Robin saw an elf grabbing Harry's hair. Hermione held up a thick book and helped Harry swat it away.

After seeing Neville fall down with a thud, Dean helped him aside.

He also saw Seamus struggling with the door lock. Dean beside him was waving a four-legged stool to drive away the elf who wanted to attack them.

Lockhart, who was also watching the whole situation, shouted at the top of his lungs: "Come on, let's all work together and herd them into the cage. They are just a few."


(Lockhart's witch robe is torn)

He rolled up his sleeves, waved his wand, and roared: "All the annoying pests will disappear."

Lockhart's incantation drowned out half the voices in the classroom, but his wand didn't react at all.

An elf with eyes as wide as black grapes and a evil smile snatched Lockhart's wand away. After it flew to the ceiling, it used the wand to knock the iron chain to play.

After a few knocks, a blue electric light emitted from the top of the wand. The iron chain sizzled for a moment, then broke with a crash.

After the iron chain was broken, the huge fire dragon skeleton began to fall. Luo Bin saw Ron, who was waving his wand to drive away the elves, standing just under the dragon's skeleton. Moreover, he noticed that the dragon's skeleton froze in place after it fell. .

If he was hit by the keel, Ron would suffer.

Luo Bin rushed forward, grabbed Ron's wrist, and ran to the side.

When he ran to the back wall, there was a loud 'bang' sound behind him, and then there were several 'crash' sounds of broken bones falling to the ground.

"Luckily I ran fast!"

Luo Bin turned around and looked at the dragon bones in front of him and said.

"No, my wand is missing."

After Ron finished speaking, he rushed into the pile of dragon bones. After struggling for a while, he found his wand under the fire dragon's wing bone.

"My wand was broken!" Ron said in a trembling voice.

The wand in his hand was almost broken into two pieces, with only a few strands of wood connecting the upper half to the lower half.


(Seamus defeats the door lock)

"Get out of here."

Everyone heard Seamo's roar and rushed out of the door as fast as they could. After a while, only Luo Bin and his party were left in the classroom.

Lockhart ran to the circular hanging platform on the second floor and shouted downstairs: "I assign the four of you to capture the remaining elves and put them back in the iron cage."

After saying that, he rushed out of the classroom quickly.

"You know nothing liar." Ron shouted looking at the second floor.

"Nonsense, Lockhart is very powerful. It is written in the book that he has defeated ghouls, trolls, vampires and werewolves. He deliberately allowed the elves to cause trouble. He wanted to create some opportunities for us to fight." Hermione defended The idol said.

"What should I do? The elves fly too fast, and the wand can't touch them at all."

Harry wanted to cast a spell on an elf, but it dodged lightly. After dodging, it grinned and stuck out its tongue, making faces at Harry.

"That's it! I just waved the wand under the keel for a long time, but I didn't hit any of it."

Luo Bin put his hand into the cloth bag and took out a broomstick. He rolled the thick book into a cylinder, got on the broom and said, "I knocked the elf unconscious, and you can cast the spell again."

"Okay!" Harry said.

Luo Bin lightly kicked the ground with his feet and rose into the air. After activating the mountain monster's 'giant swing' skill, he shuttled through every corner of the classroom and knocked out the little elves one by one.

Harry and Hermione, seeing the elf dizzy and disoriented, waved their wands and cast a freezing spell or a full body binding spell.

Ron also wanted to cast spells to help, but his wand was not very powerful. He cast the freezing spell more than a dozen times, but it had no effect except that his wrists were sore from exhaustion and he took a sniff of thick smoke.

Ron had no choice but to pick up the iron cage and go around picking up frozen or stupefied elves.

When there was no more moving elf in the classroom, a few people packed up their personal belongings and left the classroom. As for the broken windows, overturned desks, broken keels, etc., they were no longer responsible for them.

At night, when the curtain on the single bed slowly dropped, Luo Bin's consciousness dived into the space of the sea of ​​consciousness.

He glanced at the giant Rubik's Cube for a while, and found the elf lying on the purple side on a small island near the sea.

He moved his fingers and thought as his heart moved, and the purple square slowly floated over. He reached out and poked the elf totem, and then raised his eyes to look at the light curtain in the sky.

Name: None

Species: Cornish Elf

Grade: B grade

Personality: Noisy, naughty, cunning, loves to play pranks, likes to scratch people's ears, and throw people into the top of trees or rooftops

Physical condition: Weak, under the binding spell of the whole body (all petrified), damaged internal organs, multiple fractures of ribs and wing bones (treatment period: 2 months)


Extremely fast dodge (can avoid enemy attacks 3 times in a row)

Dizziness (can make the enemy dizzy for 10 seconds)

Magic value: 1000

Combat power: 2000

Well, the combat power is greater than the magic value, no wonder it is so difficult to deal with.

After Luo Bin named the elf Laibanban, his consciousness pulled out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and slowly fell asleep with Ron's murmur in his sleep, "Idiot breaks the wand, it's useless."

In the next few days, he went to class as usual, and because of his excellent performance in class, Ling Ling gained 55 house points for Gryffindor.

However, not everything goes so smoothly. Hermione has never taken out the logical reasoning books he gave during the summer vacation and read them. Apart from going to class, doing homework and sleeping, she spends the rest of the time holding Loha in her hands. Concentrate on reading special books.

In this regard, Luo Bin said that as much as I am obsessed with it now, I hate it so much when my idol collapses.

Harry was obsessed with his crush Colin. Every day, he would meet Colin six or seven times by chance. Later, without Robin's reminder, he could blurt out the reason why he refused to take photos and sign autographs: Sorry, I have something urgent to do.

Ron borrowed a roll of magic tape and wrapped the broken part of the wand tightly, but the old wand was still very abnormal and even caused trouble.

In Friday's Charms class, when Ron was waving his wand to practice spells, the wand flew out of his hand with white smoke and hit Professor Filius Flitwick between the eyebrows, causing Flitwick to have to Giving lectures to students with a big green bag on his head.

Robin originally planned to sneak back to the village on the weekend, teach the cubs, and study the 'green waist beads', but the plan could not keep up with the change. Wood told him and Harry on Friday night that they would have Quidditch training on the weekend.

Saturday, early morning!

After having breakfast, Robin and Harry put on their red jerseys, carried their broomsticks, and followed Wood and others along the 'return' shaped corridor towards the entrance of the stadium.

Wood led the team forward and said excitedly: "I stayed at home during the summer and designed a new training plan. In order to make it easier for you to understand my new plan, I also drew a schematic diagram of the court. With just a tap of the wand, the lines, arrows, circles, crosses, etc. on the picture will rise into the air to form a three-dimensional stadium. In order to win the Quidditch Cup, we have to "

Wood became more and more excited as he talked, and walked as if he was carrying the wind, with the red jersey hem flying behind him.

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