Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 125 ‘Strong’ Green Waist Bead

Robin clearly remembered that whether he went to the store to buy things before or the conversation just now, he never revealed his name to Kenzio, and the house was bought in the name of Nagini.

So, Kenzio's game was not a temporary one, but can he make the Rubik's Cube mark? ? ? ’ Luo Bin was quite curious about what the green waist beads were.

After Luo Bin paid the 200 galleons and watched Kenzio leave, he took the gray scale box into the basement.

He picked up a green-waisted bead with tweezers, put it in the tray, and began to conduct various experiments.

If you shine it with a strong light, there will be no other change except for the light transmission.

Burned with magic fire, it didn't become red or hot, but still felt warm and moist to the touch.

Boil it in boiling water and sink to the bottom of the water without any reaction.

When I cut it with a saw, the teeth were curled up, but there was no scratch on the surface.

When poured with concentrated sulfuric acid, there were no bubbles or corrosion.

When Luo Bin was trying to find the magic world version of the hydraulic press that the previous landlord had mentioned, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"What's wrong?" Luo Bin asked after opening the door.

"It's 7 o'clock. If we don't leave, we won't be able to make it to the opening party." Nagini reminded.

When Luo Bin went up to the first floor, he realized that it was already dark outside. He went up to the second floor, put the fox and the dragon sleeping in the money tree pot into the Rubik's Cube, then cleaned them up briefly, and told Nagini to take care of the house. , and returned to Hogwarts through the tunnel of the Shrieking Shack-The Whomping Willow.


Luo Bin felt in the dark and pushed open the oak door. When he slipped into the hall, he happened to see Professor McGonagall leading the freshmen into a small room on the first floor. He pushed the door on the right open a crack and opened the door to the side. He squeezed into the auditorium naked.

In the auditorium, the guest of honor seat was half empty, but the four long dining tables were full of people. Everyone was whispering to each other, as if they were discussing interesting things about the holidays.

Hermione was looking around, and when she saw Robin at the door, she waved her arms and motioned for him to come over quickly.

After Robin took his seat, Hermione said anxiously: "If you don't show up, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Robin, did you come by train? I didn't see you on the train!" Ron asked.

"Oh, I didn't take the train. I came another way."

"Then you must not know about the strange things that happened on platform 9 3/4 today."

"What's weird?" Luo Bin asked.

When he had just emerged from the secret passage and saw that the Whomping Willow was not injured and there were no wheel marks on the ground, he vaguely guessed that 'Dobby sealed the passage - Ron and Harry drove a speeding car to chase the train back to school - the speeding car hit the Whomping Willow - The plot of Ron's wand breaking has changed.

Ron stretched his neck and whispered: "At 11:45 in the morning, the partition channel was suddenly closed. The conductor and the conductor worked hard for a long time before reopening the channel. But I always feel that the channel was not repaired by them. , but"

Harry frowned and took over Ron's words and speculated: "Rather, the person who closed the passage has revoked control of the passage."

"Robin, you are right. Dobby did not give up and stopped me from returning to school. There was only 2 seconds difference between me and George. He passed through the passage easily, but I hit a real wall."

"Mr. Arthur said that the magic of elves is not under the control of wizards. Judging from what happened that night when Uncle Vernon hosted a banquet with Mr. and Mrs. Mason (the builders), Dobby most likely saw the closing of the passage. "

"Is Dobby doing this out of his own will, or is his master controlling it?"

Hermione's question silenced several people.

After a while, Professor McGonagall led the freshmen into the auditorium. After asking Dumbledore for instructions, she moved a four-legged stool and placed it in front of the freshmen. On the stool, she placed a hat full of pleats and Patch peaked wizard hat.

After the Sorting Hat finished singing with its pleated mouth open, the sorting ceremony officially began.

The nervous freshmen sat on the stools one by one and put on their pointed hats according to the list read out by Professor McGonagall. After the Sorting Hat gave the results, the freshmen walked to the long dining table of their respective colleges amid warm applause.

When the last new student sat down at the Hufflepuff table, Professor McGonagall rolled up the list, picked up the Sorting Hat, and removed the stool.

Then, Principal Dumbledore stood up. After giving a speech, he waved his wrist. The empty plates, silver plates, and cups on the dining table were instantly filled with roast chicken, mashed potatoes, fried lamb chops, milk, and other foods.

After dinner, the new students followed their prefects on a tour of the school, while the old students went directly back to the tower to rest.

When Robin, Harry, and Ron returned to the Gryffindor boys' dormitory, they found that the sign on the door changed from 'First Year' to 'Second Year'.

However, there was no change in the room. Ron's leftover Charms homework was still lying quietly on the desk.


Ron shouted in a long tone while shaking the dust off his homework book.

"No need to discuss."

After being rejected, Ron turned his attention to Harry.

Harry took out his homework book from the suitcase on the bedside, "Here, when you copy it, change more sentences, although I also made it up."


The next morning, the first floor, the auditorium!

While several people were having breakfast, Professor McGonagall walked in from the foyer. After distributing the class schedule to the students, she hurriedly left the auditorium.

Luo Bin held the class schedule and carefully looked at the course arrangements above.

Monday, morning: Herbalism, Transfiguration, Afternoon: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Evening: Astronomy and Stargazing

Tuesday, morning: Herbology class, afternoon: Transfiguration, Charms class

Wednesday, morning: Charms and Potions, afternoon: History of Magic

Thursday, morning: Transfiguration, afternoon: Potions class (two periods)

Friday, morning: Charms class, afternoon: Herbology class, Defense Against the Dark Arts class

Generally speaking, the course schedule for the second grade is more full than that for the first grade, but it is not so full that it makes people feel tired.

After several people finished breakfast and rested for a while, they took their herbalism textbooks and left the castle together.

When they reached the greenhouse, the door had not yet opened. They had just chatted with Neville, Seamus, and Dean when they saw the short Professor Sprout walking towards them with a bunch of keys.

"Go to the third greenhouse for class today."

After saying that, she smiled and led the students towards the third greenhouse.

"Fred said that there is a big bad-tempered piranha in the third greenhouse. If you don't bow and say hello when you pass by it, it will swallow you in one bite and won't let you out until you turn purple all over. "Ron said nervously and worriedly.

"Do you believe Fred's words?" Luo Bin said helplessly.


Sprout picked out a big key and opened the greenhouse door. "Enter one by one, and watch your step when you walk. You are not allowed to touch the plants in the greenhouse without my permission. Some plants, although they look harmless, can be moved." Seriously, they could keep you in the school hospital for a week."

As soon as Luo Bin stepped into the greenhouse, he smelled a strong mixed smell of dry manure, moist soil, flowers and herbs.

This smell has nothing to do with smelling good, but it doesn't make you dizzy or nauseated either.

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