Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 105 Get rid of the ‘illiteracy’ pot

"Uh, yes, the Slytherin children are doing well as always. However, the professors haven't had time to tally up the recent events, so I still have some college points to distribute to the following people. "

The hearts of the students in the fourth courtyard suddenly tightened, and they all looked at the guest of honor seat.

Dumbledore seemed very satisfied with the students' reaction. He cleared his throat and announced with a smile: "First, Ron Weasley, who is as wise as a fool and has the courage to sacrifice, has won the school's most challenging challenge in many years. A giant wizard's chess game, for which I reward him with forty house points."

Ron's face suddenly turned red, and the applause from all around almost shook the long dining table. He heard Percy shouting at the top of his lungs: "Brother, Ron Weasley, he is my brother."

After everyone calmed down, Dumbledore continued: "Second, Hermione Granger, she is calm, smart, and brave. She has seen through the mysteries of difficulties many times. At critical moments, she also gave up 'forward'. I Reward her with forty academy points for this."

Hermione buried her face in Robin's arms. She was so excited that she was about to cry as she listened to the allocation of grades and the deafening cheers and applause around her. She felt the floor shaking, as if a wave of people were jumping on top of the dining table. Jump off.

After everyone's emotions stabilized and Hermione sat upright, Dumbledore continued: "Third, Harry Potter, he moved forward bravely and fearlessly. He grabbed a magic key that was more cunning than the Golden Snitch. He also He bravely walked through the fire and fought against the evil guy, and I rewarded him with fifty academy points for this."

Harry couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth as he listened to the throat-piercing roars all around him. He thought that the matter of 'fifty points from the Astronomy Tower' was finally over.

Dumbledore adjusted his half-moon glasses, and the noisy auditorium suddenly became quiet.

"Fourth, Robin Lestrange. He is calm, wise, and brave. His use of primary magic is superb, and he has helped his friends out of danger many times. I reward him with fifty academy points for this."

The long Gryffindor dining table was banged, and the gold plates, silver plates, goblets, and milk jugs on the table were shaken wildly.

Students wearing red witch robes clapped their hands on the table and cheered, while calculating the total score in their minds. 273 points, plus 180 points, is 453 points. Their total score tied Slytherin. They thought if the principal rewarded Luo more. If it's one point, that's fine.

The Slytherin students' brows widened again. They looked at the other three houses of students sarcastically, thinking to themselves: Hey, no matter how many points we add, we will still win.

However, when Dumbledore stood up and put his hands down to silence everyone, their brows were tightened again.

"Courage is synonymous with Gryffindor, but it can have many kinds. It is a kind of courage to go through many difficulties and deal with enemies without fear of danger. And in front of friends, unyieldingly stick to one's position. Later, It is also a kind of courage to openly forgive a friend who has hurt oneself. Therefore, I would like to award Neville Longbottom ten Academy points."

The thunderous applause, one wave after another, almost overturned the ceiling.

Neville, who had a round face and round eyes, turned pale with surprise. Students from three colleges crowded over and hugged him to express their congratulations.

Dumbledore fired a bunch of cannon fireworks to calm the place, "Okay, the house point distribution is over. Gryffindor has a total score of 463 points. This means that the year-end banquet decoration in the auditorium needs to be slightly changed. Just a moment."

He waved his magic wand, and the auditorium suddenly changed its appearance.

The huge ribbons hanging above the long dining table changed from green and silver to bright red and gold. Even the huge banner pattern behind the guest of honor seat changed from a silver snake on a green background to a gold lion on a red background.

At the guest of honor seat, an old bat dressed in black shook hands with Minerva McGonagall with an awkward smile.

After shaking it, his empty eyes stared coldly at the people who caused him to lose the Academy Cup.

However, except for Robin and Harry, no one noticed his death gaze, because everyone was immersed in the joy of Slytherin being defeated and enjoying sumptuous food.

After the banquet ended, the happy atmosphere moved to the common room, and it didn't end until the prefects loudly urged them to go back to the dormitory and sleep.

Two days later, the test results were announced.

Robin and Hermione were tied for first place in the grade, Harry and Ron were ranked in the mid-to-high range, Neville's extremely high herbal medicine score helped him luckily cross the passing line, Seamus and Dean were ranked in the middle and lower reaches, and Malfoy He and his two burly followers were not threatened with repeating the grade.

After Luo Bin received his summer homework, he signed a promise that "minors are not allowed to use magic outside of school." When he was thinking about whether using Rubik's Cube skills would be considered a violation of the promise, Dumbledore sent someone to bring him a holiday gift - four for each person. This is a thick book.

Hermione was so happy that she took out the booklet and changed her holiday reading plan.

Harry and Ron frowned. They didn't want to do something as boring as 'reading' during the holidays.

Luo Bin picked up his book and opened it at random. He found that the fourth book with a navy blue cover and a red seal turned out to be a translation book.

The translated text in the book is exactly the same as the book that sealed the black leather (Dark Ghost).

Luo Bin: →_→, whether he does it intentionally or not, I want to get rid of the "illiteracy" pot, and it won't happen in a day or two.

In the next few days, Luo Bin carried this book wherever he went. He would also take out a pencil from time to time and write and draw in the book.

Ron laughed and said that he was fascinated by the book. Harry glanced at the book curiously, but the text in the book was too obscure and profound, and he said he couldn't understand it.

On the morning of the day he left school, Luo Bin, who stayed up all night, finally translated the book with the black leather seal into normal text.

Book title "Pine Tree Planting and Maintenance"

Chapter 1, soil measurement and fertilization;

Chapter 2, seed screening and seedling cultivation;

Chapter 3: Transplanting and mulching seedlings;

Chapter 25: Pruning dead branches and preventing insects;

Luo Bin: ⊙ω⊙, I have no intention of becoming a gardener. There are definitely tricks.

Unfortunately, when he packed his luggage, took a boat across the Black Lake, and walked up the slope to the station, he still didn't figure out what was wrong with the book.

"Liar, you are an orphan. You shouldn't have anywhere to go during the summer vacation, right? Tsk, how pitiful you are. Why don't you come to my manor to spend the summer vacation? If you come, Midel will be so happy that he can't help himself after all. He shoveled dirty, smelly horse manure."

Robin pulled out the ebony wand, and Malfoy took a few steps back in fright, "You can't believe that the school stipulates that you cannot use magic."

"But we haven't left school yet," Ron said.

As soon as Malfoy saw Ron's evil smile, he remembered the scene when his eyes were beaten black. He said angrily: "You poor man, I heard that you are afraid of spiders with thick claws and claws."

Ron's face suddenly turned pale, and Malfoy returned to the two followers with a sinister smile.

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