Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 113 The fox’s mouth is not ordinary!


(Sound of someone hitting the bed)


(Sound of people being ejected)

Luo Bin:? ? ?

Luo Bin underestimated the elasticity of the bed. When he bounced up three or four meters, he still did not fall.

Moreover, directly above him, five meters away, there was a large thing with a black and white grid, a hemisphere, and more than ten cubic meters hanging upside down.

Just when Luo Bin was about to activate the Rubik's Cube skill to prevent himself from hitting the big thing, his back suddenly received a violent impact, and then, he smashed into the big black and white square thing like a continuously accelerating cannonball.

Click! Click!

The shell of the big thing has a texture like thin ice and shatters into slag upon impact.

The next second, there was a loud bang, and Luo Bin hit the tile. Then, he felt that his brain was congested and he was dizzy. He lay on the ground and panted for two or three minutes before he regained his strength.

Then, he sat cross-legged on the ground and looked up at his surroundings.

This is a hemispherical room with a checkerboard-like black and white grid on the floor and dome. The difference between the two is that the squares on the floor are larger.

The room was very strange. There were no doors around it, but there was a square table in the center. The table was covered with a black velvet cloth, and on the cloth was a roll of parchment tied with a green string.

The white fox that bumped into the person's back was squatting at the table, staring at the parchment. As for the white rope tied to the fox's paw, it had already bitten off.

Luo Bin untied the white rope around his ankle, walked to the square table, picked up the parchment, pulled off the green rope, and slowly unfolded it.

The words on the paper are the same as the words in the book that sealed the dark ghost.

Luo Bin's brain was working rapidly and he translated the words on the paper.

[If you are destined to solve the puzzle on the table, you can open the door to the treasure house. As for how many treasures you can take away, it all depends on your own ability. 】

"What's written on it?" Bai Hu came over and asked.

"See for yourself." Luo Bin stretched the paper in front of it and said.

The white fox frowned, "The parchment has been banned, and what is written on it cannot be seen by the nine-tailed demon fox clan."

"Nine-tailed demon fox?"

The white fox waggled its tail and said arrogantly: "Yes, I have the blood of the nine-tailed demon fox flowing in my body. As long as I practice racial inheritance diligently and grow nine tails, I can revive the ancient clan." brilliant."

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), if you are ambitious, three tails will turn into nine tails, the difficulty level is not ordinary!

"What exactly is written on that parchment?"

The blue eyes of the white fox are almost stuck to the paper, but there is still no trace of ink visible.

Luo Bin roughly repeated the translated content. After hearing this, the white fox raised its paws to pull at the square table. However, the square table was like a virtual image, which could be seen but not touched.

The white fox suddenly jumped forward, and its body was covered by the 'square table virtual image'. The next second, a plush fox head appeared in the center of the black velvet cloth.

It said in the tone of watching a good show: "Oh, the square table is fake. Someone has worked hard, but in the end, I can only get a few 'rags' back. Well, that bed is so big, you are so small, you can't carry it." Do you have to move?”

This fox has an unusual mouth!

However, Luo Bin was not a vegetarian. He touched his right chest and retorted: "Huh, small body? I don't know who it was. After glancing at me for a few times, he ran away with a nosebleed."


The white fox's eyes turned red with embarrassment, and he ducked down and disappeared.

Luo Bin put away the parchment, opened his arms and grasped a corner of the tablecloth with both hands, shook it up and down, and then jerked it to the right. The true face of the square table was exposed to his sight.

"You can touch it?"

The white fox poked his head out when he heard the noise and saw that there was no black cloth on the table. He asked in disbelief.

"Otherwise? Come out quickly, your big stupid head is blocking the key information."

Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and said, in fact, when he just picked up the parchment, he felt the touch of the tablecloth on his fingertips.

The white fox rolled his eyes in anger, and then, driven by curiosity, he walked to the table and looked at it with him.

The tabletop is made up of many 4cm square wooden blocks. Each wooden block is painted with a pattern, but the adjacent wooden blocks are not connected together at the breaking points of the pattern lines. Moreover, in the center of the square table, There is also a 2×2cm gap.

Luo Bin slowly retreated to the wall, stood on tiptoe and squinted at the square table. Finally, with a slight smile, he said: "Okay, I figured it out. The puzzle on the table is a Huarong Road, or an enhanced version of the 64×64 grid. Hmm. , looks like a landscape painting???”

"Can you solve this problem within a month?"

The white fox was lying on the ground with a lazy voice, as if it decided that the other party was dull, and if it took a long nap, the table would not change.

"For one month, who are you looking down on?"

Although the white fox didn't speak a word, its expression and movements seemed to say: Believe me.

Luo Bin ignored the white fox and walked straight back to the table. The difficulty of the tabletop puzzle was that the wooden blocks were not serially numbered, and there was no original picture as a reference. Moreover, the number of wooden blocks was as high as 4095 (one was missing in the middle).

Luo Bin believes that before pushing the wooden block, the original picture must be sorted out.

He used the Silverfish Spirit Insect's 'Broad Book' skill to carve out 4095 gray wooden blocks. At the same time, he silently recited a spell to summon Nagini in human form.

"Are you targeting foreign aid again?"

Bai Hu looked at the purple-clothed beauty who appeared out of thin air and said in shock.

Luo Bin: →_→, what is this? If Grant hadn't gone back to the Burrow to chase Lilissa, I would have called him out to help.

"What do I need to do?" Nagini asked gently.

Luo Bin put the gray wooden blocks on the floor and said, "Putting the wooden blocks together, put the wooden blocks with connected patterns together."

After hearing this, Nakini put her legs together and sat sideways on the ground elegantly. She glanced back and forth at the pile of wooden blocks for ten seconds, then picked up four wooden blocks and handed them to Luo Bin, "It's a leaf. It needs to be pressed down into an L shape." Only by arranging them can you see that they are leaves.”

After Luo Bin put the four wooden blocks together, he put them aside for later use. Then he said to the white fox who wanted to get close to him but couldn't hide his face, "Ya, come here and help me."

"No help!"

The white fox pretended to be reserved.

"Come on, aren't you curious about what kind of picture these wooden blocks will make?"

"emm, okay~"

After stretching, the white fox walked slowly forward, raised its paw and pulled out four wooden blocks, and said proudly: "Here, it's a ladybug that absorbs water. It must be arranged in a '+' shape."

Luo Bin picked out two wooden blocks that he had already targeted and placed them under the white fox's four wooden blocks. The water droplets sucked by the ladybugs suddenly took on a specific shape - a thin oval shape.

Then, one person, one snake and one fox cooperated with each other to join the wooden blocks.

After about two hours, they spelled out a lot of small patterns made of 2-6 wooden blocks.

Under the leadership of Luo Bin, the small patterns were pieced together into large patterns, and the large patterns were arranged according to the sections of the picture.

Finally, pick up the remaining pieces of wood and slowly draw out the details between the blocks.

after an hour.


The last piece of wood fell to the end of a vine, and at the same time, a dreamy and fairyland-like forest landscape came into their eyes.

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