Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 112 Those who plot against others will always be plotted against.

After a while, Luo Bin followed Ya and came to the edge of the meadow and swamp.

"Are you ready?"

The white fox asked as he took a running stance.

Although Luo Bin didn't know Ya's next move, he followed suit and assumed a running posture, "Ready."

"Then let's go."

After saying that, it ran forward at a high speed like a bullet that was out of the barrel. Luo Bin also followed closely behind it with enough energy.

Afterwards, one fox and one man played parkour around the meadow and swamp.

When the white fox encounters rocks, moss, and shrubs blocking the road, it does not change its parkour trajectory and just jumps over them.

When Luo Bin saw this, he raised his legs to step over low rocks and sedges. When he encountered tall rocks and shrubs, he activated Noble's "Flying Dragon in the Sky" skill and jumped over them.

After about an hour, the white fox, which had parkoured three times counterclockwise around the meadow swamp and three times clockwise, finally stopped next to a deep puddle.

"Ya, are you playing a prank again?"

Luo Bin put his palms on his knees and gasped.

The white fox glanced at Luo Bin contemptuously, then plunged into the deep puddle.

The water in the pit suddenly changed from "light green" to "inky black", and a thick layer of crimson smoke floated on the water.

When Luo Bin was about to jump in, the black water suddenly bubbled up, and then the white fox jumped out of the water with a stone in its mouth.

Luo Bin, who was splashed with water, said speechlessly: "Well, let's talk about it. Next time if there is any action, can we inform you in advance?"

"If you don't come here, I won't wait for you."

Bai Hu stared at the stone as big as his fist and said.

After hearing this, Luo Bin hurried to the stone without even having time to wring the water out of his sleeves.

The stone is dark green, with grid-like black protrusions all over the surface. There seems to be a luminous object hidden in the center of the stone, because the entire area of ​​the stone that is not covered by the protrusions is emitting light outwards. red light.

Moreover, the red light became brighter and brighter, and when it was so bright that people's eyes would hurt if they stared at it, the white fox raised its tail, jumped sharply, plunged into the red light and disappeared.

When Luo Bin saw this, he followed closely and jumped into the red light. The next second, he landed in a gray world with depression everywhere.

The ground under your feet is like a dirt road paved with cinder ash. Every time you step on it, a circle of black mist will be thrown up. As far as you can see, it is all cut off in the middle. The rotten pine trees bending towards the south seem to be blown away by the wind. Broken into countless pieces of wood.

"Where is this?" Luo Bin asked.

"The Crooked Forest, thousands of years ago~"

The white fox seemed to have returned to its old nest, stretching its body comfortably, and its voice changed from "beating a gong" to a lazy "gulping throat".

"Well, I don't believe that stone has the ability to allow people to travel through time and space for thousands of years."

The third part of the original book mentioned a magical device that allows people to travel through time and space - the time turner.

The object looked like a golden timepiece with a gold chain.

Every time it rotates, you can go back an hour.

Hermione had obtained this object from Minerva Magna and used it to complete multiple elective courses that had overlapping classes.

However, Luo Bin didn't believe that the red-emitting stone could allow people to go back to thousands of years ago.

"Where do you think we are?" Bai Hu asked in a frivolous tone.

"We're in the stone!"

Seeing the white fox's expression stagnant and his pupils shrinking, Luo Bin laughed and said, "I guessed it right. That stone should have been cast with a spell similar to the Traceless Stretching Curse, and the internal space expanded to the point where it could fit an entire forest. .”


The white fox made a sound of disgust, then swung its tail and walked forward slowly. Every time it took a step, it would splash up two circles of black mist. Luo Bin shrugged his shoulders and followed in stride.

About half an hour later, one fox and one person came to a huge pine tree.

It is so thick that even three people holding hands cannot encircle its main trunk. Unlike other rotten pine trees, its cross-section retains a side branch as thick as a thumb. The side branches have three branches, each of which is branched. There was a green leaf growing on it.

"It's still alive." Luo Bin said in surprise.

The white fox raised his chin, his expression full of pride, "With it, the splendor of the fairyland can be reshaped."


"That's right, in the Crooked Forest ten thousand years ago, there were the Demonic Fire Trees that released magical fires, the Heavenly Bamboo that could detoxify hundreds of poisons, the Blue Brocade Magpie with crunchy bones, and the mountain spring water as sweet as honey. That's the Demonic Fox Clan. Wonderland. Okay, are you ready to jump down?"


The white fox raised its right front paw, gathered enough strength, and slapped the ground heavily. In an instant, all the black ash within two meters of the paw flew upward, making people unable to open their eyes.

A few minutes later, the black ash fell back to the ground. Luo Bin opened his eyes and suddenly found a large hole about one meter in diameter beside the pine tree.

He walked to the edge of the cave and asked quietly: "Jump from here, right?"

"Yes, but it's easy to jump down, but it's difficult to come up alive."

After the white fox finished speaking, he bounced and knocked the person into the hole.

It looked at the young man's falling state, grinning almost to the base of his ears.

However, within three seconds of being happy, a strong pulling force grabbed its right front paw and pulled it into the hole.

When it saw a white rope as thick as a mung bean tied between its right front paw and the boy's ankle, it immediately understood the source of the pulling force.

Luo Bin: →_→, yes, those who plot against others will always be plotted against.

Luo Bin, who was falling rapidly, found that the diameter of the hole became larger the further he went down. He also saw some things that should not have appeared in the hole.

Such as wired telephones, old-fashioned refrigerators, single spring beds, upright pianos, gramophones, gold plates, tin kettles, etc. Moreover, those things seemed to be weightless, suspended in the air motionless.

Luo Bin once suspected that those things were fake. He deliberately opened his arms and hit a golden bell. When he heard the jingling sound, he no longer doubted it. He also tightened his arms and legs, lowered himself and hit it. The odds of those things.

For a long time, when the white fox's expression changed from shock and confusion, to gritted teeth and anger, then to calmness, and then to despair, Luo Bin, who was still falling, saw the bottom of the cave.

The bottom of the cave is hemispherical, just like the Room of Requirement that I have been to before. There are more than a dozen "garbage mountains" on top, such as a mountain of waste rocks, a mountain of waste furniture, a mountain of waste branches, a mountain of waste cold weapons, etc.

If this was smashed into the mountain of useless cold weapons, it would not be stabbed into a sieve of blood!

Luo Bin stared at the bottom of the cave and glanced back and forth. Finally, directly below him and a little to the right, he found a well-preserved spring sofa bed that was one meter wide and two meters long next to an abandoned grand piano. He immediately decided to use the bed as his fall point.

"Hey, Big Stupid Fox, there is a spring sofa bed on the lower right side of me. Be careful when you land, so you don't get poked into a sieve of blood and splatter me with blood."

What he responded to was an angry roar.

After Luo Bin knew that Bai Hu knew the safe landing point, he crossed his arms and hugged his calves, tightened his chin and rolled himself into a ball, and moved half a meter to the right while shaking his waist and abdomen.

Then, with his back facing down, he hit the spring sofa bed hard.

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