Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 109 Being kicked five meters away?

The meadow swamp is low-lying and flat. The water depth varies from high to low, with the high water reaching the thighs and the low water reaching the ankles. There are also many hair-like water plants growing in the swamp.

A white bird with a dark blue belly and no feathers, and its feathers were blown out, was wading through the water with its paws in search of fish and shrimps to eat.

Luo Bin watched the meadow swamp and was about to get off the rocks when a throaty laughter suddenly sounded behind him. Before he could turn around to look, his back suffered a violent impact.


Luo Bin fell face down into the swamp. After he got up and wiped the water plants off his face, he saw a white fox with three tails squatting on the stone he was standing on and smiling at him. After he finished laughing, He also sticks out his tongue and shakes his head in provocation.

Who can bear this?

Luo Bin pounced forward and threw the white fox to the ground. He pressed his left elbow on the white fox's chest and gave it an uppercut on the cheek with his right hand.

Not to be outdone, the white fox kicked his hind legs upwards like a bicycle pedal. Taking advantage of the pain in Luo Bin's abdomen, the strength of his elbows was greatly reduced. He rolled over and pinned Luo Bin under him. He opened his fox mouth and bit into Luo Bin's chest.

Luo Bin endured the severe pain in his chest, grabbed the fox's ears, and pulled its face toward its head. At the same time, he bent his legs and kicked the fox's stomach with his knee. Taking advantage of the pain, the fox trembled and turned over. Keep it under you.

The white fox swung its head wildly like crazy. After the fox ears threw away Luo Bin's big hand, it bared its teeth and bit the man's chest. Luo Bin leaned back to avoid it. The next second, he lost his balance and was pressed by the fox again. Under the body.

Seeing that the fox's mouth was about to bite again, Luo Bin quickly grasped the fox's upper and lower jaws with both hands. At the same time, he raised his legs and crossed them to lock the white fox's abdomen. With a strong force on his back, he pressed the white fox under him again.

Then, he slid his hands down and strangled the white fox's neck.

The white fox kicked its limbs wildly and struggled to resist. However, this time Luo Bin held on to the determination not to loosen his strength even if his flesh was kicked to pieces.

Gradually, "stepping on the wheel" turned into "stepping on cotton." After a minute, the fox's body suddenly twitched, and then its eyes rolled up and its tongue stuck out, and it died.

Luo Bin: (⊙ω⊙`), um, could I have strangled him to death?

Luo Bin put his index and middle fingers together, and brought his fingertips close to the tip of the white fox's nose. After not feeling the warm breath, he moved his palm down and placed it against the plush chest. He touched it again and again but could not feel his heartbeat.

If you can't feel the heartbeat, it doesn't mean there is no heartbeat.

Luo Bin pushed aside the down on the white fox's chest, leaned down, and pressed his ears against the fox's fur.

He listened left and right, and when he was about to continue moving downward, the tips of the white fox's ears suddenly trembled.

Then, the white fox's slanted tongue slowly retracted into its mouth, and its eyes turned back to the center, with a cunning expression on its face.

On the other side, Luo Bin heard the whole chest of the white fox, but did not hear the heartbeat. When he was about to perform cardiac resuscitation on the white fox, he looked up and saw a fox face with a evil smile.

"You're pretending to be dead!!"

The white fox knows very well the principle of "taking advantage of people's confusion to kill them". It clawed at Luo Bin's chest with its front legs and even opened its mouth to try to bite him.

When the fox's mouth reached halfway up, Luo Bin's collar was scratched by its front paws with a squeaking sound.

When the white fox saw the boy's sharp neck line, slightly convex and smooth collarbone, and looming chest muscles, he kicked him five meters away, leaving two drops of nosebleeds, and ran quickly into the forest.

Luo Bin:? ? ? ?

Since you can kick someone five meters away, why are you playing this little trick of "turning around" with me?

Luo Bin got up and took a bath on the spot, then swam back to the shore. He used Unicorn Jasmine's 'Super Healing' skill. After curing his injuries, he put on clean and comfortable clothes and walked into the forest.

When he passed a pine tree with a thick trunk, he found a drop of blood on the root of the tree.

He speculated that it was left behind when the white fox jumped over the tree bend, and then he chased to the right along the direction of the blood droplets.

Unfortunately, the white fox entered the forest and seemed to disappear out of thin air. Apart from the drop of blood, there was no other trace to be found.

Eight hours later, after searching to no avail, Luo Bin returned to the meadow swamp. He chose a highland near the forest and set up a simple tent, planning to rest for the night before searching again.

Late at night, maybe because he was tired or because he was angry with the white fox, he actually had a nightmare.

In the dream, he climbed a sand dune with bare feet under the scorching sun.

When he panted and climbed to the top of the dune, he suddenly discovered that behind the dune - it was still a dune.

He felt that his chest was so tight that he couldn't breathe, and wanted to sit down and rest for a while before moving forward.

However, the moment his butt hit the ground, he was so hot from the sand that he jumped up. Before he could recover, there was another rustling sound behind him.

He turned his head and saw a seven- to eight-meter-long, pink, spineless monster twisting and rushing towards him. He was so frightened that he ran forward quickly, forgetting that the front was downhill and not flat.

Then he lost balance and rolled down the slope.

He felt that sand kept drilling into his ears, eyes, nostrils and mouth. When he rolled to the bottom of the dune, he had no time to shake off the sand on his body. Like a macaque, he used his hands and feet to climb the second dune.

Then, he climbed the third and fourth blocks

When he climbed over the ninth sand dune, his strength was exhausted and he fell face down into the sand with a thud.

He struggled for a long time before he raised his head. At this moment, his face was redder than a white fox's nosebleed, his eyes were blurred, and his chapped lips slowly opened and closed.

He is saying: Water, give me water.

Suddenly, it seemed that a passing god heard his prayer and cast a spell five meters away from him to create a small pool.

The appearance of the pool gave him hope.

However, his weak and trembling legs could not hold him up at all.

He had no choice but to insert his hands into the sand and use the remaining strength of his arms and back to slowly move towards the pool.

Fifteen minutes later, with his back molars bleeding, he finally crawled to the edge of the pool. He scooped up a handful of water and put it into his mouth.

However, when the originally clear and translucent pool water touched his lips, it turned into fiery red magma, which burned his mouth with bubbles. The pale white magma ash made him dizzy.

The combined effect of the two woke him up.

Luo Binshe suddenly opened his eyes, and he looked at the pointed, dark green, canvas-made thing with confusion.

Is this a tent? ! !

In less than three seconds of doubt, he remembered everything such as Norbert chewing the tree, the spider asking for directions, the bee guiding him, and the white fox sneaking up on him.

He wanted to lift the quilt and get a glass of water, but he couldn't move the quilt no matter how hard he pulled it. Moreover, he felt a heavy weight like a boulder on his chest.

Ghost on the bed?

No, if you can still move your hands, it’s not like you’re lying on the bed!

There is another possibility - there is an intruder in the tent.

Luo Bin looked up at the quilt calmly. He was surprised to find that the smelly fox, who had been invisible all day long, was sleeping on his chest like a dead pig. Moreover, the bell on the curtain, All melted into copper lumps.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the fox's sleeping posture for a few times, and he probably understood why he had the nightmare of "walking in the desert".

The white fox's belly is pressed against the quilt, its limbs are open, and its three tails are stretched out like a fan.

Who wouldn’t feel warm under this big plush quilt?

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