Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 138 The door to the secret room has been opened

After Robin and the others said goodbye to Nick, not long after, they walked into the corridor with black candles again.

Several people were walking forward, leaning against the stone wall. Harry suddenly staggered and stopped. He grabbed the stone wall and turned his head to look around, as if he was looking for something.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Ron asked.

"Did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?" Hermione asked.

"That voice, that voice I first heard in Lockhart's office, it's here again."

After hearing this, Luo Bin silently activated Nagini's 'Whisper' skill, and a strange and cold whisper came to his ears.

"I smell blood. I smell blood. I will tear you apart and kill you. I will kill you all."

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), kill them all? Just ask, look what you can do, besides Myrtle, who else have you killed?

"It's strange. The stone ceiling can't stop it. It's moving upward. Could it be a ghost?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a whisper came from a floor above the ceiling: The time has come.

"Oops, it's going to kill someone!"

After saying that, he quickly ran towards the exit of the aisle.

"What does Harry want to do?" Ron asked confused.

"Who knows?" Hermione frowned.

"Stop asking and catch up quickly."

Then, the three of them quickly ran to the corridor exit, climbed the stairs, and ran into the foyer. Finally, they caught up with Harry in the auditorium on the first floor.

Harry looked up at the ceiling, frowned and said, "The first floor is too noisy. I can't hear where it is moving. Let's go up to the second floor."

After several people climbed up the marble stairs to the second floor, Harry listened to the wall for a moment and said that the voice was moving around on the floor above.

A few people climbed up to the third floor in three steps and two steps at a time, and ran around most of the corridor on the third floor. Finally, they turned a corner and came to a corridor with a wet floor.

"Look there, it's weird. I've never seen a spider crawl like this."

Hermione said pointing to the top of a window.

Several people stepped on the water and walked to the window. They looked up and saw that there was a slit between the top piece of glass and the window frame. A thin spider silk hung from the slit to the window sill. Dozens of them The spider was crawling toward the window along its thread in a panic.

"I hate spiders."

Ron backed away in fear, and bumped into Luo Bin who was looking down at something, "What are you looking at?"

"Looking at the reflection in the water." Luo Bin said calmly.


Ron looked at the puddles of water on the ground in confusion. The puddles of water reflected the gray stone walls and the red letters on the gray walls? ? ?

"Look, there are writings on the wall." Ron shouted in shock.

Robin raised his head, and Harry and Hermione also turned around. By the light of the torch, the four of them could clearly see the red letters on the wall.

[The door to the secret chamber has been opened, enemies of the successor, beware]

"It's written in blood!" Hermione grabbed Robin's arm and said in panic.

"There was a dark shadow on the extinguished torch!" Harry said in surprise.

The four of them stepped through the stagnant water and walked to the torch little by little, and saw clearly what the black shadow was.

The black shadow is Mrs. Norris hanging upside down. Its body is as stiff as a clay sculpture. Its bent tail is hooked on the bracket of the torch. Its eyes are wide open and staring in fear.

"Should we try to save it?"

Harry stammered.

"How to save?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Harry, come on, I don't want to be found here." Ron urged.

"That's too late."

Robin pulled Harry back a few steps and said.

At this time, the clatter of hundreds of feet on the stairs and the sound of noisy discussions were heard from both ends of the aisle.

Immediately afterwards, students who had just attended the banquet poured into the aisle from both ends, talking and laughing.

However, when they saw the scene in the aisle clearly, they all stopped talking, with expressions of shock, panic or fear on their faces.

Malfoy squeezed to the front of the crowd, his gray eyes fixed on the red letters on the wall. He smiled ferociously and shouted: "Enemies of the Successor, be careful. You will be the next to be killed, Mudbloods." .”

"What happened? Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Filch squeezed through the crowd with his shoulders hunched. After seeing Mrs. Norris hanging stiffly on the torch, he took several steps back in horror, "Cat, my cat, who did this?"

When Filch's bulging eyes saw four people standing next to the torch, he immediately rushed forward and shouted sharply: "You, you, kill my cat, I, I, I, I, I want to kill you, I want "

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to grab Harry's collar.


A deep shout stopped Filch's violent behavior.

The students separated to both sides. Dumbledore led the teachers to the center of the field. He was startled when he saw the red letters on the wall.

"Everyone, please obey the order immediately and follow the prefects back to the dormitories of their respective colleges and go to bed."

Dumbledore spoke.

When Robin and the others wanted to follow the Gryffindor troops upstairs, Dumbledore stopped a few people, "You four stay."

After the crowd dispersed, Dumbledore unhooked the gray cat from the torch holder. His blue eyes looked carefully at the gray cat's face, tail and fur through the half-moon-shaped spectacle lenses.

Finally, he poked the cat's ears and back with his fingers.

"Argus, Mrs. Norris is not dead, she is petrified."

Dumbledore concluded.

After hearing this, Lockhart interjected with dazzling white teeth flashing: "I remember a similar petrification attack occurred in the capital of Burkina Faso. My autobiography "Magic Me" There are more detailed records in it. At that time, I drew some talisman papers and successfully helped "

After Dumbledore looked at Lockhart with a "kind and kind" look, he cut off his tirade and said, "Argus, I still don't know exactly how Mrs. Norris was petrified."

Filch glared at Harry fiercely and screamed: "Ask him, he did it. He hates my cat because my cat caught him breaking school rules."

"Sir, you also saw what he wrote on the wall. He noticed that it was raining in the corridor that day. He saw the letter and he knew that I was a squib. The enemy of the successor, didn't he refer to me?"

Harry noticed that the professors were staring at him with probing and scrutinizing eyes, and hurriedly retorted loudly: "Filch, that's not the case. I swear, I didn't touch your cat at all, and I didn't even look at it that day. Find out what was written in that letter."

"Liar, you clearly saw the correspondence letter for the quick spell recitation course." Filch shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Mr. Dumbledore, please allow me to interrupt."

A cold voice came from the dark shadows. Snape was like an old bat in a cave, plotting how to prey on prey outside the cave.

"Say it, Severus."

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