Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 116 The Rubik’s Cube is upgraded to two levels in a row

Luo Bin: (ー_ー)!!, well, the last words of the nine-tailed fox can be regarded as opening the ‘skylight’. Emm, the Whomping Willow can be collected into the Rubik's Cube, and the relics of the 'Crooked Forest' should also be collected.

"Where are the forest relics?"



"When the forest was burned down by demonic fire ten thousand years ago, I exhausted all my energy to activate my clan's forbidden technique and blend the 'seed' into the bones, blood and souls of the younger members of the clan."

"As long as Ya follows you, she can use your ability to rekindle the 'seed' to life."

Speaking of this, she took a few steps forward excitedly, but there was no hint of coercion or moral kidnapping in her eyes.

"The big stupid fox is free and easy by nature, and it doesn't look like he would lower his head and follow people!"

'Ya' Routi raised her head slightly and conjured up a roll of parchment, "It can do it. Give it this letter and it will understand what it should do after reading it."

Luo Bin took the parchment and said solemnly: "Okay, I want this 'surprise'."

"Okay, I'll take you to the magic stone warehouse right now."

After 'Ya' finished speaking, she waved her sleeves and wanted to send her away, but Luo Bin stopped her.

"Wait a minute, I have another question. Are Big Stupid Fox and I always inside the dark green stone?"

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, the spaces are stacked one after another, almost making people dizzy.

'Ya' shook her head and said with a smile: "You and it have never entered the stone. There is a magic circle engraved on the black stone. The magic circle can transport you to the secret space built thousands of years ago. However, Ya's thoughts should be similar to yours, after all, I have never revealed the secret of the Black Spirit Stone to my tribe."

"Then, what about the hovering objects in the cave and the garbage pile at the bottom of the cave?"

"If an ax is used to chop wood for a long time, the blade will become warped and cracked. Even if it is left unused, it will be covered with rust, let alone the secret realm that has lasted for tens of thousands of years. However, I have cast a spell on the secret realm. Technique, it won’t suck in living creatures, as for hovering”

'Ya' shook her head and continued: "They are not hovering, they are falling too slowly, so slow that the naked eye cannot see that they are falling."

"I see, send me to the magic stone warehouse!"


After 'Ya' finished speaking, she gently waved her sleeves.

In an instant, the scene Luo Bin was in changed again.

At this moment, he was in a gray space. There was a treasure box and a bottomless jade bottle at his feet. In front of him was a pile of indigo blue stones as big as a hill. Every stone in the pile had a bowling ball. As big as they are, they all emit fluorescence.

It is known that if you break the jade bottle, you can return to the starting point, but damn, there are too many things to take away!

Want to try the Rubik's Cube skill again? ? ?

Luo Bin closed his eyes and silently recited the release spell. He counted 60 times in his mind, but his ears still didn't catch any movement.


After taking a long breath, he slowly opened his eyes, and then he saw

He saw a long-tailed black dragon, its wings curled up at its sides, its claws gently touching the ground, and it moved furtively toward the pile of rocks.

"Norbert, what do you want to do?" Luo Bin asked speechlessly.

After the black dragon heard his master's voice, he put away his thief-like demeanor, flapped his wings, and stamped his claws on the ground as he ran forward.

It ran to the pile of stones, howled, picked up a stone, chewed it for a few times, and then swallowed it in its stomach.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ, uh, good guy, Xiao Longnu’s recipe has added another general.


When the black dragon heard his master's cry, he frantically rolled stones into his mouth as if he were afraid of being robbed of food. When he reached the eighth stone, he successfully choked himself.

Click! Click!

(The black dragon's voice is stuck)

Luo Bin rushed forward and spent a lot of effort to help it get out the rocks.

The black dragon put its head against its master's chest, humming and acknowledging its mistake and acting coquettishly, but its eyes were always staring eagerly at the pile of indigo stones.

Luo Bin patted the black dragon's horns and said funnyly: "Look at how greedy you are. Don't worry, I will leave some magic stones for you to eat as snacks."

After hearing this, Norbert spun around happily. Finally, he raised his long tail and rubbed his anus with the magic stone, making a bleating sound like a lamb.

Luo Bin: ╰()╯, uh, who did you learn this bad thing from? Emm, think of a way tomorrow to let Norbert know what he can and cannot do as a little female dragon.

After taking the hot-eyed little black dragon back into the Rubik's Cube, he activated the 'Magic Scan' skill.

In an instant, densely packed magic value icons ranging from 100 to 500 appeared on the pile of rocks as big as hills, which was dazzling.

Luo Bin silently recited the incantation "Save Bits" and threw 4/5 of the blue stones into the central axis of the giant Rubik's Cube.

Cultivation value +100, Cultivation value +300, Cultivation value +400, Cultivation value +100 Cultivation value +500!

After casting, he put the remaining 1/4 of the magic stones and the treasure box into the Rubik's Cube storage space. Then, he subconsciously dived into the consciousness sea space, followed his heart, and summoned the sheepskin scroll of magical animals to cultivate the Rubik's Cube.

When Luo Bin saw the red mark of 'lv5', he thought he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes three or four times before he was convinced that the Rubik's Cube had really been upgraded.

In the introduction column, the Rubik's Cube level has changed from the original lv3 (5180/20000) to lv5 (3680/100000). At the same time, the Rubik's Cube has also added four functions.

1. The stocking function can release the magical creatures that have been collected into the grid to a designated location outside for cultivation.

2. Square visualization function, the internal scene of the square containing magical creatures will be concretely displayed to the owner of the Rubik's Cube.

3. Diversified communication function, the owner of the Rubik's Cube can communicate with the magical creatures that have been included in the square without any barriers in different languages.

4. Function of changing at will. When the magical creature in the square is released to the outside world, its body can expand 10 times or shrink 30 times at will. Note: The expansion/shrinking state is maintained without time limit.

Stocking? Visualization? Cross-language communication? Change as you wish?

Every item I pick up is a hit!

Tsk, this trip to Charnovo, Poland was really worth it.

Luo Bin put away the scroll and looked at the giant Rubik's Cube excitedly. He found that the squares where the little creatures lived were no longer a single-color square grid space.

He saw a small white dragon flapping its wings into the rubble after eating the egg shell. He saw a green viper with thick thighs sleeping wrapped around an oak tree.

He saw an ugly mountain monster with 'intelligent' eyes tearing up trees in the forest, and he saw a small white insect crawling around quickly in an old book shop.

He saw the unicorn swinging its pony tail and running wildly by the creek, and he saw the eight-eyed spider Mora lying in the peach blossom forest, eating termites happily.

He saw gray mist the size of marbles, frantically hitting the gravel. He saw a dark ghost with glowing orange eyes, holding a large bucket of blood and getting excited. He saw the little black dragon Norbert, with his tail sticking out and his anus in a frenzy. Rubbing the pine tree

In short, they all live a leisurely life with no worries about food and drink, and judging from the color and value of the evolution progress bar at the bottom of the grid, they have all completed evolution ranging from 1 to 2 levels.

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