Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 114 Samoyed turns into Teddy instantly

In the center of the painting, there is a path paved with rocks. On both sides of the path are several large pine trees with crooked trunks. There are countless hanging vines wrapped around the pine branches. There are many unnamed trees growing under the trees. herbs.

At the end of the path, there is an old wooden house with a steeple. The outer wall of the wooden house is covered with vines. At the same time, the entire painting is dotted with fluorescent lights, giving people a dreamy feeling that is not something from this world. .

"Wonderland, home, woo woo~"

The white fox lay beside the painting, sobbing. Seeing this, Luo Bin couldn't help but think of the Samoyed he had fed.

When Yeye laughs, his eyes are crooked, which is very healing. When Yeye is sad or sick, he is like a little fox, lying on the ground, with his nose twitching and two wet tears flowing out.

Luo Bin had never been able to resist the poor little fluffy one, and the big stupid fox's sobbing made his heart melt.

He walked forward, put his arms around the white fox's neck and comforted him: "Little fox, don't cry. The Crooked Forest is not bad now. There are fried birds for you to catch, puddles for you to jump in, and tree bends for you to Come on, there's honey for you to steal, so I'll go, why are you so crazy?"

"There's no point in talking. If you want me to be happy, just do it."

The white fox opened the boy's collar with its front paws, and licked the collarbone and chest muscles with its tongue from top to bottom. Then it quickly ran to the wall, holding out its feather duster-like fox tail, and made a perverted sucking sound.

Luo Bin: (°ο°), Samoyed turned into Teddy instantly, you are so tortured!

"Its temperament is quite out-of-the-box!"

Nagini thought for a long time before coming up with such an adjective.

"It's not that the temper is out of control, it's that the temperament is split."

After chatting for a while, Robin and Nagini silently recited a spell to put it back into the Rubik's Cube.

Then, he walked to the low table, found out where the first two rows of wooden blocks were in the 'Wonderland', and used the 'circle pushing method' and 'г substitution method' to push the 192 wooden blocks back to their correct positions.

After that, he kept repeating the movements of finding points, pushing circles, and г substitutions.

Two hours later!


A wooden block was pushed to the lower right corner of the table.

The notch above the wooden block has a gray-brown background color, which happens to blend in with the main trunk of the pine tree.

This means that the tabletop puzzle has been solved.


There was the sound of gears turning under the square table.


The tabletop split into four pieces, and each piece moved outward, revealing a circular black hole in the center of the table.

Then, a strong suction force sucked him into the black hole.

Luo Bin felt like a piece of clothing that had been thrown into a drying bucket, with his back pressed against the black hole, spinning around and around, but miraculously, his head didn't feel dizzy at all.

About a minute later, he landed face down with a thud on the light green, frosted, curved ground.


Luo Bin raised his hand and was about to rub his sore forehead, but suddenly felt his whole body sliding down and hurriedly put his hand back.

His toes, nails, and chest worked together to stop his body from sliding down.

After he took a long breath, he raised his eyes and looked at his surroundings. After looking at his surroundings, he couldn't help himself.

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢)

This is an extremely dangerous space. From the appearance, it looks like a huge wide-mouthed jade bottle with no bottom, and Luo Bin is lying on the shoulder of the bottle.

Below the bottle shoulder is an abyss, and above the bottle shoulder is a five-meter-high bottleneck. There is a shining golden treasure box beside the mouth of the bottle. Next to the treasure box, there is a white rope as thick as a little finger, hanging down into the jade bottle.

At this moment, Luo Bin only had one thought in his mind: go to Pingzui.

He recited a spell silently and activated Noble's 'Flying Dragon' skill in the sky. However, three minutes later, invisible dragon wings still had not grown on his back.

He recited a spell silently and tried to summon dragon-skin gloves, sharp-clawed spider silk, Norbert, Nagini, etc. However, there seemed to be some strange magnetic field in the 'jade bottle' space, which cut off his connection with the Rubik's Cube, making him unable to see But the objects in the Rubik's Cube cannot be summoned.

Suddenly, a line of red letters appeared on the jade in front of him: Dear man, the treasure is on it. Whether you can get it or not depends entirely on your own 'ability'.

Luo Bin: (╥╯^╰╥), it seems that this round is going to be a battle of physical strength.

Luo Bin put his hands into his sleeves and tightened the cuffs to increase friction. At the same time, his toes, knees, hips, chest and chin were tightly pressed against the surface of the bottle. He slowed down his breathing, bit by bit. Move to the right.

When he moved 70cm away from the rope, he stretched out his hand to grab the rope. Just when his fingertips were about to touch the rope, the hemp rope teleported to the opposite side.

After Luo Bin was stunned for a few seconds, he continued to move to the right.

However, when he was about to catch the rope the second time, the hemp rope teleported to the opposite side with a hiss. The third and fourth times were the same.

By the fifth round, Luo Bin had mastered the technique. He stopped reaching for it, and instead shortened the distance between himself and the rope little by little.

When it shrank to only 2cm, he found that the rope that was close at hand disappeared again. He turned his head and looked back, and sure enough, the hemp rope appeared on the opposite side.

Luo Bin: →_→, the rope version of ghost beating the wall? Or is there no hemp rope in the jade bottle at all?

To verify his suspicion, he started to move to the left, and after moving about 1cm, the hemp rope returned to its original position.

Then, he moved to the right again. When the hemp rope disappeared, he moved to the left. When the hemp rope appeared, he moved to the left.

After repeating this for ten times, Luo Bin successfully caught the rope and teleported to a critical distance. He looked at the nearly transparent hemp rope and thought in his mind: Could the treasure box on the bottle mouth also be an illusion?

Yes or no, you will know if you climb up and take a look.

However, climbing up the bottleneck is much more difficult than moving left and right on the shoulders.

For every 3cm he climbs up, he slides down 1cm.

When I reached 2/3 of the climb, my toes slipped and my whole body fell rapidly. I dug my fingernails into the jade wall until it started to bleed. I stopped sliding down when I reached the bottom of the bottle shoulder.

His feet almost kicked out sparks before he returned to the original position.

Luo Bin: We can't continue like this. We have to think of some way to increase the friction.

Luo Bin thought for a moment and decided to start from the bottom first.

He put the tip of his left toe against the heel of his right shoe and pushed it down suddenly. The moment the shoe came off, his heart skipped a beat, and he even had the illusion of hearing the sound of the shoe hitting the ground.

After the other shoe was also kicked off, his toes rubbed against the jade wall and the socks were torn. He also put his fingers together and arched the back of his hands upwards, making a dent in his palms.

When everything was ready, he took a deep breath and continued to climb towards the mouth of the bottle.

Every time he climbed up, his toenails would dig into the jade wall. When his palm landed on the jade wall, he would slightly loosen his thumb. After expelling some of the air, his thumb would quickly close to his index finger.

This method of exhausting air to increase suction is inspired by suction cups.

The friction and suction increased, and it was much smoother to climb up. Twenty minutes later, he stopped at the transition zone between the bottleneck and the bottle mouth. He planned to rest for a while and regain some strength before rushing to the bottle mouth in one breath.

However, what he saw inadvertently when he raised his eyes made him breathless in shock.

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