you as soon as possible. Not, when Harry wakes up, I will let you visit him as soon as possible. Come back."

Robin: →_→, madam, I would like to call you the number one word picker at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore stood next to the school nurse, his blue eyes blinking. After Robin understood what he meant, he said: "Ms. Pomfrey, if I read correctly, you and the principal just came out of Harry's ward. Harry doesn't fall asleep that quickly. I, Hermione, and Ron, please speak in a lower voice and leave after visiting for a while, so as not to disturb his rest."

Luo Bin emphasized the words "principal" and "little wizard" very strongly. The implication was that if they didn't let the three people in, they would be treating the visitors differently.

Sure enough, Madam Pomfrey let out a sigh and agreed to let the three of them in, but only allowed them to visit for five minutes.

Harry was extremely happy to see the three people coming in. After he asked what else happened after he fainted, he told the three people what Dumbledore had said in answering his confusion.

For example, the reason why Quirrell's fingers quickly turned to stone and shattered into powder when they touched Harry's skin was because Harry's skin contained an amulet called 'Mother's Love'.

More than ten years ago, Lily desperately protected Harry even though she knew it was a dead end. Such deep motherly love left an amulet under Harry's skin that would never disappear.

Quirrell is despicable, hypocritical, selfish, greedy, and hateful in his heart. He even sold his soul to the Dark Lord. When he touches a person with a beautiful mark of protection on his body and tries to hurt that person, he will naturally pay the price. A terrible price.

Also, the Invisibility Cloak was a Christmas gift from Dumbledore.

He said that it was Harry's father, James Potter, who happened to leave it to him. He thought that Harry might like it, so he gave it to Harry as a Christmas gift.

He also said that when James was in school at Hogwarts, he often put on his invisibility cloak in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to steal food.

"He's kidding me. My dad would never use an invisibility cloak to steal food."

Harry gasped and said that in his heart, the Invisibility Cloak was a rare and noble magical object, and his father, James, was a hero who bravely fought against evil forces.

How could they be a greedy thief when the two are paired together?

Robin, Hermione and Ron believed this in their hearts.

Luo Bin: You will know in two days whether the Greedy Thief is real or not. Hagrid said that he not only asked James' old classmates for photos, but also asked them to recall the interesting things James did when he was in school.

"Harry, tomorrow night, the school will hold a year-end banquet in the auditorium on the first floor, and the winners of the College Cup will also be announced. Do you want to attend?" Luo Bin asked.

"Alas, even though we beat Ravenclaw in the Quidditch match the day before yesterday, Slytherin's score was too high and it still ranked first. However, the chicken legs and pudding at the banquet should taste very good. good."

"Ron, no one can tell who owns the Academy Cup until the last moment." After all, Dumbledore's ability to "turn the tide" cannot be overshadowed.


Before Harry finished speaking, the school doctor pushed open the door and barged in. "You have been talking for twenty minutes. The patient needs to rest. You three, please get out of here quickly."

"Harry, you must come~"

Ron still shouted loudly when he was pushed out of the door by the school nurse.

With the anticipation of many students, the year-end banquet finally arrived.

Since Slytherin House is far ahead of the other three houses, the banquet decorations in the auditorium are mainly green and silver. Even the stone wall behind the guest of honor seat is hung with a silver snake on a green background. Huge banner.

"Every seat is full and the banquet is about to start. Will Harry come again?" Ron asked sideways.

"Already here." Luo Bin said looking at the entrance of the auditorium.

What happened under the living plank was a secret, and at Hogwarts, secrets always spread like wildfire.

So, when everyone saw Harry walking into the auditorium, everyone stopped talking and stared at him closely. Harry lowered his eyes, bent over and pretended not to notice everyone's changes, and walked away bravely. Go to the Gryffindor table and sit between Robin and Ron.

After a while, Dumbledore also arrived in the auditorium. After he took his seat as the guest of honor, he said with high emotion: "Unconsciously, we have spent another wonderful year at Hogwarts. In Before we enjoy the sumptuous food on the table, we have to hold the annual Academy Cup awards ceremony.”

After taking a piece of parchment from Professor McGonagall, he continued: "The total scores of each house are out, come on, listen carefully. The fourth place, Gryffindor House, has a total score of 273 points; The third place is Ravenclaw House with a total score of 341 points; the second place is Hufflepuff House with a total score of 352 points; the first place is Slytherin House with a total score of 453 points."

The dining table where Malfoy was sitting suddenly burst into thunderous cheers, and Dumbledore pressed his hands to silence the students in green robes.

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