Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 126 The magical power of Lianqie

Some trumpet-shaped purple flowers as big as umbrellas hang from the vaulted ceiling of the greenhouse.

The two sides of the greenhouse are covered with thin vines, and the vine branches are covered with shiny green leaves. Each leaf is as big as an adult's hand.

As soon as a person approaches, a red flower with a ring of fangs will burst out of the layers of leaves, and make a roaring laugh close to the person's ear.

Ron was frightened by Honghua's laughter. He was so frightened that he grabbed Luo Bin's arm and lowered his head, not daring to look to his side. He walked to the inside of the greenhouse, to a long flower pond, and only when there were no vines on either side did he dare Let go.

Professor Sprout, wearing a patched hat, stood at the end of the long flower pond, behind a half-meter-high stool.

On the stool, there are about twenty pairs of colorful fur earmuffs. Among the earmuffs, the most eye-catching ones are definitely the ones for Barbie fans.

Sprout asked everyone to find a seat first. She put on dragon leather protective gloves, vigorously swatted away the dark red plants that were creeping up her shoulders, and said to the students:

"Today we are learning how to repot mandrakes. Before the formal lecture, I am here to test your summer preview results. Luo Bin, just you, tell me what are the characteristics of mandrakes!"

After Luo Bin stood up, he replied: "Mandrake, also known as mandrake and mandrake, has analgesic, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, and cough-inducing properties. It is also a powerful recovery agent that can make people deformed or poisoned." The person under the spell is restored to his original state.”

Luo Bin: ╰(‵□′)╯, Lianqiao has aphrodisiac properties, I’m not kidding! It is written in the Bible that Reuben (the eldest son of Jacob, the founder of Israel) asked his mother Leah, who had been unable to conceive for a long time, to eat the eggplant he picked from the wild. The magical power of the eggplant made Jacob regain his virginity. His desire for his first wife, Leah, caused Leah to become pregnant again.

"Very good, five points for Gryffindor."

"Well, Mandrake is used in the preparation of most antidotes, but it itself is very dangerous. Hermione, please tell me about the dangers of Mandrake!"

"Crying. When a person hears the cry of Mandrake, it can range from dizziness and fainting to death directly." Hermione blurted out.

"Exactly right, five more points for Gryffindor."

After Sprout asked Hermione to sit down, he pointed to the deep pottery pot in the long flower pond and said: "Look, everyone, what is planted in the pot is the seedling of Mandrake."

Everyone left their stools and went to the water pool to take a closer look.

Luo Bin also moved closer. He felt that the mandrake in front of him was no different from flue-cured tobacco except for the green leaves with purple bands.

"Come over here and get a pair of earmuffs each."

Everyone heard the shout and swarmed towards the stool. Finally, the 'eye-catching' Barbie pink earmuffs fell into Sprout's hands.

"The cry of seedlings, although not fatal, can make people unconscious for several hours. If you don't want to miss the first lesson of school, just wear fur earmuffs. When the repotting demonstration is over and the greenhouse is safe, I will Two thumbs, then you can take off the fur earmuffs. Come on, everyone put on the earmuffs."

Luo Bin put on the earmuffs as instructed. In an instant, everything was silent, and no sound from outside could be heard.

Tsk, if the fur earmuffs are made into earplugs, they will definitely be good news for those suffering from noise and neurasthenia and insomnia.

After Sprout put on Barbie's pink fur earmuffs, she rolled up her sleeves. She held the pot with one hand, grabbed the bottom of the grass handle with the other, and pulled it up with her teeth.

What was pulled out of the soil was not a bearded grass root, but a wrinkled and ugly baby.

Grass blades grow like hair on the baby's head. Its light green skin is covered with brown spots. Its limbs are kicking around, its mouth is wide open, and tears are splashing from the slits of its eyes.

Apparently, it was shouting and crying at the top of its lungs.

Sprout took out a flower pot that was one size larger than the pottery pot from under the stool, stuffed the 'baby' into the center of the flower pot, and then buried the flower pot with gravel, nutrient-rich soil, and moist dust in sequence.

After burying until only clusters of green leaves were exposed, she smoothed the soil with her hands and pressed it a little. Then, she patted the soil off her hands and gave two thumbs up to the students.

After everyone took off their earmuffs, Sprout said loudly: "Work in groups of two. First prepare large flower pots, gravel, and loam. Be careful of the stingers near the loam. They have not been very honest recently."

Luo Bin walked to the corner, used a shovel to swat away the poisonous tentacles that wanted to sting people with their spikes, then shoveled an aluminum bucket of fertilizer and returned to the long flower pond.

"Luo Bin, shall I pull the weeds?"

Hermione touched the leaves and said eagerly.


After the preparations were completed, Sprout gave the order to change the basin, and everyone put on the earmuffs again.

Repotting the mandrake may seem easy to the professor, but in actual practice, it is not the same at all.

Hermione held the grass stem with both hands and pulled it out for a long time before pulling the 'baby' out of the soil.

After the 'baby' left the soil, its feet were kicking in the air, and its sharp nails stretched straight to the top of its head. It twisted its body vigorously, trying to break free from the hand that grabbed it.

Hermione was so frightened that she leaned back and her wrists were shaking. Seeing this, Robin held her hand and stuffed the 'baby' into the large flowerpot, and then used a shovel to bury gravel and nutrient-rich soil into the flowerpot. , moist dust, and the subsequent smoothing and pressing finishing work was completed by Hermione.

By the end of class, 90% of the students in the greenhouse were sweating profusely, looking exhausted, and their bodies were covered with black and gray mud.

After Luo Bin and others returned to the castle and took a hot shower, they took their textbooks and hurried downstairs to take the Transfiguration class.

In the Transfiguration class, after Professor McGonagall finished teaching the theoretical knowledge, she asked the students to turn a beetle into a button.

Robin was lucky. After he tried casting the spell once or twice, the black beetle on his desk successfully turned into a button made of blue agate. The same was true for Hermione, who was also a top student.

However, others in the classroom were not so lucky.

Neville's beetle, like the freedom-loving Leif, fell off the desk and crawled all over the classroom. Neville held the wand, but he couldn't catch it no matter how hard he chased it. Later, it was stepped on by Dean, causing juice to splash everywhere.

Seamus' transformation spell was half successful. His beetle had an upper body made of bugs and a lower body made of buttons. When it crawled, the click of buttons against the wooden table never stopped.

Ron's beetle exploded after being cursed, and the smoke that erupted was grey-brown and had a strong smell of century-old toilets, making him cough.

As for Harry, well, his wand gestures and spell pronunciation were all on point, but instead of turning into a beetle, his beetle was petrified? ?

When Robin saw Seamus borrowing Harry's beetle, he took Neville and Dean to study how it was petrified. He couldn't help but shook his head, Sao Nian, do you know if you do this, Harry will be harmed?

After the Transfiguration class, several people went to the auditorium, finished lunch, and went back to the tower to rest.

Castle, in the Gryffindor common room!

Hermione was nestled comfortably on the single sofa, reading "Holiday with a Dominatrix", Harry and Ron were playing wizard chess to pass the time, and Robin was staring at the gray-haired man holding a Muggle camera behind the armchair not far away. Skinny little boy.

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