Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 135 Salamander’s Escape

"What do you want us to do?" Luo Bin asked.

"I want to invite you to my death anniversary party, and give me a nice word in front of Patrick. Just say that the moment I cut off my head was very scary, okay?"

"But that night, there was also a party at school."

"Harry, the school holds a Halloween party every year, a ghost death anniversary party. If you miss it, it will be difficult to meet again."

Luo Bin advised.

"Okay, Nick, can I take a few more people with me, for example, Ron and Hermione?"

"Of course. The more people there are, the more lively it will be. See you next Saturday at 7:50 pm at the entrance of the third basement."

Nick bowed to the two of them and floated into the wall and disappeared.

Robin and Harry walked forward for a short distance, and saw Peeves carrying a rusty and leaky broken aluminum bucket, swinging from side to side, flying towards them.

"Little Guitou, if you want to take a bubble bath, just stand there and don't move."

Peeves said in a humming accent.

Luo Bin glanced at the aluminum bucket. There was white foam on the edge of the bucket, and the water dripping from the bottom of the bucket onto the floor was extremely gray.

Moreover, the perforated iron piece connecting the barrel body and the handle makes a creaking sound when it is opened and closed.

He pulled Harry back to the wall. When Peeves flew two meters away from the two of them, the aluminum bucket fell off the handle with a clang and fell to the ground. Gray water with white foam was scattered all over the floor.

Peeves picked up the aluminum bucket and looked at the water stains on the floor with a mischievous light in his eyes, "Oh, the chain has fallen off. But little devil, the bald old man is not in a good mood lately."

"I heard that someone smeared the juice from hundreds of crushed caterpillars onto the outer wall of his office. Hehe, it made him wash it off all day long."

"Aha, I heard the cat meow, little ghost head, I wish you good luck."

After saying that, it hugged the aluminum bucket and quickly left the 'crime scene'.


A scrawny gray cat rushed out from behind the tapestry. When it saw the sewage on the ground, it let out a sharp and piercing cry.

"What should I do?" Harry asked worriedly.

Mrs. Norris is Filch's sentinel. Once she discovers that a student has violated school rules, she will scream at the top of her lungs or rush to find her master.

"Get the sewage away."

Robin said, throwing a few small dried fish forward. The gray cat immediately stopped screaming and chewed the fish head. He took out the ebony wand again, but as soon as he waved the gesture, Filch came out from the wand. Rushed out from behind the tapestry.

Filch seemed to be ill. His back was arched more than ever, a thick purple woolen scarf was tied around his head, and his nose was as red and swollen as if he had been stung by a bee.

Filch saw the water stains on the ground and was so angry that the flesh on his chin was trembling. After he looked around, his frighteningly bulging eyes stared at Robin and Harry.

Filch pointed to the water stains on the ground and yelled angrily: "Dirt, dirt everywhere. Disgusting caterpillar sap, hissing carnivorous slugs, squashed beetle shit, yellow frog brains, I Enough is enough, I want to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey."

"Lestrange, Potter, follow me."

Luo Bin: (′Д`)彡, well, although I sympathize with your plight, but when you arrest someone, can you use your brain.

"The sewage was poured by Peeves. If you want to kill the chicken to show the monkey, go downstairs and catch him."

"Do you think I will believe your lies?"

"Everything must be based on evidence, Mr. Filch. What evidence do you have to prove that Harry and I poured this pool of sewage?"

"You two are the only ones in the corridor - here's the proof."

"What kind of evidence is this?" Harry retorted loudly.

"I said yes."

Filch was breathing heavily, and a drop of disgusting snot fluttered on the tip of his red garlic-like nose. He picked up a corner of his scarf and blew away the snot.

Then, he looked at the two of them with malicious intent.

Robin narrowed his eyes in disgust and said, "Filch, look behind you. In addition to the puddle of water stains on the floor, there are also a series of water drop marks of the same color."

"The water drop mark came here from the other end of the corridor."

"When you go to the end of the corridor, you can find water drop marks on the stairs. The water drop marks are dripping from upstairs to downstairs. Harry and I have just finished training and are planning to walk back up to the tower to rest. This pool of water... How could it be that we two splashed it?"

"If you don't believe what I say, go find Professor McGonagall. We just greeted her in the foyer."

Filch turned his head and looked at a series of water drop marks hidden at the end of the corridor. His chest was so tight that he could not speak.

Robin waved his wand and cast a cleaning spell to clear the water stains on the floor. After Filch glared at Robin, he bent down to hug Mrs. Norris.

Pa da~

A bulging envelope slipped out of Filch's loose robe. It read: Quick Spell, Correspondence Course for Introduction to Magic.

His pale face suddenly turned as red as his nose. He grabbed the purple envelope and stuffed it into the innermost part of his collar.

He glared at Harry who was closest to him and looked down, and asked incoherently: "Have you seen it? How much have you seen? It's not my letter. It's collected for a friend."

"I didn't see what it said!"

Filch didn't believe what Harry said. He twisted his hands together and said angrily: "Don't say a word to anyone. Let's go. I'll spare you two this time. You two can go. I have to get tools to clean up." Water drop marks upstairs.”

Harry was overjoyed and urged Robin to leave here quickly.

Afterwards, the two walked through the corridor and went all the way back to the eighth floor. They met Hermione and Ron in the common room and told them what had just happened.

"A ghost death anniversary party? It sounds very strange. I dare say that few people alive have ever received an invitation to a ghost party."

Hermione closed the copy of "Walking with Trolls" written by Lockhart and said happily.

"I don't understand. What's worth celebrating on the day of death? Um, Robin, make a potion to remove cracks. How many dried winter phoril leaves should you add?" Ron asked doubtfully while finishing up his potion homework. .

"4 slices!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang, and a salamander with yellow spots on a black background jumped into the air. It looked like a spiral dart version of fireworks. While spinning in the air, it sprayed out crackling orange-red stars, attracting people. There was a cry of exclamation.

George struggled to pull out the fireworks and shouted, "Well done, fly higher." Percy yelled hoarsely, scolding Fred and Lee Jordan, but they just scratched their ears and continued talking. Like other students in the lounge, they cheered and shouted upwards.

A few minutes later, the salamander escaped into a roaring fireplace with a series of crackling noises. George tried to get it out with tongs, but Percy stopped him.

Luo Bin: →_→, thanks to the fact that salamanders are magical creatures that are born in flames, feed on flames, and can live for 6 hours on chili peppers without the flames, otherwise they would have killed them sooner or later.

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