Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 129 Vomiting slugs at the mouth

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Bin and his party passed through the entrance, they saw the Slytherin team in green robes walking in from the side entrance.

"Flint, Gryffindor has reserved the court today, please leave the court immediately." Wood frowned and shouted loudly.

After looking around the court, Flint said slyly: "The court is big, Wood!"

"But I reserved the stadium, and on Wednesday morning, I got the approval slip."

"Wood, so what? I have a special order from the dean."

Flint proudly handed over a roll of parchment, and Robin stepped forward to read the contents on the paper with Wood.

[I, Professor Severus Snape, grant the Slytherin team the use of the pitch today to train their new Seeker. 】

"Who is the new Seeker?" Wood asked, rolling up the parchment.

Flint and Pusey stepped aside, and a boy with a shiny, oily hair walked to the center of the two teams, with the same proud smile as Flint on his pointed, pale face.

"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?"

After George looked up and down, he said with disgust.

"Since you mentioned Mr. Lucius Malfoy, let me show you the gift he generously gave to the Slytherin team!"

After Flint shouted, the players in green jerseys all raised their new brooms.

Those brooms, the broomsticks are black and shiny, the broomsticks are tied with mirror-smooth steel rings, and the top of the brooms is engraved with glowing gold characters: Nimbus 2001

Flint breathed a sigh of relief at the top of the broom, while rubbing the gold characters, he said proudly: "This is the latest model of the Nimbus series that was just released in August. It is said that its flying speed is more than a star and a half faster than the old Nimbus 2000." .”

Having said this, he paused and glanced at the brooms in Fred and George's hands with malicious eyes, "Oh, the old-fashioned Sideswipe series, the broom that sweeps the floor at home, is better than the Five-Star Sideswipe."

Robin looked at Flint's ferocious smile and wanted to give him another blow to smash his big buck teeth.

"Flint, Quidditch is about riding skills and playing skills. With your poor skills, I could beat you to pieces with a broken bamboo pole."

Robin's words were like a drumbeat, awakening the Gryffindor players' self-confidence.

"Yes, that's right. Even if your skills are poor, no matter how good the equipment is, it won't work." Wood said with something in mind.

Flint's face suddenly turned ugly when he recalled how his front teeth were smashed by a Bludger during last year's game.

At this time, Ron and Hermione came over with bread spread with jam.

"What happened? Why are you all here? Malfoy!! Why are you here? Are you still wearing a jersey?"

Ron's surprised expression when he saw Malfoy was no less than a thunderous explosion above his head.

Malfoy raised his Nimbus 2001 and said coquettishly: "Because I am the new Seeker of the Slytherin team. Everyone is gathered here to appreciate the opening gift my father gave to the team. .”

"Look, the latest version of Nimbus 2001 is very beautiful, isn't it? If the Gryffindor team wants to get some gold coins to exchange for a new broom, it's not impossible."

"You can bid on the five-star sweeps, and I think the Quidditch Museum will be happy to pay a good price for them."

"At least no member of the Gryffindor team was selected with money. They relied on their true strength." Hermione rushed forward and said sharply.

Malfoy's lips trembled with anger, and he cursed viciously: "No one is talking to you, you stinking little clay."

He stopped cursing in the middle of the curse, because he saw Robin next to Hermione, staring at him with cold knife-like eyes, and there were seven or eight ebony wands suspended on the top of the opponent's eyes. Purple poison needle.

Malfoy sulked and looked at Ron, "Oh, poor bastard, your wand has been broken for a while, right? Your parents haven't sent a postman to deliver a new wand. Are they trying to tighten their belts and save money?" , starve to death in ruins”

Ron pulled out his wand and shouted: "Malfoy, you will pay for your words!"


A huge explosion resounded throughout the stadium.

A dazzling green light shot out from the end of the old wand.

The green light hit Ron's abdomen, causing him to stagger back three or four steps and fall to the ground.

"Are you okay? Ron." Harry asked worriedly.

Ron puffed up his cheeks, turned over with difficulty, twitched his neck and burped loudly, then spat out a few slimy, dark gray slugs on the grass.

Seeing this, the Slytherin players laughed so hard that they were out of breath, and the Gryffindor players stared at Ron worriedly.


(camera shutter sound)

"Uh, that's disgusting! Harry, can you help turn him around?" Colin said excitedly, holding up the camera.

"No, Colin, start driving!"

"Robin, let's take Ron to Hagrid. He knows better. He knows what to do!"


Robin helped Ron up and carried him forward, with Harry and Hermione following closely behind them.

When the four of them walked to the vegetable patch in front of the hunting lodge, they happened to see Lockhart walking out of the lodge.

"Hide quickly," Harry whispered.

"Hide there!"

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he pulled them and hid behind the bushes on the roadside.

In front of the wooden door of the cabin, Lockhart was saying goodbye to Hagrid inside.

"Hagrid, if you do as I say, you will save yourself a lot of troubles. If you can't resist them, come to me in the castle. I will be happy to help. Maybe I will also generously give you a few books I wrote. Book."


(The wooden door was closed heavily from the inside)

Lockhart rubbed the tip of his nose awkwardly, said 'goodbye', then turned and left the courtyard.

After Lockhart walked away, Robin and the others dragged Ron to the door of the cabin.

Dong Dong~

As soon as there was a knock on the door, Hagrid opened the door with an angry look on his face, but when he saw who was standing outside the door, he immediately laughed.

"It's you, come in, come in quickly - sit somewhere wherever you like, I'll make you tea."

After entering the house, Harry and Hermione eagerly told Hagrid about Ron spitting out sticky slugs. However, Hagrid didn't seem too worried. He threw Ron a big aluminum bucket and let him spit out as much as he wanted. After catching the bugs, I went to get busy making tea.

Luo Bin, on the other hand, was rubbing the big ears of sleeping Ao Quanya Ya while looking at the cabin.

There are many iron chains with sharp hooks tied to the beams of the wooden house. Bird cages, aluminum buckets, bamboo baskets, hemp ropes and other things are hung on the sharp hooks.

In one corner of the wooden house, there is an oversized bed, and there are sofas, chairs, wooden stools, etc. next to it.

In another corner of the wooden house, there is a small stove for boiling water and cooking. Next to the stove is a low table. The low table has been wiped clean from the legs to the table top.

However, there was something very unexpected and dirty on the clean low table - a large half-plucked rooster.

There was no blood on the low table, no chicken feathers on the floor, and Hagrid couldn't have done anything cruel to animals. So, 99% of it was done by the person who got Tom Riddle's diary.

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