Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 139: Once you teach, you teach for a thousand years

"Maybe they just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, there are indeed some doubts, such as why they were absent from the Halloween party?"

"Professor, the reason for missing the banquet is that we went to the basement to attend the 500th anniversary party of Nearly Headless Nick. Nick and his friends can all testify for us." Luo Bin explained.

"After that, why didn't you come to the party? Why did you rush upstairs?" Snape asked.

"Because we are tired and want to go back to the tower to rest early." Hermione replied.

A trace of pride flashed in Snape's eyes, "No dinner? I think the food at the ghost's death anniversary party is not suitable for living people to eat."


When Snape heard the affirmative answer, the look of pride in his eyes became even stronger.

"Yes, moldy, rotten, maggot-infested food makes me feel sick even just looking at it, let alone eating it. It's so disgusting that I don't want to eat anything at night."

Luo Bin said in a long tone.


After Snape's mouth twitched two or three times, he turned to look at Dumbledore, who was in charge.

"Severus, you are innocent without evidence."

Dumbledore said firmly with piercing eyes.

"Sir, my cat is petrified and someone has to be punished," Filch screamed, spitting.

"Argus, we can cure Mrs. Norris. As far as I know, Professor Pomona Sprout has recently cultivated a batch of mandrake seedlings. When they mature, they can prepare a potion. Cure your cat." Dumbledore comforted patiently.

After hearing this, Filch covered his face and sobbed.

Lockhart took a step forward and introduced himself: "Sir, leave it to me to prepare the powerful recovery potion of Mandrake. I have prepared it no less than a hundred times. I am so skilled that I can prepare it with my eyes closed." "

"Sorry, I think I am the Potions teacher at Hogwarts."

Lockhart's smile froze on Snape's face.

"Before the recovery potion is prepared, I hope everyone will be careful. Okay, you four can go."

"Okay, sir."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he led the three of them up the stairs.

"Weird, isn't it?"

When they climbed to the fifth floor, Ron suddenly spoke.

"What's weird?" Harry asked.

"Harry, first you heard the sound that no one else could hear. Then, we followed you to the third floor chasing the sound, and found that Mrs. Norris had been petrified. This is too strange."

Hermione said.

"Then do you think I should tell Dumbledore and the other teachers about the strange noise I heard?"

"Harry, are you crazy?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"Don't tell me, even in the wizarding world, hearing strange noises is not a good sign." Hermione reminded.

"Robin, do you know what a quick spell recitation class is?"

"That's an education company that has opened several magic courses. Special courses for people who have no magic talent but are eager to master magic."

"So Filch can do magic after taking the Quick Spell Correspondence Course?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ron covered his mouth and laughed, "Harry, Filch is a squib. He doesn't have any magic power in his body. Even if he memorizes the book, he can't cast a spell."


A bell rang in the distance, and Hermione turned to urge: "It's curfew, we have to go back to the dormitory quickly, before Filch or Snape come to trouble us again."

For many days after that, the students gathered privately in groups of twos and threes, discussing the secret room, the successor, and the attack on the gray cat.

Argus Filch often walked up and down the corridor on the third floor. He seemed to think that the guy who attacked Mrs. Norris would appear at the scene of the crime again.

He also bought a large bucket of all-purpose magic stain remover and tried to erase the red letters on the gray wall. However, after working for several days, the red letters showed no signs of fading.

He also pervertedly imitated Mrs. Norris's daily routine, hiding secretly behind tapestries or in empty classrooms, with red and swollen eyes peering into the corridor through the seams and keyholes in the carpet.

Then, he would appear like a ghost to the students passing by and punish them for writing reflection reports on the excuses of having a crooked tie, speaking too loudly, or having too much mud on the soles of their shoes.

Ginny seemed to be worried about the gray cat being petrified. She was worried and restless every day. Ron, Fred and George tried to comfort Ginny, but the more they comforted her, the more panicked and anxious she became.

Especially, when Ron said the words, 'Professors will soon catch the attacker and expel him from the school,' Ginny's face turned pale and her lips trembled.

Now, Ginny's suspicion of getting Tom Riddle's diary was raised a notch higher.

Hermione was also in trouble. She wanted to find out the legend of the Chamber of Secrets. However, she got up late on Halloween and failed to borrow the book "Hogwarts: A School History" from Mrs. Pince (the librarian). Moreover, the reservation and borrowing list for that book is one meter long.

For this reason, she was depressed for more than ten days. Later, Luo Bin came up with an idea: If you can't borrow a book, then ask someone!

Hermione's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she felt that the method of 'asking people' was feasible, but who should she ask?

Principal Dumbledore?

Pass, the principal has a lot to do, and they don’t know where the principal’s office is!

Professor McGonagall?

Pass, the dean was stern and stern, and if she asked her, she would most likely get a scolding and the threat of deducting college points.

Ask Professor Snape?

pass, asked him, is it really possible to have college points deducted.

After some discussion, several people decided to ask Binns Cuthbert, the history of magic teacher.

Professor Binns was the first generation of staff at the school. It is said that when Hogwarts was founded, he was as old as a dry old turtle. Salazar Slytherin personally invited him in. He serves as a history of magic teacher in school.

Unexpectedly, this religion has been taught for a thousand years.

There is no one more suitable than Professor Binns to live a long life, be knowledgeable, think clearly, and not deduct college points at every turn.

Mid-November, Wednesday afternoon, History of Magic class!

On the podium, Professor Binns held a notebook and read the contents of the notebook in a low voice in a tone that sounded like the buzzing of an old vacuum cleaner when it was working.

Under the podium, the students were drowsy. Occasionally, they picked up a quill and copied down a date or the name of a major event. Then, they fell back into a state of drowsiness, head and eyes.

When Professor Binns talked about the International Wizarding Congress in 1289, Hermione suddenly raised her hands high.

"You are?" Professor Binns asked in surprise.

"Professor, I am Hermione Granger. Can you tell us what the Legend of the Chamber of Secrets is all about?"

The students were no longer groggy.

"Miss Granger, my subject is the History of Magic. I study facts, not myths and legends."

After Professor Binns cleared his throat, he continued to read the contents of his notebook, "October 1289, a month."

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