Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 115 The leader of the nine-tailed demon fox clan

The surface of the treasure box was very smooth, so smooth that it could be used as a mirror. When Luo Bin raised his head and glanced randomly, he caught a glimpse of the virtual image inside the bottle reflected on the surface of the treasure box: a barefooted little man, lying headfirst at the mouth of the bottle.

He looked up, and so did the villain.

He turned his neck and drew a circle, and the villain also turned his neck and drew a circle.

Luo Bin: →_→, so, that villain is my virtual image!

Luo Bin narrowed his eyes and recalled what he encountered after entering the Deadwood Forest.

Stupid fox slaps the ashes, falls into the big hole, hand slaps the bell, round-bottomed garbage pile, spring bed, black and white and more!

After being bounced by the spring, there was only the feeling of hitting something, but no feeling of falling down. So how did he fall on the floor of the black and white grid space?

Now think about it, the congestion and dizziness in the brain after entering the black and white space are very similar to the feeling of hanging upside down.

Maybe the sound of shoes hitting the ground just heard was not an illusion.

Now, if Luo Bin continues to climb up, there will be two possibilities.

First, climb out of the jade bottle and get the treasure chest;

Second, if you slip into a bottomless pit, there is no possibility of climbing out;

After Luo Bin thought deeply for a while, he decided to follow his intuition.

He straightened his arms and legs, turned over with force from his abdomen, and then slid down quickly against the jade wall with his back.

As soon as his body slipped over the 'bottle shoulder', he landed on the lawn with a thud. Moreover, the shoes he had kicked off before were quietly staying one meter away from him.

He put on his shoes and walked to the treasure chest, and found a bottomless light green jade bottle next to the treasure chest. The bottle was also glowing with a beam of white light that penetrated the bottom of the mouth. If the angle of view was slightly moved, the position of the white light would change.

Luo Bin flicked the bottle mouth a few times in retaliation, then opened the treasure box on the side.

There are two spaces inside the treasure chest separated by a wooden board. The left side is filled with colorful palm-sized cloth bags, and the right side is filled with a golden key and a roll of parchment.

Luo Bin picked up a yellow cloth bag, and after opening it, he found that it had been cast a traceless stretching spell. The 12m space was filled with gold sand. He picked up a green cloth bag and found that the 9m space was filled with gold sand. As for the various scarce medicinal materials, it is open to question whether their efficacy is well preserved.

Luo Bin counted and found that there were 12 cloth bags in the box, and any one of them could turn a beggar into the richest man in the world.

After looking at the left side, it was time to look at the right side. He picked up the parchment, took off the tether, and slowly unfolded it.

[Destined friend, congratulations on successfully finding the treasure chest. Now, you can smash the jade bottle and return to the starting point with the cloth bag, or you can abandon the cloth bag and come to me with the key, and I will give you an unexpected surprise. 】

Cloth bag VS key, one is about wealth and the other is unexpected surprise. After struggling for a while, Luo Bin picked up the golden key.


A copper door appeared out of thin air and slammed down next to the treasure chest. After Luo Bin took a deep breath, he opened the copper lock with the golden key, pushed the door open and walked in.

He entered a dreamlike wonderland, with rocky paths, crooked pine trees, tangled vines, spiers, and glowing bugs.

Could it be said that the wood block painting of Huarong Road was based on the scene here? ! !

Luo Bin curiously poked a glowing bug. After finding that it couldn't be poked, he went to pick up the grass on the roadside. However, let alone pulling out the grass roots, the blades of grass didn't even move.

It was written on the parchment. If you want to get a surprise, you must first find the person who wrote the letter.

Luo Bin returned to his original position and stared, splitting the scene in front of him into nine grids, and then compared each grid image with the large pattern of wooden blocks in his impression, and found out the difference between the two - in the attic of the pointed wooden house windows.

In the painting, the attic windows were dark, but in front of me, the windows were glowing with orange light.

Luo Bin stepped on the rocky path, carefully avoiding the glowing bugs, and arrived in front of the pointed wooden house. When he was worried about how to get in, the wooden door clicked and a large crack popped up automatically.

After Luo Bin took a deep breath, he squeezed in sideways.

The first floor of the wooden house is very empty, with only a stone table, a tree stump chair, and a potted plant that cannot be named. The wooden stairs are decayed to the point of blackening, but when you step on them, they feel as hard as stone and do not creak. Voice.

After going up to the attic, the small dark brown wooden door opened automatically with a few creaks.

The attic is five meters high. In the center is a large round bed that occupies half of the house. There is a small desk by the window. There is a crystal ball on the table, and the ball is shining with orange light.

Luo Bin walked to the table and felt dizzy as soon as his hand touched the crystal ball. When the dizziness disappeared, he found that the scene in front of him had changed again.

At this moment, he was in a space filled with orange sunset. The ground he stepped on was light green, and there was 1cm of water on it. Every step he took would create circles of water waves.

Luo Bin walked forward while treading water, and kept shouting: "Hey, is anyone here?"

When he shouted until his throat felt a little itchy, the sound of treading water suddenly came from behind him. Luo Bin turned around and saw a huge nine-tailed white fox running towards him.

Its eyes were as blue as Ya's, and there were a few tufts of black hair on its inner ears. When it ran, its huge fox tail was as light and elegant as a rootless feather. When it was still five meters away from people, the fox's body A milky white halo appeared, and in the next second, it transformed into a human being and walked towards Luo Bin.

"You are?"

"Ya, the leader of the nine-tailed demon fox clan."

"Are you a stupid fox?"

The woman in front of me is beautiful and majestic, and her eyes can capture people's hearts with just a glance. However, her temperament is noble and cold. No matter how the big stupid fox evolves, it is impossible to change its playful and noisy temperament. Lecherous temperament.

"Ya is a nickname. Anyone who is the leader of the nine-tailed demon fox clan can be called Ya. If you are destined, the 'big stupid fox' you call should be the current leader of our clan."

Destined person! ! !

Could it be that the letter was left by her? ?

"What does the 'surprise' on the parchment refer to?" Luo Bin raised the golden key and asked tentatively.

"Magic stone!" 'Ya' said calmly.

"Magic stone?"

"Well, our tribe calls the stones that contain magic power magic stones. Magic stones are very good for you, aren't they?"

Luo Bin looked at 'Ya''s meaningful eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. He tightened his grip on the key and said, "You can imagine how precious the magic stone is if you put it at the last level. I don't think you will do it without any conditions. Give me the magic stone."

'Ya' listened with admiration, "The war ten thousand years ago caused the Crooked Forest to be destroyed by magic fire. I will give you the magic stone, and you will help me reshape the forest and take good care of the current people." leader."

"It's been burned to cinders, how can we reshape it?" Luo Bin asked deliberately.

'Ya' smiled lightly and said, "You are very smart, but you are dishonest. If our clan had the awareness to keep your cards close to your chest at the beginning, we would not have ended up with 'their home was destroyed and the clan withered'. If you hadn't" If you don't have the ability to reshape the forest, I won't show up to see you."

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