Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 132 The claws are almost full of sparks

"It's not a behavior monster, it's an aura monster. I just caught a trace of terrifying aura on it, but when I looked carefully, there was nothing there."

"Well, maybe I stayed up late reading last night and didn't get a good rest, so I was hallucinating!"


Luo Bin didn't believe this statement. You must know that animals' intuition is much sharper than that of humans.

However, after feeding the clownfish for more than a month, I have never seen it perform any magic, and the bubbles it spits out are always ordinary and transparent!

Luo Bin patted the water surface gently, and the clownfish swam over quickly and held his fingers in his mouth. The gills opened and closed and chattered very hard. However, its sharp, backward-curved and closely arranged teeth did not move at all. Strength.

Luo Bin took out his finger, found a magnifying glass, and looked carefully at the water surface.

The fish has an oval body, orange-red skin, and behind the black eyes, there is a white ring with black edges. There are two remaining rings, one in the center of the dorsal fin, and one in the transition zone between the body and the tail, and, There are black edges on the dorsal fin, fins and tail edges.

Well, judging from its appearance and habits, it is just an ordinary clownfish~

Nini, who was swimming leisurely in the water, suddenly became curious about the round and thick magnifying glass. He slowly swam forward and looked at Luo Bin with his eyes against the mirror.

The next second, Luo Bin straightened up suddenly, holding the table with his palms, breathing heavily, and sweating profusely on his forehead.

"What's wrong?" Nagini asked worriedly.

"It's nothing. I'm hungry. Let's go downstairs and have breakfast. After that, I'll teach Norbert and the others."

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), I won’t admit it even to death - I got heart palpitations after being hit by a fish eyeball.

Just now, when Hei Buliuqiu's eyes rushed towards the mirror, Luo Bin felt that the bottomless abyss was rushing towards him, and there were terrifying and dangerous monsters hidden in the abyss.

However, the moment the magnifying glass was taken away, everything returned to normal.

"Is it really okay?"

Nagini took a facekerchief and thoughtfully wiped Robin's sweat.


Robin glanced at Nini, who was playing with bubbles, and then led Nagini downstairs to have breakfast.

After eating, I rested for a while and then returned to the second floor.

After letting Nuo Bo, Ya, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Hui (who were brought in to make up the numbers) play for a while, he held up a book titled "I Can Do It About Hygiene" and began to lecture.

"The purpose of leaving scent in the wild is to divide territories and communicate with similar species, but here there is no territory, and there are no communication barriers. Leaving scent indiscriminately will have a bad impact."

"So, Norbert"

Luo Bin took off the cap of his pen and gently threw it forward.



The pen cap accurately hit the little black dragon that was gnawing at the leg of the white fox's chair.

"Norbert, are you listening to what I'm saying?"


The little black dragon spat out the sawdust in his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's not fair, Ya also left a random smell, why are you only talking about me?"

After hearing this, Luo Bin glanced at the white fox's hind legs frequently. If he remembered correctly, the way canines leave their scent is by raising their legs to urinate.

The white fox swung its tail to cover the base of its hind legs, blocking Luo Bin's probing gaze. It retorted to Norbert: "Stinky black dragon, stop making bad rumors about me."

The little black dragon puffed out sparks and said proudly: "I'm not spreading any rumors, huh, I have a very good nose."

"I can smell a special smell on your face, butt, and tail. That smell will be left wherever your head rubs and your tail sweeps."

"Just now, it was lying in the owner's arms, rubbing its face, licking its chin, and sweeping its wrists. This is because it is leaving its scent."

"Master, Ya also left a scent, why didn't you tell me about it?"

Luo Bin was speechless and fell into reflection.

At this time, Xiaobai (Australian oval eyes) flew into Luo Bin's arms, rubbed his head against Luo Bin's neck, and said softly and softly: "Brother, they are so fierce, Xiaobai is afraid, wuwu. Brother, Nuo Sister Bo is so sloppy and smelly, and she even yells at my brother, unlike Xiao Bai, who loves to be clean, smells good, and never loses her temper with her brother."

Luo Bin: (; ̄д ̄), after finishing the game, here comes someone who is more difficult to train than Noble - the green tea version of the little female dragon.

"speak nicely."

Luo Bin pulled Xiao Bailong to the ground and said helplessly.

"Brother, Sister Nobo is so fierce, I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid of you!"

Norbert roared angrily, rushed forward, knocked the little white dragon down, and punched it in the face with his black claws.

Xiaobai cried out a few times, and when he saw that his master didn't help, he suddenly turned over, suppressed the black dragon, and waved his claws to return all the beatings he received.

The white fox rolled its eyes and joined the fight. At first, it only beat Noble, who had made the rumor about him. Later, Xiaobai scratched its nose, and it beat them both.

After a while, Xiao Hui on the bench could no longer sit still. It smashed into the battlefield like a cannonball.

In an instant, a gray mist vortex appeared in the center of the battlefield, and a trace of white soul power floated out from the eyebrows of Noble, Ya, and Xiao Bai. The soul power was swept by the vortex and flew towards Xiao Hui.

When the soul power was only 1cm away from Xiao Hui, Luo Bin used the wind with small lightning to blow away the gray fog. The soul power was no longer restrained and immediately floated back to the master's eyebrows, while Nuo Bo, Ya and Xiao Bai also recovered. Sanity.

Afterwards, the three of them temporarily reconciled and surrounded Xiao Hui. Sparks were almost coming out of their claws.

Luo Bin closed the textbook, walked around the battlefield and walked out of the study, and closed the door 'considerately'.

In the afternoon, Luo Bin estimated that the fighting had stopped, so he returned to the second floor.

After pushing open the wooden door of the study, he saw Noble and Xiaobai huddled together on the bed in a 'Tai Chi' shape, sleeping, and Ya Da, who was slumped on the desk and sleeping with her tongue sticking out, and the color was lighter than in the morning. Once upon a time, a small amount of gray floated furtively towards the window sill.

"Suck you dry, suck you dry"

The voice was hoarse and thin, like whispering in someone's ear.

Luo Bin recited a spell silently, put Xiao Hui, who wanted to cause trouble, into the Rubik's Cube, and then carried Norbert, who was sleeping, to the first floor.

He put Norbert on his lap, pinched the remaining feathers from Lilissa's bed, and gently scraped his white nostrils.

Ah sneeze~

The little black dragon sneezed, and a few bright yellow sparks came out of its nostrils. It opened its misty eyes and stared blankly above.

After seeing clearly whose owner had caused the damage, he snorted coldly, buried his head in the crook of his leg, and sprayed sparks from his nose. It was obvious that he was still angry.

Luo Bin pulled out the black dragon's head and cast a spell to condense the flames while saying, "Noble, do you want to eat this red fire, the yellow fire, or the blue fire on the edge?"

The little black dragon was so greedy that he almost drooled, but he still pretended to be reserved and hummed.

Seeing this, Luo Bin waved his wrist lightly, and the three flames merged into one, crackling for a moment, and finally turned into a rolling black fire.

Pa da~

A drop of transparent brushed saliva dripped onto the floor.

The little black dragon couldn't bear it anymore, and swallowed the black fire into its belly with a squeal, and finally made a bleating sound while spitting out sparks.

"It's delicious, please have some more." Noble said proudly.


Luo Bin fed 20 balls of black fire and 3 magic stones to completely coax the little black dragon.

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