After the water boiled, Hagrid carried the teapot and walked up to a few people. While pouring the water, he said, "Well, poor child, but there is no other way for this curse to stop on its own."

"Hagrid, why did Lockhart come to the cabin?" Harry asked as he took the teacup.

Hagrid took the rooster away from the low table, put the teapot on it, and said angrily: "He wants to teach me how to stop the water monster from invading the well, as if I didn't know how to stop it before."

"He also boasted about how he defeated werewolves, how he befriended hags (old witches with warts on their faces), and how he exorcised female ghosts (banshees). He was talking nonsense, and one of his words must be true. , I just ate the big bed."

"Hagrid, I don't agree with your opinion. I have read Lockhart's books. If he had not experienced those things personally, the duel plot would not have been written so well." Hermione retorted in a high tone.

Hagrid brought up a plate of stuffed toffee, "If you can speak and write but can't do it, it's still a lie. Oh, by the way, who does Ron want to cast a spell on with a broken wand?"

"To Malfoy, he called Hermione a clay or something. He didn't say what word came after 'clay', and he also viciously cursed Ron's parents." Harry replied.

"Xiao Ni?"

After Hagrid muttered "Little Mud" a few times, his expression suddenly became very angry, "How dare he?"

"Hagrid, what's the word after 'little mud'?"

Hermione's eyes were slightly moist. Although she didn't know what Malfoy wanted to scold her, she felt that the word was very insulting.

"It's the little mudblood. This is probably the most insulting thing that idiot can think of!"

"Robin, what does mudblood mean?" Hermione asked.

"That is a slanderous name, referring to wizards whose parents are Muggles. Only those who respect the supremacy of pure blood, think they are superior to others, and have no manners will curse others with this word."

Hagrid continued what Robin said: "Actually, when the words pure blood, mixed blood, mudblood, and Muggle were first coined, they didn't have any special meaning. Later, they were all ruined by those bad guys. When it comes to blood, , it’s just a fallacy. Which Slytherin’s homework scores do you think are higher than Hermione?”

After hearing this, Hermione's eyes were no longer wet.

After Hagrid grabbed a handful of toffees and gave them to Hermione, he seemed to suddenly think of something new and interesting. He turned to Harry with bright eyes and said, "Harry, I want to settle an account with you."


"I heard that you sent a signed photo, why didn't you send me one too?"

"I didn't send it!" Harry protested loudly, "Hagrid, who told you that I was going to send it to Lockhart, right? He bumped into Colin a few times asking for photos and autographs from me."

"Harry, don't get too excited. I'm just kidding. I know you won't do that. Let's go and see the good things I planted."

Hagrid patted Harry on the shoulder and led the four of them to the vegetable patch behind the cabin.

"Hagrid, what did you do to them?"

Luo Bin looked at the twenty or so one-meter-high pumpkins in the vegetable field and asked in surprise.

Hagrid quickly looked around and said, "Hey, I didn't do anything else except give some outside help. Oh my, by the end of October, they will be able to grow to the size of a carriage and cut them down to make pumpkins." Lanterns, perfect for decorating the Halloween party.”

"Is it the expansion spell? Well, it was very successful." Hermione said.

"Ginny thinks so too. I saw her by the vegetable patch yesterday. She said she just came to school and wanted to take a walk. However, I think she came to the cabin to hang out in the hope of meeting someone." After saying that, he looked at Harry, whose face was flushed, with a smile.

Robin: ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭, the rooster died, and Ginny came to the cabin. Is it a coincidence, or does the plot of the original novel remain unchanged?

"Hagrid, besides Ginny, who else has been to the hunting ground?" Robin asked.

"That's too much. Fred and George came to the vegetable patch to catch bugs. They said they were going to pound the bugs into juice and pour it on Mrs. Norris (the gray cat). A little gray-haired boy also came and held up a The camera came and went, saying he wanted to take some photos and send them to his Muggle father. Wood also came here, saying he wanted to practice his riding skills. He rode his broom and kept flying up and down the slopes. A A strange girl with silver eyes also came here. She would have a surprised expression on her face whenever she looked at anything. Also"

Luo Bin: Well, when did the Hunting Lodge become a holy place to check in?

"Actually, every year when school starts, the hunting ground will be lively for a while, and I'm used to it. Oh, by the way, I got a new fish, but Ya Ya doesn't like it. Which one of you is willing to take it away?"

Harry and Hermione both shook their heads. Ron opened his mouth and vomited out a slug. Robin looked at Hagrid's pleading eyes and nodded unable to bear to refuse.

"Very good."

Afterwards, Hagrid led several people back to the cabin. He took out a fish tank covered with black cloth from an old wooden box.

"My husband said that the color of the wooden house is too monotonous. It would be more comfortable if we add some color."

"While I was having a drink at the Hog's Head Bar, I met a businessman who had a good drink. He said he had imported a batch of brightly colored sea fish from Largs, Ayrshire, and asked me if I was interested in getting one. He also said that there was a lot of fish in the fish pond. The water is seawater flown in from Lagos.”

"But after I bought one, I found that Yaya didn't like it. Yaya often roared at the fish tank, so that the little fish hid in the anemone and didn't dare to come out. When the little fish ate fish food, Yaya would stick his nose into the water. , snorting and spraying bubbles until the little fish turns over and floats on the water."

"I covered the fish tank with a black cloth and put it into an old wooden box. Yaya still refused to let go of the little fish. Look, the wooden box was covered with its scratches."

"Ya Ya can really make a scene, come on, keep going."

Luo Bin took the fish tank, put it on the low table, and opened the black cloth cover.

The fish tank is made of transparent glass, with a length, width and height of 40cm. The bottom is paved with white pebbles. There are two beige sea anemones occupying 1/4 of the volume of the fish tank. Right above the anemone, a 5cm long fish tank swims. A clownfish? ? ?

The bright orange-red body is covered with several white stripes bordered by black, which looks like the face of a clown in Peking Opera.

It's the clown fish that didn't run away.

Luo Bin reached out and touched the fish tank, and the clownfish swam over quickly. Then, whichever direction Luo Bin moved his finger, it swam in that direction. Luo Bin drew a circle with his finger, and it swam in the water. Somersaulting, Luo Bin put his hand on the water, and he rushed up to swipe his fingers.

"Look, it likes you."

Hagrid said in surprise and took out a paper bag, "Here, put the fish food away. Feed it 2-3 times a day, 5-7 pieces at a time. If it hasn't eaten all, remember to remove the swollen fish food." Come out. Before Yaya wakes up, take Nini and leave quickly."


After the four said goodbye to Hagrid, they walked towards the castle with the fish tank and aluminum bucket in their arms. Unexpectedly, as soon as they walked through the oak door and stepped into the foyer, they bumped into Lockhart.

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