Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 108 Wonderland in the Grid

"Hey, Maura doesn't want to move, especially not to the scary black forest. Maura wants to go back to the place where there are large peach groves, sweet rivers, endless termites, and huge rocks. The fairyland of caves and jade beds. Oh, master, please send Maura back to fairyland."

Luo Bin:? ? ?

"Maura, what fairyland are you talking about?"


Mora turned around and looked at her master with eight big cute eyes. She shook the tip of her right front leg and said, "Master, that day you hit the tip of Mora's claw with a mud bomb, and Mora fell into a dream." In the fairyland, there is everything Maura wants. Hey, master, you can make a mud bomb and hit Maura."

Luo Bin: ⊙ω⊙, well, I had a preconception, thinking that a single square is just a huge, square, colored grid. Unexpectedly, there is something else inside.


Maura waved her big claws and circled around her owner. Luo Bin was so dizzy that she stretched out her hand to hold down its big head to stop it from turning around.

"Hey, Maura doesn't want to move, Maura wants to go back to fairyland, woohoo~"

"I have no intention of letting you move. Just do one thing for me and then I will send you back to 'Wonderland'." Luo Bin comforted him helplessly and dotingly.

After hearing this, Maura stopped crying at the top of her lungs. She asked ignorantly and curiously: "What's the matter?"

"Listen to my instructions: turn left, step back, stop, look up, and look at the branches. Do you see that blue spider?"

"I saw it."

"Ask him if he has ever seen a fox with three tails."


Mora shook her chelicerae at a high frequency and made a hissing sound.

The blue spider sprayed a circle of silk around a branch, then fell down while spraying silk. It stopped spraying silk only when it fell in front of Maura.

Then, two spiders, one white and one blue, began to communicate with each other while shaking their chelicerae.

Five minutes later, the blue spider crawled back to the web along the thread, and Maura crawled to the owner and told the result of the exchange.

"It said that it is a solitary animal and has never left this pine tree since it was born. It said that it had never seen any foxes, but it had seen many bees. It said that bees have wings and can fly very far. It suggested that we look for them The bees asked and pointed me in the direction of the hive.”


The book "Hard-working Star" in the library once mentioned that the honey-gathering range of bees is within 2-8 kilometers from the hive as the center, but for some special bee species, the honey-gathering range can extend outwards as far as 15 kilometers.

"Maura, which way is the hive?"

Maura raised her left front paw, pointed to the southeast and said: "Well, it said that the bees it caught all flew from that direction. Master, eh, Maura is hungry, Maura wants to eat something delicious, quack Crunchy termite stems.”

Luo Bin: →_→, what about the innocence you promised? In just a few months, I learned to speak in a roundabout way.


Maura shouted in a sweet voice, which made Luo Bin get goosebumps.


"Stop shouting, I'll take you back right now."

Luo Bin recited a spell silently, took Maura back to the Rubik's Cube, and walked toward the southeast holding the luminous crystal ball.

Three hours later, it was dark, and Luo Bin had not found any trace of the beehive.

At this moment, he was a little doubtful that the blue spider, which had never left his own one-third of an acre of land, had misjudged the location of the hive.

Just when I was thinking about finding another spider to ask, suddenly, my toe accidentally kicked a round, black thing as big as a bowling ball.

The thing rolled forward three or four meters and hit a root that pierced the soil. Then, it split into three petals with a pop, revealing a densely packed hexagonal nest inside, as well as countless white, fat little ones. insect.


Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, oh no, I kicked the hive to pieces.

Luo Bin looked up in the direction of the source of the buzzing sound. He saw an array of bees that looked like a wide open fishing net, quickly attacking towards him.

Moreover, every bee has its body hunched over, its tail sting pointed at no one, and it stretches and contracts as if sharpening its gun.

If you are caught in such a 'fishing net', you will either die or be disabled!

When the 'fishing net' was only half a meter away from the person, Luo Bin urgently activated Unicorn Jasmine's 'Holy Glory' skill.

In an instant, Luo Bin's body surface was covered with a layer of milky white halo, and the halo turned into pale white smoke, and the smoke quickly enveloped the 'fish net'.

Three seconds later, the smoke dissipated. The bees no longer hunched over and pointed their stingers at people, but flapped their wings and stared at Luo Bin blankly.

After a while, a bumblebee that was twice the size of the other bees flew out of the 'fishing net'. It bumped Luo Bin's hand with its head, and then quickly landed on the damaged hive.

Luo Bin understood its offensive intentions, stepped forward and promised: "I will repair the hive."

Fortunately, there are readily available beeswax, alcohol lamps, fine droppers and other items in the Consciousness Sea Space.

An hour later, Luo Bin wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, "Here, it's fixed. Little supervisor, do you want to go in and check it out?"

The bumblebee flapped its wings, landed at the entrance of the hive, got in and inspected it, and only after confirming that the repair was in good condition, came out of the hole again.

After Luo Bin cleaned up the floor, he took out a box of osmanthus powder as an apology for kicking the hive to pieces.

The bees swarmed up after smelling the fragrance of the flowers. Within a few minutes, all that was left was the iron boxes. They landed on hundreds of spherical honeycombs on pine branches and under the trees, rubbing their paws with endless interest.

Luo Bin took out another box of osmanthus powder, beckoned for the bumblebee, and discussed: "I am looking for a fox with three tails. If you can help me find it, I will give you ten boxes." Osmanthus powder, this box should be regarded as a deposit."


(sound of opening lid)

The moment the iron box was opened, the bee colony started to stir again. The bees flapped their wings toward the iron box and rubbed their hands, waiting for the leader bee to give the order to eat.

The bumblebee bumped the iron box with its head, rose into the air, and flew out on a winding trajectory as if drunk. Finally, it landed on the iron box again. It climbed to the edge of the iron box and waved its right front paw in slow motion to signal. instruction.

In an instant, countless bees swarmed into the air, and they used their bodies to form a three-tailed fox totem.

"Where is it?" Luo Bin asked excitedly.

The bumblebee flapped one wing violently, and the bees in the air quickly moved. The 'three-tailed fox' suddenly turned into a 'head cut to the right'. The bumblebee flew to the tip of the 'arrow' and led the swarm to fly to the right. Bin put away the iron box and ran to catch up.

As if tireless, Luo Bin passed by pine trees and crossed road blocks. He had lost count of how many turns he had made. He only had one thought in his mind: to follow the swarm and find the three-tailed fox.

After a long time, the bee swarm led him to a wide meadow swamp. When Luo Bin was thinking about how to cross the meadow, the bumble bee once again gave the order to change the formation, and the "cutting head forward" suddenly turned into a "drama". Water fox' totem.

"You mean the three-tailed fox often hangs out here?" Luo Bin asked in surprise.

The bumblebee flew up and down like a human nod.


Luo Bin took out ten boxes of osmanthus powder. After the bees had eaten their fill and left, he stood on a stone and took a good look at the meadow and swamp in front of him.

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