Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 127 Damn, Death Eaters are so inhumane

Muggle camera? Gray hair? Skinny? Gryffindor?

It's Harry's loyal fanboy Colin Creevey who didn't run away!

The original book mentions that when Colin Creevey was in first grade, he was attacked by a basilisk and was petrified. He later took a mandrake resurrection potion to lift the petrification and return to normal.

At the age of 14, Colin joined the army organized by Harry and others to learn anti-black magic spells and oppose the power of Pink Toad (Umbridge).

When he was 16 years old, Colin secretly returned to the castle and was unfortunately killed in a scuffle with Death Eaters.

Luo Bin: (╥╯^╰╥), 16 years old, not even the rainy season yet (17 years old), damn, Death Eaters are so inhumane.


The dazzling flash caused Harry and Ron to look towards the armchair. The gray-haired boy walked over timidly with a big red face, "Hello, Harry Potter, my name is Colin Creevey. You were sorted into Gryffindor last night, can I take a picture of you?"

"You've already taken it." Harry replied calmly.

After hearing this, Colin explained breathlessly: "Sorry, I was so excited to see you. The angle just now was so good that I couldn't control myself and pressed the shutter button."

"Harry, when I was on the express, I heard a lot of people talking about you, talking about how you escaped the murderous hands of 'that man', talking about how you made him disappear, talking about the lightning-shaped scar on your forehead, talking about How did you protect the Magic Stone?"

He shook his head and searched Harry's thick hair, "My roommate said that if you put developing potion on the photo, the people in the photo will move. My dad is a milkman and he is a Muggle. He can't get in." When I came here, I wanted to take some photos and send them to him.”

"Harry, can I take a photo with you? After the photo is taken, you can sign your name for me, okay?"

Harry looked at the pleading eyes of the gray-haired boy and fell into a tangle. In the end, it was Robin who reminded him to look at the big clock on the wall, and he thought of a way to refuse, "Sorry, it's already 2 o'clock, I have to go quickly. Class begins."

As he said that, he picked up seven Lockhart books and walked towards the entrance of the portrait hole. Seeing this, Robin and the other three also picked up their textbooks and chased after them.

The floor height of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is 2-3 times that of other classrooms, and the thickness of the walls is also much higher than that of other classrooms.

Next to the podium is a curved stone staircase leading to the teachers' entrance on the second floor. On the stone wall on one side of the staircase is a portrait of Lockhart with a toothy smile. On the ceiling of the classroom, a complete fire dragon hangs on an iron chain. skeleton!

After the four of them entered the classroom, they chose seats next to each other and sat down. After a while, Lockhart, whose hair was as silky as waves, appeared on the circular suspended platform on the second floor.

As Lockhart walked down the stone stairs, he flashed his big white teeth and said: "Please allow me to introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who is me - Gilderoy Lockhart, Sir Merlin Third-level medal (the third level is a white medal, awarded to those who have contributed to knowledge or entertainment), honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic Alliance, and has won the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award 5 times."

"However, I am low-key and never show off. I don't just rely on my smile to drive away all the female ghosts."

"Let me explain in advance that my duty is not to teach you how to gain honor, but to teach you how to face your innermost fears in this classroom and teach you how to fight against the most evil magical creatures."

"Of course, as long as I'm here, you'll all be unscathed."

Lockhart went around the desk, bent down and took out a large cage covered with a black cloth. He put the big cage on the table and knocked it a few times with his hands. The cage suddenly shook violently, and there was a rumbling sound inside the cage. There was the sound of sharp teeth grinding against iron.

The students under the podium were frightened by this scene. Neville shrank his neck and buried his head behind a pile of books. Dean leaned back a little. He wanted to stay away from the birdcage. Ron held onto Robin's arm. , the golden eyelashes were trembling.

Lockhart was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. He grabbed the black cloth cover and deliberately lowered his voice and said: "After I lift the cover, please don't scream, as that will anger them."

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and lifted the black cloth cover.

Inside the cage, about twenty little elves with fangs bared were shaking the iron railings violently and making shrill, piercing roars at the students in the audience.

Those elves have iron-green skin, ranging in height from 20 to 25 cm, with small pointed faces, big eyes, wide ears, and 5 to 6 cm tentacles on the top of their heads. They jump up and down and chatter, which is noisier than a meeting of 100 ducks.

Lockhart walked around behind the cage and was about to explain the dangers of elves when a disdainful chuckle suddenly came from the audience.

"What?" he asked Seamus with a smile.

"Emm, Cornish elves, they're not very dangerous, are they?"

Seamus Finnigan clutched his stomach, laughing until he was out of breath.

Lockhart shook his index finger and said with a smile: "No, don't be so sure. The cunning Cornish elves are very difficult to deal with. Their destructive power is no less than that of poltergeists. Well, let me see Let’s see how you deal with them.”


The cage door was opened.

After the elf broke out of the iron cage, he flew around like a rocket and caused trouble.

Two of them grabbed Neville's ears, worked together to lift him to the ceiling, and then gently threw him to the right. Neville was hung on the iron hook of the chandelier.

Three smashed the windows and picked up glass shards and scattered them everywhere. Two grabbed the ink bottle and scrawled on the wall.

Two of them were tearing books and homework books frantically, and Lockhart's portrait on the wall was also torn into pieces. The rest were either tearing at people's witch robes or pulling out people's hair.

Luo Bin stared at the strongest elf, picked up the thickest and largest book on the table, and rushed forward.


(The thick book hits the mark)

After the elf was dazed for two or three seconds, it bared its jagged fangs and flew towards Luo Bin with a squeaking sound.

Luo Bin rolled the thick book into a tube shape, activated the mountain monster's 'giant swing' skill, aimed at the target, and swung his arms fiercely.


(The reel hit the target)

After the elf was knocked five or six meters away, it hit the back wall with a bang. After landing, it grabbed a sharp piece of broken glass, flapped its injured wings, and flew staggeringly towards Luo Bin.

When the pointed glass was only 30cm away from his chest, Luo Bin, who had gathered enough strength, waved his arms fiercely from top to bottom.


The elf hit the bluestone floor hard. After spitting out a large mouthful of blood, it dragged its limp body and crawled towards Luo Bin's ankles.

Luo Bin took out the ebony wand, waved it and said with firm eyes: "Everything is petrified!"


The elf immediately straightened his chest and tightened his abdomen, straightened his legs and put them together. After straightening his arms, he pressed them against his sides with a snap. After his wings spread out, they also contracted sharply against his shoulder blades.

At the same time, its body became as stiff as a clay sculpture.

After Luo Bin felt the totem under his left collarbone begin to feel hot and painful, he kicked it under the overturned desk, recited a spell silently, put it into the Rubik's Cube, and then turned to look at the surrounding battle situation.

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