Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 133 Kick the little black dragon onto the roof

At this moment, Norbert was lying on his shoulder, playing the game of "burping and counting (fire) stars".

"Norbert, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to control your nature. From now on, you can do whatever you want in the Rubik's Cube Forest, and I won't care if you damage all the trees."

"But this is not a forest, and you are not the only one living there. Let's discuss it and fix a few places where we can leave the smell, so that no one will accidentally get the smell of your breath."

"What do you think of the five fixed locations?"

Noble raised his head and said, "Okay, I have to choose those five locations myself."


Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, it’s okay if everyone takes a step back.


Norbert stretched out his dragon claw and said seriously.


If the little fingers are hooked together and the thumbs are turned up and touched, the agreement is reached.

Norbert rolled his eyes slyly. After jumping to the ground, he turned around and poked his tail at Luo Bin's calf, still twisting and turning.

Luo Bin:? ? ? ?

Luo Bin stared at the shrinking and relaxing folds, wanting to kick them up to the roof.

Noble turned his head and said with a wicked smile: "Master, you pulled the hook, I have to decide where the fixed point is, hehe!"

After saying that, it retreated little by little.

"Back off. If you are ready to never eat magic fire, magic stones, or canned meat, then just keep backing off."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little black dragon quickly turned around and said with a flattering and flattering expression: "Master, I'm joking with you, why do you take it seriously, hehe. Master, are you going to the basement today?" Ah, can you take me with you?"

"No, tell me, which five places did you pick in the photo?"

"Yes, I took the photo of the gold chain tree in the yard, the money tree, pen holder, curtains, and fried bird dolls in the study on the second floor. There are exactly 5 of them."

The golden chain tree was left by the previous owner of the house. It is said that in spring, the treetops will be covered with waterfall-like, yellow, butterfly-wing-shaped flowers. From a distance, it looks like a chain of golden beads.

The money tree should be fertilized. If you have time, buy a new pen holder. Curtains should be changed and washed regularly. As for the fried bird doll, the white fox has long distanced itself from it due to its 'canned herring smell'.

"Sure! Norbert, if I find out that you violate the agreement and leave odor in other places, I will cut off your snacks."

"No violation, no violation."

Norbert ran to the golden chain tree with a clang of his tail. After knocking down a large number of leaves with his tail, he started to irritate his eyes again. After letting out a long sigh, he turned around and entered the basement.

Luo Bin recited the incantation silently and took out the gray box containing the 'Green Waist Bead' from the Consciousness Sea Space.

In the last experiment, he tried strong light, magic fire, boiling water, sawing, and corrosion with concentrated sulfuric acid, but the 'green waist beads' showed no reaction at all. This time, he planned to try a new method.

The first method is to chop with an axe!

Luo Bin fixed a 'green waist bead' on the stone platform, raised the ax with both hands, gathered enough strength, and smashed it down with all his strength.


The stone platform cracked into three halves, the ax blade rolled out a gap, and the hair of the 'Green Waist Pearl' remained unchanged.

He chopped a few more times without giving up. As a result, the stone platform was broken into countless small stones. The ax had a 'wavy blade' shape and the 'green waist bead' remained intact.

The second method is to scratch with a diamond knife!

Luo Bin fixed the 'Green Waist Bead' on the grooved iron block and scratched its surface with a diamond knife. After a long time, his wrist was sore and shaking, but there was no scratch on the 'Green Waist Bead'. .

The third method is to use lightning!

Luo Bin put the 'Green Waist Bead' into the magic ball, pulled out the ebony wand, and continued to release purple lightning into the ball. After the crackling lightning sounded for a long time, he put away the wand, sat on a chair beside him, raised his head and started dripping. A few drops of eye drops.

The fourth method is to press with a hydraulic press!

Luo Bin carried a 'green waist pearl' and walked to the deepest part of the basement. Behind an old sofa, he found the hydraulic press that the previous landlord had mentioned.

That hydraulic press has three beams and four columns, and there are three gears to choose from. When using it, you need to continuously inject magic power into the machine.

He placed the 'Green Waist Bead' on the base of the hydraulic press, pressed the wand against the pump to inject magic power, and started the first gear.


After the pump beeped for a few minutes, blue smoke came out of the valve port of the pump. The smoke flowed along the pipe and towards the main body. After the main body clicked several times, the cylinder column began to slowly fall.

As soon as the cylinder column touched the 'Green Waist Bead', it stopped falling. Luo Bin saw this and started the second gear. After the main unit clicked a few times, the cylinder column slowly fell again. When it had fallen about 2cm, Stopped again.

In so many previous experiments, the 'Green Waist Pearl' had no reaction at all. This time, it was actually suppressed by 2cm. Luo Bin felt that the dawn was right in front of him. He held his breath and activated the third gear.


(The sound of the cylinder column and the base fitting together)


(Sound of box falling to the ground)


(sound of beads falling to the ground)

Luo Bin withdrew his wand, and the blue mist quickly returned to the pump. The cylinder column was also slowly rising. And, the 'green waist bead' was perfectly embedded in the base of the hydraulic press. Luo Bin pulled it out and found that, wow, really Strong enough.

After he put the beads away, he turned towards the workbench and said speechlessly: "Who took the lead?"

Beside the workbench, the gray box was knocked over to the ground, and the green waist beads were scattered on the ground. One meter away, there were three "down" cubs standing.

The cheeks of the big stupid fox are bulging, and the fox tail is also standing upright.

The little black dragon's big long mouth was filled with green waist beads, and a bead rolled from its paw to the floor.

Xiao Bailong's eyes were wet and his expression was aggrieved, as if he was threatened by someone and had to break into the basement to steal something.

Luo Bin walked forward seven or eight meters and saw a hole burned into the bottom of the wooden door. He sneered, "Okay, I've learned how to drill into dog holes."


Nob opened his mouth and the beads fell down. He, Ya and Xiaobai got out of the hole and ran upstairs quickly, with Luo Bin following closely behind the three of them.

Second floor, study!

The Giant Rubik's Cube stipulates that magical creatures that have been included in the square cannot harm the owner of the Rubik's Cube.

So, the scene in the study room was always one of Luo Bin unilaterally 'ravaging' the cub.

He grabbed the big stupid fox and combed the fox's fur against his back, and combed it into a fried fox. Then he opened its mouth and gently took out the green waist beads.

He grabbed the little black dragon by its tail, hung it upside down, and tickled its ticklish flesh, causing it to laugh and spit out green waist beads.

He grasped the base of the little white dragon's wings, raised and lowered his hands, and finally took out two green waist beads from its ears.

"Wait here, I'll come back to deal with you later."

After Luo Bin returned to the basement, he picked up the beads that fell on the ground and put them back into the box. He also put the retrieved beads and the bead used for the experiment into the box.

Then, he found that there was an empty groove in the sponge pad in the box. He turned over the basement again, and after confirming that the bead was not there, he found the ground and reached the second floor while walking.

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