Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 110 Whose school beauty is a smoker!

Some of the plots in the nightmare seem to be closely related to the white fox.

for example:

The invertebrate monster chasing people is the reflection of the fox tongue hanging on the edge of the quilt;

The sand that penetrates people's ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouths is the reflection of the white downy paste on the human face;

The pool of water that gives people hope is a reflection of the saliva flowing from the fox's mouth;

Cold water turns into lava because the fox's nose sprays hot air on people's necks;

Luo Bin: →_→, use me as a human mattress, right?

Luo Bin crawled out of the big plush quilt, stretched out his evil hands, and pulled the fox's ears, cheeks, and neck.

Unfortunately, the white fox still slept as deeply as a dead pig, so he had to resort to his trump card - pulling on Mimi.

The white fox suddenly opened its eyes and stared in amazement at the mischievous big hand that reached deep into the fur on its belly.

Luo Bin silently withdrew his hand and said with a smile: "Well, I said I did this to wake you up, do you believe it?"

After hearing this, the white fox rolled its eyes at him. Then, it squatted on the quilt and stared into Luo Bin's eyes with its crimson blue eyes.

"White fox, in the morning, you bite me, and in the evening, I bite you, and then we're even. We don't have any deep hatred, so we sit down and talk, I feel so dizzy, you, you, you"

Luo Bin swore that before he fainted, he saw the dead fox laughing, and it was particularly wild and wanton.

Xianghe Middle School, No. 1 teaching building, rooftop!

Luo Bin was holding an ice cream in his mouth and riding on the low wall outside the rooftop with a confused look on his face.

"Luo Bin! Zhu Zhu didn't lie to me, you are really here."

A girl in a white dress came over and said shyly.

Luo Bin jumped off the wall and stared at the person coming.

She has a small oval-shaped face, which seems to be running too fast, with a thin blush on her cheeks. Her eyes are clear and flawless amber, and there is a trace of charm in her innocent eyes. She also wears Wearing a clavicle chain with two interlocking hearts.

"Are you Lin Yinman?"

Luo Bin asked a little uncertainly.

The girl smiled shyly, "Just call me Yin Yin, or Manman."

Luo Bin: (=°Д°=), Oh my gosh, is it really Lin Yinman, the beauty of Xianghe University? ! !

Luo Bin bit off the cream ice cream in one bite, put the ice cream stick in his pocket, and walked towards the stairs, but Lin Yinman reached out to block his way.

"What's wrong with stopping me?" Luo Bin asked casually.

The girl blinked her amber eyes and said shyly: "Don't go, I have something to tell you."

"Then you have to tell me quickly. I'm anxious to get back to class to make up for my English homework."

After hearing this, the girl looked stunned for a moment, then grabbed the corner of Luo Bin's sleeve and said coquettishly: "I, I, I think."

Luo Bin took a few steps back, pressed the toe of his shoes against the low wall, and said helplessly: "Classmate Lin, if you haven't thought about what to say, then come to me when you have thought about it. I really have to go back."

The girl stretched out her hand to stop him again. Her misty eyes looked at Luo Bin with grievance, and her originally crimson lips were bitten until they turned white.

Finally, she seemed to have gathered enough courage and said, "Luo Bin, I like you."

"Hey, what a big deal it is. If you had told me earlier, we would have been together earlier."

Luo Bin put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

"Ah! You agreed?"

Luo Bin took a side step and forced the girl to the low wall, "What else? You are the beauty of Lin University. You have good looks, a good family background, good studies, and a good personality. I really can't find a reason to refuse. No, take it. Yes, this is a token of our love."

"Snow popsicle stick?"

The girl asked blankly as she looked at the sticks on her palm.

"Yes, it still smells like pine!"

Luo Bin put his hand on the girl's shoulder and said with a smile. After speaking, his arm suddenly exerted force and pushed Lin Yinman off the rooftop.


(The falling girl screams in horror)

Luo Bin held on to the low wall, looked down, and stared at his masterpiece with satisfaction, "Hey, stupid fox, whose school beauty is a smoker? Also, the real Lin Yinman would have married and had children long ago. She became a rich woman weighing 200 pounds."

"Hey, big stupid fox, courtesy is reciprocal. I performed a show with you, so you can do me a favor too!"

The girl's expression suddenly changed from fear to anger. She bared her teeth and wanted to rush up and bite someone.

However, the illusion has been broken, and the surrounding buildings are rapidly collapsing. She can only stare and let Luo Bin laugh.

After the roof collapsed, Luo Bin fell with the bricks. A second before landing, he woke up from the tent.

Seeing the white fox biting a pine branch and glaring at him angrily, he joked: "Oh, be gentle and bite it into pieces. I won't give you another token of love!"


(Sound of pine branches being bitten)

The white fox spat out the pine branch that was broken into three sections in its mouth in shame and anger. After gouging out Luo Bin, it swung its tail and rushed out of the tent.

When Luo Bin got up to chase after him, the meadow and woods were pitch black, without any "white shadow" at all.

Since you can't catch up, go back to sleep.

After experiencing the incident of "white fox breaking into the tent at night", Luo Bin decided to change his plan of "chasing the fox".

The next day, he seemed to be on vacation, walking around and painting with his drawing book in hand. Sometimes he would lie in the bend of a tree and eat snacks such as hamburgers, multi-flavored beans, chocolate frogs, and beef patties.

On the third day, he ran to the depths of the meadow swamp to hunt for fish. After swimming to his heart's content, he touched a lot of fish and shrimps and fed them to the fried white birds.

On the fourth day, he was tired of eating milk burgers and planned to make some fish soup to drink. He made a simple fishing tool using twigs, spider silk, sewing needles, dried reed knots, etc., moved a small bench and sat on the grass. High up in the mountain, wait for the fish (white fox) to take the bait.

When he threw Xiao Eleven into the bucket, Luo Bin caught a glimpse of a fluffy triangular ear emerging from behind the pine tree behind him. He raised the corners of his mouth in a good mood, and then continued to swing the fishing rod to fish.

When Little Twenty was thrown into the bucket, Luo Bin put away his fishing tools and walked down the high ground. After returning to the shore with the water flowing, he cleaned all the gills, scales and internal organs of the twenty small white fish.

Afterwards, I found a good place deep in the forest and started digging a pit, building a stove, lighting a fire, setting up a pot, adding ingredients to make fish soup.

When the fish soup turned white and the aroma spread three miles away, Luo Bin, who was lighting the fire, stood up suddenly and regretted: "Oops, the pepper was left in the tent."

After saying that, he turned around and ran towards the edge of the forest.

About five minutes later, when he returned with the pepper shaker in hand, he saw the white fox with its neck raised to the sky, spitting out a fish bone with satisfaction, and licking the fox's mouth.

Although Luo Bin was mentally prepared, he was still angry when he saw fish bones and fish bones all over the floor and a casserole with not a drop of soup left.

"Hey, stupid fox, you just want to eat secretly, but you don't even leave a single fish for me."

The white fox suddenly heard the questioning and looked startled for a moment. Then, it took a fish bone in good condition to Luo Bin's feet, and kindly pushed the fish bone forward with its paws.

Its sapphire-like eyes were full of urging.

Luo Bin: →_→, the acting is good, but the details are obviously not in place. I can clearly see the ugly look on your face when you pick out the fish bones.

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