Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 121 Little Black Dragon’s Enlightenment Reading Book Destroyed

"Sir, my legs are healed. Let's take some more photos while the light is good at noon. Barnabas Guffey (editor) is very picky in selecting photos."

Trande climbed up in panic. He put all his weight on his left leg. He held up the camera and clicked the flash to prove that he was really fine.

Gilderoy put away his wand regretfully, and when he saw a lightning-shaped scar on the forehead of the boy beside him, he jumped with excitement again, "Are you Harry Potter?"

"Hello, I'm Harry Potter."

Gilderoy was overjoyed and reached out to grab Harry's arm, but Harry ducked away.

When Gilderoy stretched out his hand to continue arresting people, he caught sight of an old book from the corner of his eye that pierced his heart.

"Abandon Glitz: Teach You How to Be an Honest Person"

"You are?" Gilderoy asked with the same smile.

"Robin, Robin Lestrange."

"Le Lestrange, oh, I know you, you and Harry Potter, and who else came to drive away 'that man' and protect the Philosopher's Stone."

Gilderoy stretched out his right hand and said politely.

Robin raised his right hand to shake it back, but Gilderoy suddenly retracted his right hand and stretched out his left hand.

When Luo Bin was thinking about someone's intention to change hands, a burst of flames burst out of the ruby ​​ring and burned the book in his arms to ashes.

Gilderoy covered his left hand, pretending to be surprised and said: "Surprise, Little Red is naughty again! Sorry, Little Red will spit fire in protest when it encounters a book that it doesn't like."

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), what a terrible excuse. You are a well-known writer, but your stomach is so small that you can’t tolerate the little black dragon’s enlightenment reading?

"10 Galleons!" Luo Bin shouted coldly.


"That book is worth 10 gold galleons. Mr. Lockhart, if you don't have enough money, you can mortgage Xiaohong to me first. When you collect enough money, I will return it to you."

"10 Galleons?"

"That's right, I searched for a long time before I found a book full of annotations. If you can give me a copy of "Abandon the Glitz: Teach You How to Be an Honest Person" that you personally annotated, then the matter of the Little Red Burning Book will be forgotten. It’s over.”

Paying 10 galleons vs annotating books

Lockhart decisively chose the former. After paying the 10 Galleons, he added with a smile: "The little hero guarding the Sorcerer's Stone really loves to learn. Even when he is looking for old books, he has to find them full of annotations."

"To be honest, if I had not traveled around the world after graduation and published my personal experience as a biography, but had studied alchemy painstakingly, I would have refined a more powerful magic stone long ago."

"However, I love my current life very much. I polish every book carefully. This is one of the reasons why I can become the best-selling author in the magical world."

"Come on, follow me to the stage. After taking pictures, I will give you one, no, two surprises."

He grabbed the arms of Robin and Harry and tried to pull them forward. However, Robin was like a needle in the sea. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward.

"Robin, it's reasonable for you to burn the books and pay for it. But with so many people looking at you this time, could it be that you want Hogwarts to get a bad reputation as a bad training ground?"

Lockhart smiled. His lips didn't move at all, but a deep voice came from between his teeth.

"You have to bring 'who else' to the stage!"


"Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they also participated in the operation to protect the Philosopher's Stone."

Luo Bin turned his head and said to the two people behind him.

Gilderoy was stunned for a moment, then he enthusiastically pulled Ron and Hermione out of the crowd, "Little heroes, would you like to come on stage with me?"

"Of course," Hermione shouted excitedly.

"I seem to have no reason to refuse." Ron pursed his lips and said.

Then, the four of them were pushed onto the stage by Lockhart.

Lockhart stood between Harry and Robin, putting his hands on their shoulders, smiling and letting Trande take the photo.

Trande sat on the stool brought by the clerk and pressed the shutter button frantically. The purple smoke choked the people in the front row to tears.

"What a beautiful smile."

Lockhart flashed his bright teeth, whether it was Quarobin and the others, or he was praising himself.

When Trande pushed the stool back to the edge of the stage, Harry asked in a low voice: "Can you step off the stage?"

"Don't worry!"

Lockhart's right arm tightened suddenly, locking Harry firmly to his side, and then he shouted to the noisy crowd: "Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet, please listen to me."

When the crowd calmed down and focused on the stage, he continued: "Everyone is gathered together in a store. What a wonderful occasion it is. If we don't announce a happy event, I would be really sorry for this atmosphere."

"Today, the four young heroes walked into Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley, just wanting to buy a complete set of my works. I decided to give them four sets on the spot - the complete set of Gilderoy Lockhart's works."

The crowd burst into warm applause. After Lockhart had enjoyed it for more than ten seconds, he nodded to signal them to stop, "But they don't know that in a short while, they will get something more valuable than my complete set of books - a real , the magical Gilderoy Lockhart.”

"In fact, I have reached a cooperation with Albus Dumbledore. Next month, I will go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to take up the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

The crowd burst into thunderous applause and cheers, and the four of them swayed off the stage holding heavy gifts (the book was too heavy).

"Ron, give me the book. I'll ask for the autograph. You all go outside and wait for me. Quick!" Ms. Molly said, stretching out her hands.

"No, I don't want my textbook to be signed by someone else's name."

"Ron, don't waste time, give me the book quickly." Ms. Molly urged, looking at the idol who was sitting at the desk writing autographs for people.

"I don't!" Ron said stubbornly.



(A stack of thick books fell into the applause of Ms. Molly)


"I just bought all the books on the second grade book list. I'll give this set to Ginny!"

"Great! It's too crowded here. You all go outside and wait for me. Ron, help me keep an eye on Ginny."

Then, the four people squeezed through the crowd and came to the wall.

Ginny held the cracked cauldron and stood obediently by the wall. Her cauldron contained an old quill and three broken books.

The most worn one, "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration," was so torn that the cover was full of tears, the paper was yellowed, and there were mold spots on the sides of the book.

"Ginny, have you bought everything on the list of necessary supplies for new students?" Robin asked.

Ginny shook her head, "Not yet. The things are very scattered and difficult to find. Mom said that after she gets Lockhart's signature, she will take me to look for them one by one."

"No need to look for it. Here, I'll give you a school gift."

Ginny took the palm-sized yellow cloth bag and asked, "This is it?"

"The magic cloth bag has a capacity of about 10 meters. I bought a set according to last year's list of necessary supplies for new students and stuffed it inside. If the witch robe is too big, just ask Ms. Mo Li to change it."

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