Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 123 If you don’t give it away, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to give it away.

Twenty minutes later, several people who worked together to restore Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to its original state were walking on the streets of Diagon Alley.

"Arthur, look at the good example you have given to the children. If you fight with others in public, what will Mr. Lockhart think of us?"

Ms. Molly poked Arthur's chest and shouted, obviously she was still angry.

"He was very happy. When George and I were holding up the bookshelf, we heard him ask Tlande if he could include the story of the two wizards fighting for him in the report of the book signing. He said that it would cause a sensation and could Increase sales of the Daily Prophet.”

"Fred, don't talk nonsense. Ginny, let's go and buy you a witch robe."

Ginny took out the yellow cloth bag and told Ms. Molly about Robin giving her a gift for the first semester.

Arthur took the yellow cloth bag, used magic power to explore it, and said in surprise: "Hey, it's really not a traceless stretching spell. The magic fluctuations on it are very strange. I'll go back and study it carefully, maybe it can be used."

"Arthur, you still think you haven't caused enough trouble!"

Molly snatched the yellow cloth bag and stuffed it into Ginny's pocket. Then she turned to her side and said, "Robin, I've cost you money again."

"It's nothing."

Afterwards, the group of people walked towards the exit of Diagon Alley and wandered around the street shops.

After walking around for a while, Robin realized that something was not right about Hermione. She followed the big group hesitantly. She ignored anyone who talked to her, and her brown eyes always turned to him intentionally or unintentionally. Ginny's pocket?

Turns out he was jealous!

After figuring out why Pepper was in a bad mood, he secretly made a plan to coax her.

Half an hour later, while the adults were browsing the gauze shop and the children were browsing the Quidditch boutique, he pulled Hermione into a deserted alley.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Luo Bin asked.

"I met Lockhart, whom I miss so much, and received a special gift from him. I was in a very good mood."

She deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of "心心思" and "special gift". After speaking, she turned around and faced Luo Bin with her back.


A lavender, lily-of-the-valley-shaped crystal necklace flashed from top to bottom in front of Hermione's eyes.

"Like it?"

Hermione suppressed the surprise in her eyes and said in a calm tone: "Is this a gift from the store when you buy something valuable?"

"You guessed it wrong. This necklace was customized by Phillys Jewelry Store when I left London two months ago. I just picked it up this morning. I originally planned to give it to you on the night of the opening banquet on September 1st."

Luo Bin said, pulling out Xiaojiao's curls and helping her put on the necklace.

"Then why did you send it in advance?"

Hermione rubbed the little lily of the valley and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Luo Bin: (︶︿︶), if I don’t give it away, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to give it away.

"I want you to feel better. Here, I prepared this for you."

"This is?"

Hermione took the small cloth bag and asked knowingly.

The small cloth bag is also lavender, about half the size of a palm. The material seems to be silk, and it feels very smooth and smooth. There is also a blooming bell flower embroidered in the lower right corner, and there is a butterfly on the flower. The drawstring is drawn at both ends. Also tied with lavender pearls.

"This is also a magic cloth bag with a capacity of about 25m. It contains about ten books that I specially selected for you."

Hermione reached into her cloth bag and took out 6 books in a row.

"Challenging the Brain: Thousands of Changes in Reasoning Games", "Reversal Thinking: Logic Master" and "Teaching You How to Identify a Hypocritical Person"!

Hermione likes lavender, bellflowers, logical reasoning, and reading all kinds of strange books.

These three gifts can be said to have been sent to her heart.

She stuffed the book back into her magic bag, turned around, and asked excitedly: "How do you know what I want?"

Luo Bin shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Guess!"


After gouging out Luo Bin, she turned around and walked towards the alley with her chin held high.

Luo Bin: Y(^_^)Y, there is a smile at the corner of the mouth when beheading people, it must be coaxing.

Sure enough, after returning to the main street, Hermione ran into the boutique and enthusiastically gave Mrs. Granger an Amway lavender floral gauze scarf.

At 4pm, the group returned to the Leaky Cauldron with sore soles of their feet.

When saying goodbye, Robin once again advised Harry to be more careful about Dobby, and also reminded Ginny and Ms. Molly that they can use yellow cloth to pack their school luggage.

After Harry and Ron's family all returned to the Burrow from the Hearth Magic Fire, Hermione hugged Robin and said, "Thank you, I like the gift you sent me very much. See you on September 1st." Then she followed her parents. On-street parking at Charing Cross Street.

Luo Bin walked toward the end of the street. Unexpectedly, just a few dozen meters away, a loud bird call suddenly came from above his head. He raised his head and saw an owl with its head turned 270° on the bookstore plaque. .

"Big fat?"

The fat bird winked at its owner, then flapped its wings and flew eastward. Luo Bin saw this and hurriedly chased after him.

2 hours later, Hyde Park, deep in the jungle!

The fat bird landed on an oak branch and shouted three times at the top of its voice. Then, the branches of a nearby bush that was taller than a person began to tremble wildly, and a drake-like cry came from the center.

"Who's out there?"

"Me!" Luo Bin replied, leaning on the oak tree.


(Sound of branches being pushed apart with great force)

Grant rushed out of the bushes, slid to Luo Bin's feet, and said flatteringly: "Oh, master, my most respected master, you are so kind, kind, loving, and smart."

"Stop it, you have something to say, don't waste so much time talking."

"Master, please"

Suddenly, a gentle voice floated from the bushes, "Grant, let me do the talking!"


A garden gnome with a gentle expression and a figure several times smaller than Grant walked out of the bushes with a swaying waist.

"Are you Lilissa Roland?"


It waved, and Grant quickly followed it.

"You two?" Luo Bin asked in a long voice.

Grant rolled up his sleeves, revealing a 15-centimetre-long purple scar, and said in a low voice: "A month ago, Lilissa was picked up by a coyote when she was out wandering. After I got the news, I chased her into the woods and punched her. Coyote’s head, hehe, that night, Lilissa and I tried to draw the woo~"

Lilissa covered Grant's mouth and said in shame and anger: "Don't listen to its nonsense. The wolf slipped and fell to death. We just held hands that night."

"I don't want to stay in Ottery St. Catchpole Village anymore. I want to go with Grant. However, Grant said that there is a spooky forest next to the vegetable patch at Hogwarts, and dangerous and terrifying people live in it. Monster, me"

"Oh, master, my most respected master, you are so kind, kind and loving"

"Stop it. It just so happens that I plan to buy a house in the village. You two can help me look after the yard!"

After hearing this, Lilissa wiped away her tears and hugged Grant excitedly.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Luo Bin took out a bunch of hamburgers, cans, and fruits. After eating and drinking, he took them and flew towards Scotland under the cover of night.

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