Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 122 The Horcrux Diary is not here?

"Robin, the Ministry of Magic stipulates that the Invisible Stretch Spell cannot be used for private purposes. It can only be used on individual items licensed by the Ministry of Magic, such as family tents or school luggage. What will you do? Accused." Ron reminded in a low voice.

Robin: →_→, uh, it seems that your father, Arthur Weasley, was the first person to abuse the Traceless Stretch Curse.

"It's not a traceless stretching spell, but I don't know what it is specifically."

"This is too expensive, I can't accept it."

Ginny returned the cloth bag to Robin and said.

"Once a gift is given, it will not be returned."

After Robin stuffed the cloth bag back into Ginny's arms, he winked at Harry and the other three.

"Ginny, the magic cloth bag is nothing to Robin." Hermione persuaded angrily.

"Ginny, what Robin gave you is exactly what you need. It means this gift is right."

"Ginny, you don't want it, I want it. I'm just looking for a new quill."

Ron knew how to trick his sister. When he reached out to grab something, Ginny hissed and put the yellow cloth bag into her pocket.

"Thank you!" she said shyly.


Suddenly, there was a slight sound of disgust from above the group of people. The next second, Draco Malfoy, with oily hair, strode down the stairs and came to the group of people.

"Ha! Famous little heroes can't even enter a shabby bookstore without attracting attention and becoming front-page news." Malfoy mocked.

Ginny rushed forward and glared at Malfoy, "Don't talk nonsense, he and the others don't want that either."

"Oh, that fierce freckled girl, Potter, Lestrange, which one of you is her little girlfriend?" Malfoy said with a long and evil smile.

Ginny's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. After giving Harry and Robin a panicked look, she lowered her head to her chest and lost the aura of glaring at them just now.

Ron rushed forward, pinched his nose, and said angrily: "Oh, it's you - Splatoon, why does the bookstore smell like shit? Hey, it stinks like hell. Malfoy, are you going to do it again?" That’s it, right?”

Malfoy was so angry that his face turned from white to green, "You poor bastard, in order to buy school supplies, your useless parents will have no money to eat next month."

Ron's eyes were burning with anger. He threw the book into Ginny's cauldron, waved his fist, and was about to hit Malfoy in the eye.

However, Mr. Arthur, who led Fred and George out, rushed forward in time to stop him.

"What do you want to do?" Arthur asked, grabbing Ron's wrist.

"Dad, him"

A tall wizard suddenly appeared and interrupted Ron's words, "Oh, long time no see, Arthur Weasley."

Robin looked at the person quietly. Like Malfoy, he had light blond hair, gray eyes, a pale pointed face, and a tall and thin figure.

However, his eyes were cold, different from the coldness of Snape's empty indifference, but the kind of coldness that was ruthless, calculating and cunning.


Arthur has always been easy-going towards others, but when he saw that the person coming was Lucius Malfoy, his expression could not help but become a little colder.

"I heard that the Department of Misuse of Muggle Products has been very busy recently. Hey, you are checking this house and that house every day. I think the Ministry of Magic pays you a lot of overtime pay, right?"

Lucius put his hand into Ginny's cauldron. He fiddled with it back and forth, and finally pulled out the most worn-out "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration."

"Tsk, I'm afraid such a shabby book won't be able to sit evenly on the table legs. Arthur, he's been working hard for months, but he can't even get a good salary, and even makes his children use rags. Ha, it's hard to be a wizard. What’s the benefit of being a scum?”

After hearing this, Arthur was so angry that his face turned redder than Ginny's, "Lucius, it seems that our understanding of 'scum among wizards' is very different."

Lucius rolled his eyes and fell on the Grangers who were staring at him in panic next to George, "Making friends with Muggles? Arthur Weasley, the depravity of your family is really true. Is there no possibility of hitting bottom?”


Arthur picked up Ginny's cauldron and threw it at Lucius. Then he pounced on Lucius while he was stunned, knocking him into a large bookshelf. Dozens of wizarding celebrity books crashed on their heads.

Lucius grabbed hold of the snake-shaped silver cane and hit Arthur on the head. Arthur ducked his head and punched Lucius in the eye.

The two abandoned their magic and fought hand to hand. Lucius relied on the weapon in his hand and overwhelmed Arthur. Robin activated Nagini's 'Poison Mist Concentrator' skill and shot four or five transparent spider silks at Lucius. The poisonous needle as thin as a needle allowed Arthur to reverse the situation and overpower the opponent.

"Stop, Arthur, Lucius, you two stop quickly." Ms. Molly screamed after hearing the movement.

"Kick him, kick him, good job, Dad~" Fred and George shouted.

"Dad, stop now. If you do this, you will lose your job and it will also affect you," Percy tried his best to dissuade him.


As the crowd panicked and screamed to avoid the fighting, more bookshelves were knocked over, and books of different types fell down.

The clerk begged while holding the bookshelf: "Ladies and gentlemen, please be kind, the bookstore can't stand your troubles!"

Suddenly, a loud voice like a firecracker overcame all the noise in the store, "Spread out, ladies and gentlemen, please spread out."

The crowd made a way, and Hagrid stepped on the books on the floor and strode to the center of the battle. Then, he pulled Arthur and Lucius away as if they were fighting each other.

Arthur's lip was broken and there were several red marks on his neck. Lucius's right eye was bruised and his witch robe was torn. His hands were still shaking, but he still held the worn-out "Beginner's Book" in his hand. Transformation Guide.

Lucius sullenly put the book into Ginny's arms, "Little girl, take your book. This is the best thing Arthur Weasley can give his daughter."

Luo Bin rushed forward and snatched the book. After unlocking the cover, he found that there was nothing else hidden in the book. He picked up the cracked crucible. It was empty, not even a scrap of paper. He then I glanced at the books on the ground and saw no black objects.

Robin: (⊙ω⊙`), it’s not that at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Lucius took advantage of the chaos and stuffed Voldemort’s diary into Ginny’s Transfiguration textbook, causing the little girl to be remembered by Tom Riddle at the age of 16 Body control?

"What are you looking for?" Lucius asked with a careful look.

"Oh, I'm looking for something I accidentally lost when I tried to avoid falling down the bookshelf." Luo Bin said calmly.

After Lucius glanced thoughtfully at the collapsed bookshelves around him, he shook his shoulder to break away from Hagrid's big hand, led his son Draco Malfoy, and rushed out of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

"Robin, what did you throw away?" Arthur asked.

"Oh, I was bluffing him, I didn't lose anything."

"Then why did you look through my Transfiguration textbook and the Crucible?" Ginny asked.

"The look in Lucius's eyes is so uncomfortable. I'm worried that he might do something bad to you."

"That's it~"

Ginny smiled sweetly and bent down to pick up the books on the floor.

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