Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 141 Pain and happiness!

"Okay, let's meet in the lounge at 11:30 p.m. Robin, it's time. We should set off to the stadium. I don't want to be yelled at by Wood."


After Robin finished speaking, he opened the classroom door. Then, he and Harry packed their things and went to the stadium, while Hermione and Ron went to collect information related to the book "Super Potion".

Twelve o'clock in the evening, Gryffindor Tower, common room!

A calf and an ankle stood strangely at both ends of a double sofa, and there was nothing above the calf and ankle. What was horrifying was that the calf and ankle kept moving.

At this time, if anyone entered the lounge and accidentally saw this scene, they would definitely be frightened and scream.

Suddenly, the calf and ankle on the right side of the sofa moved a few big steps to the right. Then, the body above the calf and ankle slowly grew out, while the calf and ankle on the right side of the sofa suddenly disappeared.

"We have tried the 'one' shape, '=' shape, '|' shape, '0' shape and other positions. The invisibility cloak can only cover three people!"

Ron complained while smoothing his messed up hair.

"You three go, I'll wait here for you to come back."


"Harry, don't hesitate, it's important to find the book."

After Ron finished speaking, he settled into a single sofa and covered himself with a thick blanket.

"Let's go!" Harry said helplessly.

It was extremely dark in the library. Robin, Hermione and Harry held up small balls with weak light and walked towards the back of the bookshelf.

Halfway through, they saw hundreds of black spiders the size of fingernails crawling out from the bottom of a bookshelf, carrying cocoons on their backs.

They were connected end to end, forming a black line, crawling out of the aisle, up the stone wall, and out of the window in a panic.

The original book once mentioned that the big guy in the secret room is the natural enemy of spiders, so, are they moving to escape?

"Tsk, animals' intuition is better than that of humans!"

Luo Bin sighed.

"What intuition?" Harry asked.

"Intuition of danger! That night, before we found the bloody words on the stone wall, didn't we first see a group of spiders crawling out of the window?"

"Harry, the two incidents are no coincidence. I think there is something in the castle that makes the spiders feel scared and uneasy, so they do such abnormal things."

Hermione was so frightened by her guess that she dug her nails into Robin's forearm.

Luo Bin: It hurts but also makes me happy.

After hearing this, Harry's eyes lit up and his expression became excited, "Robin, Hermione, there are not only spiders in the castle, but also millipedes, ants, mosquitoes, blue-spot beetles, and stink bugs. If We later confirmed that only the spiders were escaping the castle, then"

"Then the monsters in the density are on the list of magical creatures that spiders fear."

Hermione's hand changed from pinching her arm to holding her arm, and her face was like a blooming lily of the valley, with a bright and eye-catching smile.

Harry looked at this and suddenly felt his stomach bloated. "Well, all the spiders crawled out of the window. Let's keep going inside."


After the three of them walked to the back of the bookshelf, they carefully stepped over the criss-crossing magic ropes and arrived at the musty-smelling forbidden book area.

The forbidden book area was pitch dark, and the slightly swaying curtains beside the window were like eerie phantoms. Coupled with the faint whispers, it was simply eerie and terrifying.

Hermione narrowed her eyes nervously. She heard a cold hissing sound coming from the bookshelf in the distance, as if someone was hiding behind the bookshelf, waiting for an opportunity to attack the intruder in the forbidden book area.

Is it an illusion or is it

"Robin, Harry, did you two hear that weird whisper?"

Hermione glanced at Harry sympathetically, feeling really uncomfortable hearing the strange noise.

"Well, I heard it last time as well." Luo Bin replied.

"I heard it too, maybe it's the wind, maybe it's an insect, or maybe there's something hidden in the book!"

Harry said, looking at the dark bookshelf.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't separate, let's look for it together!"

Luo Bin Nuanxin suggested.

"No, it would be too slow to find the efficiency. Besides, who knows when Filch will patrol the library."

"Oh, by the way, I asked the senior sister who borrowed "Super Potion". She said that the cover of the book is lime gray, the book is not big but very thick, the pages are a little moldy, and there are red stripes on the sides. It’s written in red letters.”

After Hermione finished speaking, she held up the small ball with weak light and walked towards the bookshelf by the window. After Robin and Harry looked at each other, Harry walked towards the bookshelf by the stone wall and Robin walked towards the bookshelf in the middle.

Just like what we saw last year, the books on the bookshelves in the forbidden book area were of various sizes, thicknesses, covers, and branded fonts, which made it dazzling.

Luo Bin was walking between the two rows of bookshelves. When he saw the book that closed his eyes, he activated the Silverfish Spirit's 'Broadcasting of Books' skill to copy the book into the Rubik's Cube space. After experiencing a huge increase in cultivation value, the Silverfish Spirit The Little Book of Chong has evolved to level 4, and the capacity for engraving text and pictures has also increased from 1 million words to 100 million words.

He was looking for it, and suddenly, Pepper's shout reached his ears through three rows of bookshelves.

"Luo Bin, come quickly."

Robin quickly walked through the aisle and saw Hermione holding a thick book and reading it. A glowing ball the size of a fist was right between the spread pages of the book and her chest.

"found it?"

"My wife is amazing, Luo Bin, come here quickly."

Hermione urged excitedly.

Luo Bin strode forward, glanced at the luminous ball, and then looked at the unfolded book pages. The next second, his eyelids jumped three or four times in shock.

On the pages of the book that were spread out, a magical creature was explained with pictures and texts.

It has a mushroom-shaped head, tassel-shaped tentacles, long ring-shaped mouth and wrists, and a crystal-clear body that is light blue and luminous.

The jellyfish that explodes look exactly the same as the new Kenziao brand fireworks.

"In 1391, when an unknown wizard visited the small town of Portree, he was entrusted by the local residents to go to Loch Ness to eradicate the water monster."

"He didn't find the water monster that looked like a snake piercing a turtle shell, but he found a giant jellyfish at the bottom of the lake."

"The jellyfish is huge, with a shell 5 meters long and a mouth and wrist 10 meters long. It has a strong magical talent. Moreover, the area where the jellyfish lives is filled with human bones and boat wreckage."

"The wizard named the jellyfish the Moon Jellyfish, set up a magic shield in the area where the jellyfish was active, and told the people of Portree not to go near that area, and then flew to the next place of travel."

"According to informed sources, the only remaining moon jellyfish in the world died in 1942." Hermione pointed to the page and read.

Luo Bin: Died in 1942? Could it be that when Kenzio climbed Buachai Erti Big Peak 50 years ago, he had a great adventure at the bottom of the lake?

"If the fireworks that night exploded were moon jellyfish that were more than ten meters long, the jellyfish would probably squeeze out of the basement and float to the auditorium banquet!" Hermione hypothesized with a smile.

"Give me the book. I want to make a copy of it and study it carefully when I get back."


Hermione closed the page and handed the book to Robin.

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