Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 137 Jellyfish Fireworks and Skunk Trumpet

"Peeves, stop shouting, you know how to do this"

A ghost with a gloomy face and thick glasses floated in front of a few people. It asked with a sullen face: "What?"

Hermione nervously grasped Robin's hand and pretended to be relaxed and said hello: "Hello, Myrtle, I'm glad to meet you here."

"Myrtle, the little devil was talking about you just now, hee hee."

"Let me tell you, you wear pearl-colored glasses, you are very cultured and beautiful."

Hermione glared at Peeves, who was grinning and making a face behind Myrtle and said.

"Beautiful?" It stared at Hermione suspiciously, and then, tears as big as green beans fell down, "You are making fun of me for being ugly with glasses."

"No, I really didn't make fun of you."

"Don't lie to me."

Myrtle's little eyes were like a faucet that was slipping and could not be tightened. Tears kept falling down, "Don't think I don't know what you are calling me behind my back. You are calling me Crying Myrtle, Ugly Peach." Golden Myrtle, Melancholy Myrtle, and Big Fat Myrtle.”

"Hey, you missed one thing: pimple-faced Myrtle!" Peeves said in a heartbreaking tone.

"You all make fun of me, ugh."

Myrtle covered her face and sobbed and floated outside. Peeves grabbed a silver plate and followed her. While he was smashing Myrtle with moldy peas, he shouted: "Myrtle, you have acne all over your face." Pimples, gross, gross!”

"I was afraid she would do this." Hermione said helplessly.

At this time, Nick floated over from the group of ghosts and asked, "Are you having fun?"

"It's okay." Luo Bin replied.

Nick smiled very happily after hearing this, "That's good. The number of people present today is beyond my expectation. I didn't expect that the wailing widow, the wild man in the deep forest, the giant-handed evil man and the hungry widower would also be old. Come to Hogwarts from afar."

"Okay, the speech time is coming soon, I have to go back to the stage and remind the band to change the track."

Before Nick could leave, the music of "Fingernails Scratching the Blackboard" suddenly stopped. The ghosts all stopped talking, and stood up and looked around excitedly at the stone walls.


(The sound of hunting horns drifts from the stone wall on the right)

Nick pulled his hair and said painfully: "It would be nice to come a little later at this time."


(horse braying)

Twelve strong ghost horses ran into the basement from the stone wall on the right. On the back of each horse was a headless rider. The ghosts applauded and shouted enthusiastically.

From the corner of his eye, Robin saw Harry and Ron also wanting to join the crowd in applauding and cheering, so he quickly stopped them and motioned them to look at Nick's face.

Luo Bin: →_→, well, no party host wants to be upstaged by his guests.

Twelve ghost horses ran to the center of the stage, suddenly raised their front hooves and stood upright. They howled for a long time before placing their hooves on the ground again.

A large ghost jumped off the horse. It raised its bearded head with both hands and spun around a few times, causing the ghosts around it to laugh.

It casually stuffed its head on its neck, turned around with a few clicks, and walked toward Nick with long strides.

"Nick, long time no see. Is your head still hanging safely around your neck?"

The big ghost said with a wild laugh.

"Patrick, I'm really glad you came at this time."

Nick said with a stiff smile.

"Alive person?!"

When Patrick saw Luo Bin and the others, he jumped three feet high in shock (pretend).

As a result, the bearded head fell off again and rolled on the floor like a marble, causing the ghosts to burst into laughter.

"Your old tricks still work like this."

Nick said with a straight face.

After the bearded head rolled around the field, it returned to Patrick's neck, "Don't worry about Nick, he must still be sulking about the rejection letter."

The four people who received the hint from Nick's eyes all spoke for him.

However, Patrick didn't believe them and revealed that Nick had begged them to say those words. Then, he turned around and returned to the hunters.

"It doesn't matter, I don't really want to participate." Nick floated back to the podium, stood under the cold spotlight, and shouted to the ghosts: "Ladies and gentlemen, please look over here, I am full of enthusiasm."

After the ghosts glanced at the podium, they turned back to watch the overhead hockey performance of Patrick and his players. Wherever the bearded head flew over, deafening cheers were bound to be heard.

Nick tried to raise his voice several times, but failed to grab the audience's attention. His hands were shaking with sadness.

Luo Bin: _, it’s a bit of a joke to steal the limelight at a party celebrating someone’s 500th death anniversary!

Luo Bin took out a bucket-sized 9-hole fireworks tube from the Consciousness Sea Space, carried it to the podium, took out his wand and lit it.


(The lead is ignited)


(Gunpowder sprays upward)


(Gunpowder explodes)

9 bunches of gunpowder exploded - hundreds of crystal clear blue luminous jellyfish.

They danced their tassel-like tentacles, and the shells retracted and retracted as they danced around the podium. Nick raised his hand in surprise, and a jellyfish passed through his arm gently like silk in the water.

Nick had the illusion that he had flashed from the dark and cold basement to the deep blue water. He looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him obsessively and could not return to his senses for a long time.

The audience in the audience were also attracted by this beautiful scenery, and their expressions were very similar to Nick's.

Luo Bin snapped his fingers to wake Nick up, then placed a loudspeaker with cattail patterns on the high table used for speeches. After pressing the start button, he whispered: "Nick, you can continue reading."

Luo Bin returned to the stage and found that Little Pepper was obsessed with chasing a light blue jellyfish that swam very happily. He shouted several times before the other person came back to his senses.

"Robin, are there any lavender ones?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"The lavender one is still under development, but I have agreed with the store owner that once it is available, no matter how high the price is, ten boxes will be reserved for me."

"Look, that speaker is vibrating!" Ron said in surprise.

On the podium, as soon as Nick shouted the word "I", the speaker vibrated violently. A few seconds later, a skunk with a narrow white stripe between its eyes floated out of the speaker.

The skunk raised its paws high, and between the two paws, there was the word "I" made of cattails. At the same time, it opened its mouth wide and shouted the word "I" with the same tone as Nick, but the pitch was five times higher.

Now, even if someone didn't want to listen to Nick's speech, they had to be forced to listen to it to the end, such as Patrick who turned gray with anger.

Five minutes later, Nick happily ended his speech amidst bursts of warm applause. When Robin went on stage to collect the cattail trumpet, he kept bowing and thanking him, and said that this was the best time he had ever had since his death. Happy death anniversary.

After the speech, the band played the saw piano again, and the ghosts rushed into the stage and danced a waltz with the luminous jellyfish.

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