Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 140 The Legend of the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts

As soon as Professor Binns read the beginning, Luo Bin raised his hand high and waved it from side to side.

"Who are you?"

"I am Robin Lestrange, professor. Aren't legends and myths all based on certain facts and derived from them?"

The students all looked up at the podium, their eyes full of interest.

After Professor Binns sighed, he said slowly: "Okay, it's been a while. Let me think about Salazar in the Chamber of Secrets."

"Okay, I remembered."

"Everyone knows that Hogwarts was founded more than a thousand years ago. The founders were the four greatest and most prestigious wizards in the wizarding world at that time."

"Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin."

"At first, the four founders got along very well. They traveled to various places to find children who showed magical talents, and brought the children back to the castle to cultivate them carefully."

"Later, there were differences between the founders. Salazar hoped that the school should be more selective when recruiting students. He believed that magic education should be limited to magic families, that is, pure-blood wizards."

"Then, Godric and Salazar had a fierce argument over the admission criteria. Seeing that he could not change the minds of the other three, Salazar decided to leave the school."


Professor Binns cleared his throat and continued: "It is said that when the school was founded, Salazar built a secret room in the castle without telling the other three people - the secret room!"

"However, Salazar sealed the secret room before leaving the school to wait for his true heir to return to the school."

"Only this heir can open the secret chamber and release the terrifying things inside, so that the school can be purified and those people who are deemed unworthy of learning magic in Sarawak - Muggle-born wizards."

After finishing telling the Legend of the Chamber of Secrets, there was silence in the audience. The bright eyes of the students were staring at Professor Binns, hoping that he could say a few more words.

"Of course, the legend of the secret room is just a rumor. School personnel have searched countless times, but no one has found the secret room."

"Professor, did the legend say what the 'scary thing' in the secret room was?"

Hermione demanded.

"It is said that the things that live in the secret room can only be controlled by Salazar's heirs. Some people say that there is a terrible monster living in it."

There was a sudden gasp of air from under the podium, and the students turned their heads and exchanged nervous and panicked glances.

Professor Binns unfolded his notebook awkwardly and said in a low voice: "This is just a legend. The secret room and the terrifying monster do not exist at all. Okay, let us go back to the real and credible historical events, October 1289, A magician from Sardinia"

After the old vacuum cleaner buzzed for a few minutes, the students in the audience fell into a state of drowsiness and drowsiness.

After class, several people came to an empty classroom.

"Do you think there really is such a secret room?" Ron asked.

"Yes. The worry and nervousness shown by Dumbledore and the professors when they saw the red letter on the wall and Mrs. Norris being petrified shows that the Chamber of Secrets really exists." Robin replied.

"Also, Dumbledore was unable to save Filch's cat on the spot, which makes me think that it was not human magic that turned the cat to stone." Hermione agreed.

Harry pursed his lips and said, "If there really is a secret room in the castle and it has been opened, that means"

"It means Salazar's heir has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it?" He He frowned.

"Think about it, who is the person in school who despises Muggle-borns the most?" Ron asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Malfoy?" Robin asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's him. When we were in the corridor on the third floor, you also heard what he said, 'The next ones to be killed will be you, Mudbloods.' In fact, you only need to look at Malfoy's disgusting and ugly face. With his sharp-tongued rat face, you knew it was definitely him."

"I hear you, but could Malfoy be Salazar's heir?" Hehe asked.

"Robin, Hermione, maybe Ron is right. Look at the Malfoy family. Their family members have been in Slytherin College for centuries. Maybe they hold the key to the secret room, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. It's in the hands of Draco Malfoy, Lucius's only son. But, how do we verify our speculation?"

"Go to Malfoy and trick him into telling the truth."

"Ron, no matter how stupid Malfoy is, he will never be that stupid. However, there may be another way. Of course, this method will be difficult to implement. In actual practice, it will violate nearly 50 school rules. Moreover, It’s dangerous, very dangerous.”

"Hermione, what's the method you're talking about?" Robin asked.

"In Potions class last Friday, Professor Snape mentioned a potion that can turn a person into another person. We can drink this potion and become Malfoy's followers and sneak into Slytherin Common. In the lounge or dormitory, take advantage of Malfoy's love of showing off and trick him into talking about it."

"Where can I get a potion like this?" Harry asked.

"We make our own. Snape said that the detailed explanation of this decoction is in a book called "Super Potions" in the restricted area of ​​the library. Well, if you want to borrow the book, there is only one way: get a The loan approval note signed by Professor Zhang."

"No, there is another way: put on the invisibility cloak, sneak into the forbidden book area and find the book. It just so happens that I can click on the reproduction magic." Luo Bin said.

"Hermione, we have no legitimate reason to ask Snape to sign the loan approval slip. Even if we go to other people and pretend to be interested in the theories in the book, they will not be easily fooled. In contrast, Rowe Bin's method is more feasible," Harry said.

"Well, when will we set off?"

"Saturday night! This Saturday is the first Quidditch match of the new season. Everyone's attention will be on the discussion of the game throughout the day. No one will pay attention to whether someone broke into the library and banned books. District." Ron said with an idea.

Luo Bin: →_→, Sao Nian, well-reasoned, and the ideas are pretty good. But in the original book, something big happened on the day of the game.

On the day of the game, Dobby sneaked into the school and cast a spell on the Bludger, causing Harry's right arm to be injured.

Lockhart volunteered to cast a spell for treatment, which resulted in Harry's right arm becoming boneless and turned into fleshy rubber.

That night, Dobby even showed up at the school hospital and nervously told Harry a lot.

So, the protagonist was very busy that day and couldn't attend to the restricted book section.

"Let's go today! Professor Binns has just finished teaching the legend of the Chamber of Secrets. Everyone's attention will definitely be on the discussion of where the Chamber of Secrets is, who the heir is, and what the monster looks like."

Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and suggested.

"Besides, if we prepare that decoction sooner, we can stop Malfoy from harming others sooner." Hermione agreed.

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