Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 136 Meeting Crazy Girl Luna for the First Time

Time flew by and it was October 31st. At 7:30 pm, a few people set out to walk downstairs. When passing by the doorway of the auditorium on the first floor, Luo Bin glanced inside.

He saw thousands of black bats flying above the auditorium, and countless dark clouds like cotton candy floating above the four long dining tables.

I saw Fred and George using thin books to blow a dark cloud over Ginny's head, and I saw Percy wearing a prefect badge and walking around the students to maintain order.

He saw several jack-o'-lanterns as big as carriages on the ground, and a group of skeletons were doing a scary dance around a large jack-o'-lantern. Colin also held up his camera to take pictures of the skeleton dance group.

After a while, several people went down to the basement, walked along the aisle with black candles burning blue fire on both sides, and walked towards the agreed place.

With every step he took, Luo Bin felt the temperature drop further. When he reached a corner, the numbing sound of fingernails scraping the blackboard suddenly came from the right front.

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, uh, if you become a ghost, your musical aesthetic will be degraded? Or is this just what you want?

"Hiss, that sounds awful." Ron complained in a low voice.

Several people turned the corner to the right and saw Nick standing in a doorway with a sad face.

When Nick saw a few people, his expression suddenly changed, and he said enthusiastically: "Welcome, I'm so happy that you can come, please come in."

After entering, Luo Bin discovered the source of the sound of "nails scraping the blackboard" - thirty saw pianos.

Hundreds of gray-white, translucent ghosts were dancing various dances to the shrill music. The same black candles in the aisles were lit on the ceiling chandeliers, in the center of the bandstand, and on the edges of the stage.

"Let's walk around!" Luo Bin suggested.

"Okay. But we have to be careful not to pass through anyone's body when we turn." Harry said while stamping his feet (coldly).

Then, several people moved around the black cloth at the edge of the stage and slowly moved inward. As they moved, Luo Bin quietly looked at the ghosts inside the stage.

He saw a male ghost with tattered clothes and chains on his hands and feet, hunched over and dancing with his hair.

I saw a tall knight with a sharp arrow stuck in his forehead, tap dancing with his hands on his hips.

He also saw a group of sad-looking nuns, holding their hands on their chests and singing carols

"That person is so weird." Ron suddenly said.

Robin followed Ron's gaze and saw a little girl sitting on a four-legged stool, letting the ghost pass through her body.

The little girl has waist-long blond curly hair, her eyebrows are very light, and her silver eyes are slightly bulging outward. This makes her not make facial expressions, but gives the illusion that she is surprised. Behind her left ear , holding a magic wand, she was holding up a magazine called "The Quibbler" and reading it.

Waist-length curly hair? Protruding eyes? Surprised expression? Wand behind ear?

It was crazy girl Luna Lovegood who didn't run away.

In the original book, Luna made her debut in the fifth "Order of the Phoenix", but she and Ginny are on the same level.

"Do you think it's weird that she turned the magazine upside down to read it?" Ron said in a low voice.

"Perhaps she finds it interesting to read backwards, or maybe some passages in the book are written backwards."

As soon as she finished speaking, Luna raised her head, glanced at Ron, and then stared at Robin, "Are you Robin Lestrange?"

"Well, you are a new student in Ravenclaw?"

"Extraordinary intelligence is the greatest wealth of mankind." She said in a sing-song tone.

"Did you also receive special instructions from Nick?" Harry asked.

"No, I passed by and came in to take a look. It's amazing here?"

"Passing by?"

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), passing by this late at night, it has to be you!

"Yeah, I happened to be passing by."

After Luna finished speaking, she held up the upside-down Quibbler magazine to cover her face and stopped making any sound.

Seeing this, several people continued walking around the black cloth. When Luo Bin walked seven or eight meters away, he glanced back and found Luna staring directly at them.

Luna was caught peeking, but there was no panic or guilt in her eyes. She just silently raised the magazine to cover her face.

Hey, she is indeed a crazy girl, she has a crazy energy in her body.

Robin turned back to follow the team. When they reached 3/4 of the stage, Hermione suddenly stopped and screamed: "Uh, oh no, Moaning Myrtle is floating here, hurry up, Quickly turn your back to her, I don’t want to talk to her.”

Hermione pulled Robin and turned to face the stone wall. After the crying sound faded away, she gasped and said: "Myrtle is the resident ghost of a toilet in the girls' bathroom on the third floor. She likes to lose her temper. , jumping up and down in the toilet, splashing water everywhere. She is also very sensitive, and anything as big as a sesame seed can make her scream and cry, which is really scary."


(Sound of unwrapping candy wrappers)

"Here, open your mouth."

Hermione complied, and Robin pushed a lime-flavored hard candy into her mouth. The soft fleshy feel from his fingertips made him want a lime-flavored gummy candy too.

"Phew, I feel better." Hermione said, stroking her chest.

"Robin, where are our candies?" Ron said quietly.


Ron and Harry had no special treatment, so they had to unwrap the candy wrappers themselves.

The four of them continued to move forward with sugar in their mouths. When they reached the end, they saw a long dining table covered with black cloth beside the wall. On the table were beautiful silver plates filled with meat, bread, lamb tripe, cheese, Cakes and other 'delicacies'.


"It's disgusting. Is this for people to eat?" Ron retched and said.

"No, it's for ghosts."

The pieces of meat on the silver plate smelled rotten.

The bread was burnt to black charcoal, the lamb belly was stuffed with maggots, and the cheese was covered with green mold.

The cake was in the shape of a tombstone, with caramel writing on it: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, died October 31, 1492

At this time, a high-amputation ghost floated over. It opened its mouth wide and floated from the head to the end of the table with the letter "S". At the end, it even smashed its mouth.

"Can you taste the food?" Luo Bin asked curiously.

"It's just so-so. Tsk, it tastes really bad."

After saying that, it turned around and floated towards the wine tasting area, where all the wines were covered with 2~3cm thick paste-like mold.

"Let's go. If we don't, I'm going to throw up." Ron urged, holding his nose.

"Don't go, little devil."

Peeves, who was wearing a crooked bow tie, rushed out from under the table and said with a smirk.

Peeves picked up a plate of black moldy peas and asked in a cloyingly sweet tone: "Want to try some of this?"

"I don't want to, thank you." Luo Bin said.

Peeves put down his plate regretfully, and after his eyes flickered for a few times, he said slyly to Hermione: "I was just over there and heard you say something bad about Myrtle. Tsk, how rude."

"Don't talk nonsense, I am telling the truth."

"Oh, really?" Peeves took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his voice: "Hey, Myrtle, come here, there's a little devil talking about you."

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