Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 118 Success is also a forgetting curse, failure is also a forgetting curse

Luo Bin couldn't stand the musty smell, so he decided to clean up the tent before grilling the fish. But when he was packing up the bedding, he found something under the pillow - an envelope with yellow parchment.

When he saw the shield mark of the four beasts surrounding the letter H on the envelope, he knew that the letter was sent from Hogwarts.

The envelope was written in green ink: Western Poland, Charnovo, Crooked Forest, 500 meters of meadow swamp, dark green tent, collected by Robin Lestrange.

Robin tore open the envelope. The letter reminded him that at 12 noon on September 1st, he would take the 5972 express train at Platform 9 and 3/4 of King's Cross Station and report back to Hogwarts.

The second page of the letter also lists a list of new books to be used in the second grade.

"Standard Spells, Level 2" by Miranda Gorshak

"Wandering with Werewolves" by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Walking with Trolls" by Gilderoy Lockhart

Breaking with the Ghost, by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Walking with Ghouls" by Gilderoy Lockhart

Robin finished reading the book list and stared at the information related to Gilderoy Lockhart in the original book.

Gilderoy Lockhart was born into a mixed-race family with a wizard mother and a Muggle father. He was the only one of three children in the family with magical talent.

The doting of his parents and the envy of his sisters made him extremely vain since he was a child, and he became deeply obsessed with the pleasure of being praised by others.

When Gilderoy was 11 years old, he went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw House by the Sorting Hat. Moreover, the teachers unanimously believed that his abilities and magical talents were much higher than ordinary people, as long as he worked hard and steadily. , you will achieve something in a certain professional field.

At first, Gilderoy did not disappoint his professors. He got good grades in every subject.

However, good grades do not mean getting attention. He longed to be the center of the school and to be praised and discussed. To this end, he tried his best to engage in a series of behaviors to gain attention.

For example, he brags that he will catch up with Nico Flamel and create a more powerful magic stone before graduation.

Bragging about his Quidditch talent, he attracted the attention of the national team, who believed that he had the hope of leading the team to win the World Cup.

Bragging about his career goals: becoming the youngest Minister of Magic in British history.

In addition to bragging, he also lobbied the principal to establish a school newspaper, carved a 6-meter-long "Gilderoy Lockhart" signature on the Quidditch pitch, and magnified a virtual image of himself with a toothy smile dozens of times before throwing it into the sky.

He also sent himself 800 Valentine's Day cards, which turned the auditorium on the first floor into an owl station on Valentine's Day, with countless feathers and bird poop falling onto the floor and dining tables.

He gradually became a disgusting existence among teachers and classmates. Some people once stood up and accused him of being vain and neglecting his studies, but he did not take it seriously and continued to go his own way and do things to gain attention.

Not long after Gilderoy graduated with the status of being "good at everything, but not good at anything", he suddenly had an "epiphany": he was not an incompetent wizard, but just too lazy.

So, he decided to pick up the wand and practice the Forgetting Spell assiduously. It didn't take long for him to skillfully cast the perfect Forgetting Spell, but maybe his brain did not allow him to know too many things, and he could no longer cast it. A spell other than the successful oblivion spell.

He was not sad about this. Instead, he was proud of being able to cast a perfect forgetting spell. In the name of traveling, he visited those wizards who had done great things to eliminate harm for the people but were not famous.

He used the methods of giving money, helping to write biographies, and collecting anecdotes to find out the specific details of the heroic deeds of those wizards, and cast a forgetting spell on those wizards to make them forget that they had done harm to the people, and also Take all the money you gave away before.

After that, he replaced the protagonist of "Heroic Deeds" with himself, and after a little polishing, he wrote a series of personal biographies of "Gilderoy Lockhart".

With these books, his handsome appearance, and his eloquent mouth, he became a well-known best-selling author in the magical world, won multiple awards, and became the dream lover of millions of middle-aged witches.

Then, he drifted to the point where he thought he could conquer his alma mater.

In 1992, he accepted Dumbledore's invitation and went to Hogwarts as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. After he committed a series of embarrassing and disgusting things, in 1993, he was struck by the Forgotten Curse and forgot everything.

Luo Bin: →_→, tsk, it’s true that the curse of forgetting is the curse of success, and the curse of forgetting is the curse of failure. However, if I remember correctly, Pepper is also one of Gilderoy's fans. Is there any way to make him lose his horse in advance?

While Luo Bin was thinking about a solution, a fox head suddenly appeared on the parchment, "Hehe, grilled fish, I want to eat grilled fish. If we don't set off to the meadow, it will get dark."

"Big stupid fox, you are too big. Even 10 fish are not enough to fit between your teeth. If you can shrink into a little milk fox, I will take you to the meadow to fish right away."

The white fox stared at its master's chest, with red eyes and said, "Then can you carry me? I don't want to be bullied by them (forest beasts) anymore."

As soon as he dozed off, he brought a pillow. Luo Bin said happily: "Okay!"

Ten minutes later, the two of them, who were addicted to breast touching and fox licking, arrived at the meadow swamp.

"Then, that pit has the biggest fish."

The white fox pointed at the puddle in the distance with his paw and said excitedly.

Luo Bin used the "Flying Dragon in the Sky" skill to grow invisible wings. He carried the little milk fox and flew to the edge of the deep puddle. After moving out the small bench, he leisurely caught fish.

The white fox found it boring to sit in its nest, so it ran to a shallow depression to play in the water. While treading, it bumped into a blue-bellied and white-feathered bird.

The fried bird jumped suddenly, and the brown beak went straight towards the fox's ears. The white fox's body became smaller, but its strength did not decrease. It lightly pounced forward, and pressed the fried bird under it, and the fox claws exerted force. With one slap, the bird's head was flattened.

Then, it picked up the bird's neck and strode back to Luo Bin like a warrior who had won a battle.

"An improvised dish - roasted bird!"

"Um, aren't you afraid that it is a rare and protected animal of a certain level?"

The white fox twitched the tips of its ears and said disapprovingly: "No matter how rare it is, can it be as rare as the nine-tailed devil fox? Oh, tomorrow I will steal honey, and the day after tomorrow I will blow up the puddle and kill those smelly fish that bite the fox's mouth. "

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), it seems that the pitiful history of Big Stupid Fox’s ‘little cabbage’ was not made up.

"Why didn't you take revenge on them before?"

As he spoke, Luo Bin burned the bird's feathers, took out its internal organs, inserted the broken pieces of the bird's lungs into the hook, waved his arm up and down, and the fishhook fell into the deep puddle.

The white fox stared at the ripples on the water and asked quietly: "Will wizards take revenge on Muggles?"

Indeed, in the eyes of some wizards, being associated with Muggles is a very shameful and disgusting thing. Taking revenge on Muggles would not only lose their wizard status, but also expose their dark history of being bullied by Muggles.

"How can we take revenge now?"

Luo Bin asked, looking at the calm water.

The white fox shook its tail with a cunning look in its eyes, "Because I am a little milk fox now, and I am going back to take revenge. I am not bullying the weak with the big one~"

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