"Tell me, who had the bad idea?"

Luo Bin asked while sitting at the desk, squinting at the three cubs standing in a row.

"It came from Xiaobai. It said there was a clanking noise in the basement, and asked me if I was curious about what you were doing. I said I was curious, and it suggested going downstairs to have a look." Baihu said to his teammate.

"Yes, Xiaobai told me that there was no noise from the basement for half an hour, and he speculated that you had an accident. I followed him downstairs because I was worried." Xiao Heilong said with his head held high.

"Uh-huh, my sisters have said so. Brother, just think that the idea of ​​going downstairs was mine. Master, sister Ya didn't bite my tail and pull me down. I went downstairs voluntarily. Neither did sister Nob." You pinched my neck, and I burned the hole in the wooden door on my own initiative."

Xiao Bailong said aggrievedly.

Who came up with the idea? In Luo Bin's mind, the three cubs were equally suspicious.

The big stupid fox looks like an adult fox in its original form. However, judging from the lifespan of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, it is in the stage of a just-weaned cub. In addition, it loves to play pranks and is very curious. , so, its suspicion is no less than that of the little black dragon who once asked to follow him to the basement.

As for why the little white dragon was so suspicious, firstly, both Ya and Noble said it was the idea, and secondly, it looked a lot more thoughtful than the other two.

"That's it. The main criminal Xiaobai will be deducted snacks for two months, and the accomplices Ya and Noble will be deducted snacks for one month."

Luo Bin opened the gray box, pointed to the empty groove and continued: "There were 100 pills before, but now there are only 99. Tell me, whose house is that one?"

The three cubs shook their heads in unison, and Ya also said that if they didn't believe it, they could search them.

Luo Bin rolled up his sleeves and searched the three of them again. He also searched every corner of the study, but still couldn't find any trace of the green waist beads.

At this time, the sky outside the window was as dark as ink, reminding the people inside that it was time to go back to school.

Robin silently recited a spell and put the three cubs, who were pretending to help him find them but were actually playing parkour, into the Rubik's Cube. He told Nagini to feed Nini on time and pay more attention to the green beads. Then he put on his black cloak and walked in. The Secret Passage of the Shrieking Shack.

When he came out of the Whomping Willow, he found that the heavy rain had turned into a moderate rain with water droplets like lines.

The next day, the moderate rain turned into drizzle. Wood, the king of involution, called people to the stadium early in the morning.

It wasn't until the sun set and the rain started to get heavier that he reluctantly announced that the training was over.

Robin and Harry put away their things and returned to the entrance of the castle. They cast a cleaning spell on each other before walking in. After saying hello to Professor McGonagall who was passing by the hall, they turned up the stairs.

When Luo Bin turned a corner in the corridor, he saw an almost transparent ghost. The ghost had his back to them and looked out the window with a heavy heart.

The ghost had messy hair and wore a tunic that reached to his knees, with a third of its neck buried in a wheel-shaped ruff.

After it sighed, it reached out and pulled off its head. No, it wasn't completely pulled off. There was still a little bit of skin and tendons connected to its head and neck.

Well, during the execution, Nick was chopped forty-five times by the executioner, and Nick, who was almost headless before his body was separated, was really miserable.

Nearly headless Nick was born into the British aristocratic Minsey-Porpington family. After graduating from Gryffindor, he mingled in the Muggle world and lived a prosperous life by virtue of his identity as a wizard.

He also sneaked into the palace, became a courtier of King Henry VII, and held a knighthood.

It is reported that on the night of October 30, 1492, while walking in the park, he met Ms. Greif who was crying because of her crooked teeth. He patted his chest and promised that he could use magic to straighten her teeth.

Greif thought carefully and decided to take a risk. Then, her crooked teeth turned into sharp and long fangs.

Nick, who was almost headless, had his wand taken away from him and was sentenced to death because of this incident. It is said that that night, the entire dungeon was filled with his shouts: Let me out, give me the wand, and I can cure Geli. Madam, let me out quickly.

However, the dungeon guards pretended to be deaf and ignored Nick. It was not until a priest entered the dungeon to give him 'comfort' that his screams gradually stopped.

In the early morning of October 31, 1492, the priest sent him to the execution ground.

Unlucky Nick met an unreliable executioner again.

The executioner in charge of the execution couldn't find a stone to sharpen the axe, so he raised an extremely blunt ax and chopped his neck 45 times before announcing that the execution was complete.

That's it, his head still has a little bit of skin and tendons connected to its neck.

If a person wants to become a ghost after death, he must meet three conditions: first, he must be a wizard; second, his soul must be relatively intact; and third, he must refuse to accept his own death.

Nick was so afraid of real death that he became a ghost. After floating back to Hogwarts, he became the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower.

"Hello, Nick."

Harry greeted as the two approached the window.

"Hello, hello."

After Nick straightened his head, he turned around and said hello.

"Nick, you seem to have something on your mind?" Luo Bin asked.

"Ah?" Nick frowned, with a sad face, but continued in a nonchalant tone: "It's a very small matter. I don't really want to join. I thought I could apply, but the reply said that I'm not eligible for selection. '."

"What doesn't apply?" Harry asked.

After hearing this, Nick suddenly exploded. He broke off his head, pointed at the trace of flesh and half-stretched tendons at the wound and shouted: "You guys come to judge, am I qualified to join the Headless Hunters after my neck was chopped like this? "

"Uh, yes!"

Encouraged by Harry's approval, Nick took out a square letter from his pocket.

As it unfolded the letter, it said angrily: "I hope more than anyone else that the executioner can do his job neatly, with only a few pieces of skin and tendons connected. What is the difference between this and losing his head? But Patrick is not like that. think."

Robin and Harry came forward and lowered their heads to read the gray letter.

Dear Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington:

Sorry, the Headless Hunters only accept ghosts whose heads and necks are completely separated. Otherwise, the Hunters will not be able to hold horseback head juggling and overhead polo performances. Therefore, we regret to inform you that you are not eligible for recruitment to the Hunter Team.


Sir Patrick Podmore!

After they finished reading, Nick angrily crumpled the letter into a ball of paper and stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Nick, what can we do for you regarding applying to join the team?"

Harry asked kindly.

"Oh, you can't help. Wait, there is indeed something that you can help with. October 31st this year, which is Halloween Eve, is my 500th death anniversary."

"I have reserved a very spacious basement and plan to hold a death anniversary party there. I have also sent invitations to all my friends. If nothing else, Patrick will come too, I think."

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