Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 119 Little Milk Fox’s Revenge


Circles of ripples appeared on the surface of the water, and at the same time, there was a considerable pulling sensation under the water. Luo Bin quickly turned the roller.


A half-meter-long big white fish was pulled out of the water by spider silk. With it, you don’t have to worry about not having enough to eat tonight.

After he had taken care of the birds and fish, he said to the little milk fox chewing water plants: "Let's dig a hole and grill the fish."

The white fox suddenly jumped forward, hooked its claws on the clothes on Luo Bin's chest, and kept scraping his waist with its three furry fox tails.

Luo Bin held the fish bucket in one hand and grasped the tail of the troubled fox with the other, and returned to the shore while fanning his invisible dragon wings.

That night, one person and one fox ate very well, and because the musty smell in the tent had not dissipated, Luo Bin made a bunk in the wild.

The white fox was afraid that he would be cold at night (the average temperature in Poland in August is 12℃~22℃), so he "caringly" transformed into his original form, slumped on the quilt in a "big" shape, which made Luo Bin do it again, hiking in the desert A nightmare to find water.

In the next few days, the white fox shrank into a small milk fox, turning the Crooked Forest upside down.

It destroyed the nest of the bees, smeared the honey everywhere, and wickedly took back a honeycomb as big as a bowling ball, and asked Luo Bin to take out the bee pupae, roast them and feed them to him.

It chewed up the squirrel's hole and fed the squirrel's stock of pine nuts to the birds. However, if there was a blue-bellied and white-feathered bird among the birds that were pecking at the pine nuts, it would rush forward and kill it with one claw. The person was stunned by the photo, and after taking the photo, he hid behind the pine tree again, waiting for the next stupid bird to take the bait.

It also acted coquettishly and acted cutely, begging Luo Bin for some fireworks and shells, and blew up 1/4 of the fish in the meadow swamp, turning its belly upside down.

It also rode on a small-crested porcupine, grinning like a fox, and took out all the thorns on its body.

In short, no one who has bullied it can escape.

Luo Bin has not been idle these days. He not only has to help the little milk fox wipe its butt, such as returning beehives, repairing squirrel holes, burying dead fish, and rescuing thornless crested porcupines, etc., he also has to catch up on summer vacation homework.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance, and so is the law of the forest.

When all the animals in the Crooked Forest teamed up to slay the evil fox, they discovered that the dark green tent was gone, and the earthen stove on the high ground in the distance had also been razed to the ground.

They gnashed their teeth and cursed the evil fox for his shamelessness in their own languages.

London, Charing Cross Street!

Luo Bin walked on the street for a long time before he found the rumored Leaky Cauldron.

The bar is located between a large bookstore and a record store. The door of the bar is very small, and there is no wind window on the door. The passers-by walking on the street seem to not be able to see the bar at all, and their eyes are never dark. Stayed on the door.

After looking around, he opened the door and walked in.

The bar was very dark. Even if the skylight was open and candles were lit, it was as dark as night. It was also very messy. The tables and chairs were placed randomly. Wine bottles were poured all over the table. There was no bartender to clean up the bar. The people dressed in different styles spoke very differently. The wizards gathered together in twos and threes to chat and drink.

As soon as Luo Bin entered the door, the chatter suddenly stopped. After they saw that the person coming was not an acquaintance, they continued chatting with the people next to them.

Robin stood on tiptoe, stepping over the collapsed wine bottle and flaky wine stains, and walked towards the bar. When passing by the long wine table, he heard several short and fat witches discussing Gilderoy. Lockhart's book signing.

He pretended to bend down to tie his shoelaces and listened secretly for a while. Based on the witches' conversation, he summarized a piece of breaking news: In an hour, Gilderoy Lockhart will hold a "Magical Enchantment" event at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. "My" book signing.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), what a coincidence! Will we see Harry, Ron and Pepper soon? ! !

The original book mentioned that on the day of Gilderoy's book signing, the three little ones met to buy books in Diagon Alley.

Harry, who was staying at the Burrow, mispronounced Diagon Alley when using Floo powder. He was teleported to Borkin Burke's shop in Knockturn Alley and witnessed Lucius Malfoy. A secret deal with Mr. Borkin, and later returned to Diagon Alley with the help of Hagrid.

Then, the three little ones reunited, took out money, went shopping, queued up, took photos, bought books, and fought? ? ?

"Young man, would you like a glass of sherry?"

A fat dark witch with brown hair shook a goblet filled with dark yellow wine and teased Luo Bin.

"No, thanks."

Luo Bin knew that the witches had discovered that he was eavesdropping. He quickly walked around the bar and came to a small courtyard surrounded by walls.

There were some weeds growing on the tiles on the small patio floor, and there was a trash can beside the inner wall. Other than that, there was nothing else.

Luo Bin walked to the trash can, took out his magic wand and counted the bricks on the wall. Starting from the trash can lid, he counted three bricks upwards, then two bricks horizontally. Finally, he tapped the bricks three times with the wand. .

Just as Luo Bin put away his wand, the brick he knocked on suddenly trembled and moved. Then, a fist-sized hole appeared in the middle of the inner wall, and the hole became bigger and bigger visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the entrance of the cave turned into a curved archway. As soon as Luo Bin stepped across the archway, the archway became smaller and smaller visible to the naked eye.

He waited until the archway completely disappeared and the wall returned to its original state, then he turned and walked into the winding street paved with cobblestones.

The book signing will start in an hour. So, Robin is not in a hurry to go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. He plans to stroll around Diagon Alley first to pick out some back-to-school gifts for little Ginny. Besides, maybe they will meet each other while shopping. An old friend!

Robin's prediction was correct. As soon as he stuffed the crucible, scale, and telescope into the yellow cloth bag, he saw Fred, George, and their two friends in a shop called "Jumping Magic Joke" on the street. Lee Jordan.

"Hi, Luo Bin, long time no see, would you like some laborious fireworks that bloom when exposed to water?" Fred greeted with a smile.

Luo Bin shook his head and declined, then asked: "How do you plan to play with the fireworks?"

"Emm, I really haven't thought about how to play it yet." "But it's definitely not a normal way to play."

At this time, Lee Jordan came up with a bad idea, "Tear off the colorful clothes, take out the fireworks powder and feed it to the magical creatures."

"Good idea." "It has to be you, Jordan."

After the three of them looked at each other, they laughed in unison.

Luo Bin: (︶︿︶), silently light three candles for the salamander.

Not long after saying goodbye to the three of them, he met Percy again in a junk shop.

Percy stood by the pile of old cloaks, holding a book titled "How Prefects Gain Power" and reading it attentively. Robin shouted several times before he looked up at the door of the store.

"Ron and the others were here half an hour ago. They went to the right."

After Percy finished speaking, he quickly lowered his head and muttered the words 'prefect, responsibility, power, obligation, plan' while reading a book.


The seeds of 'desire for power' had already taken root in Percy's heart. Robin shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

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