Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 142 The Terrifying Polyjuice Potion Illustration

After taking the book, Luo Bin took out the ebony wand and pretended to chant a spell. The next second, a dusty book "Discovering Magical Species" was piled on top of the book.

"Oh, except that the color is black and white, everything else is exactly the same as the original book, Luo Bin, I think"

Hermione held the replica of the gray book and stared expectantly into Robin's eyes.

Robin: (°Д°), let’s not mention the 100 million word capacity limit, how many books can be reproduced, just because Pepper Lockhart’s books never leave hands, no matter how many copies are made, it will be useless.

Robin narrowed his eyes and asked quietly: "Hermione, you haven't taken out the logical thinking books I gave you during the summer vacation and read them since school started."

"I, I, I forgot them at home," Hermione stammered in explanation.

Luo Bin returned the look of "Guess I believe it or not" and said, "Let's continue looking for "Super Potion"!"

He put the original version of "The Discovery of Magical Species" back on the bookshelf, and after putting the replica back into the magic cloth bag, he turned to walk toward the aisle, but Hermione reached out to stop him.


Hermione stood on tiptoes, put her hands across Robin's shoulders, and pulled out a thick lime-grey book from the bookshelf behind him. She said proudly and coquettishly: "I found the book. Here, let's copy it."

Luo Bin: ヽ(`д)ノ, tsk, Little Pepper, you’ve grown up!

Luo Bin took the thick book, pulled out his magic wand, and started chanting a spell. As soon as he finished copying the book, a shrill scream suddenly came from the wall near the corridor.

After the two looked at each other, they quickly ran in the direction of the source of the sound.

After arriving, the two saw books lying on the floor in the aisle. Harry, who was leaning against the bookshelf with his back in panic, was struggling to close a large black and silver book.

And the book was continuing to make a high-pitched scream, even if Harry closed the book, it was still screaming.

"Think of a solution quickly." Harry asked the two for help.

Luo Bin took out his wand and casually made up a spell. In an instant, a ball of gray mist the size of a marble erupted from the top of the wand.

Hui Wu rushed forward and stuck to the cover of the big book. His body swelled and deflated, as if he was sucking something. However, the screams from the big book slowly decreased, and when the screams completely disappeared, Hui Wu hit him. He belched and disappeared into the wand.


(The big book hits the ground)

Robin and Hermione rushed forward, randomly stuffing the books scattered on the floor back into the bookshelf. After stuffing them, they found Harry covering his forehead and standing still.

"Harry, what's wrong with you? Harry, Harry!" Robin shouted several times before Harry came back to his senses.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"It's okay! Just when I saw that gray mist, the scar on my forehead suddenly hurt. I had a similar situation before, but Luo Bin, what is that gray mist?"

Luo Bin: (“▔□▔), the moment Xiao Hui is taken into the Rubik’s Cube, it becomes an independent individual. But its body is the soul fragment of Voldemort after all, and it has the same energy field as the village bully. .

"Oh, that is a kind of magical life that is a mixture of multiple energy fields. It has the magical power to swallow up the energy fields (soul power) of living things."

"That's right!" Harry nodded understandingly.

At this time, the sound of clattering footsteps and the clatter of keys suddenly came from the corridor separated by a wall.

Oops, it's Filch!

The three of them quickly ran to the exit of the forbidden book area, quickly climbed over the magic rope, and squeezed into the invisibility cloak.


After Filch pushed the door open and came in, he locked the door bolt with a click. He held the oil lamp high in his left hand and the mop stick without the strip of cloth in his right hand. His red, swollen and bulging eyes scanned the library back and forth.

"Bad guy, you can't escape. I have to catch you tonight. Then I'll ask my husband for instructions. I'll tie your ankles with chains and hang you upside down from the ceiling. You'll be hanging there for several days." Until you admit your mistake.”

After he finished speaking, he waved the cloth stick left and right while walking forward, as if he had guessed that the 'bad guy' was invisible.

When the greasy stick head brushed against several people's chests again, Hermione tapped Robin's ribs with her elbow, winking and urging him to think of a solution.

Robin pointed at the door and made a plan of 'pull the bolt - open the door - throw something - run'. When Hermione and Harry both nodded in agreement, he led them to the left.

Then, the three of them sometimes bent down, sometimes leaned back, sometimes squatted down, and sometimes in short, they narrowly avoided the swinging wooden sticks and walked to the door of the library.

Luo Binshe suddenly pulled the door latch, opened the door wide, and threw an ice bead into the corridor on the right that would melt upon collision.

Pulling the bolt, opening the door, and throwing the bomb, three sounds attracted Filch, snap.

He immediately threw away the obstructing oil lamp, held the wooden stick in both hands, and rushed out of the door to the corridor on the right.

There was no one in front of him, but there was a palm-sized water stain on the floor. He immediately realized that he had been deceived, and hurriedly locked the library door and rushed to the left corridor, waving the wooden stick left and right as he walked forward. .

However, Luo Bin didn't play tricks, he just made a time difference.

After Filch rushed out of the door, he led Hermione and Harry out to the right.

However, when Filch found out that he had been deceived and went to lock the door in anger, he forgot to swing the stick left and right. The three of them took the opportunity to avoid him and quickly ran to the right on tiptoes.

So, the bald old man’s dream of being a bad guy hanging upside down from the ceiling is destined to be impossible to realize.

Gryffindor Tower, common room, corner behind the three-seat sofa!

The four of them sat together, Robin, Harry, and Ron, staring closely at the thick book in Hermione's hand that was turning the pages quickly in the light of the ball.



"found it!"

Hermione shouted excitedly, pointing to the open pages.

Luo Bin turned sideways and looked down at the open pages of the book. There were three illustrations and several large paragraphs of text on them.

The first picture shows a bejeweled lady with flowers exploding from the top of her head, and a half-meter long spider growing out of the flower.

The second picture shows a young man with a painful expression, his muscles bulging outward from his skin, his head elongated vertically, and his ears become pointed.

In the third picture, a wizard with fierce eyes grew wolf ears on his head, his tongue turned into a twisting cobra, and his calves became as thick as tree stumps.

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, a great mixture of the four dissimilarities?

Under the three illustrations, there are notes about the decoction.

[Properly prepared polymeric compound decoction can make the user look like another person within a certain period of time. Note: If animal hair is made into a primer, the person who takes it will have certain characteristics of the animal. 】

Further down, there is an ingredient list comparable to the periodic table of elements, as well as a detailed cooking process.

"Look at this paragraph quickly. It says, 'Put the prepared soup into a vessel, add a little something of the person you want to become as a primer, take it and wait for a while, and you can become that person.' .”

"Uh, that's disgusting. If someone's stinky toenails were added to the soup, I would never drink it." Ron pointed at the last paragraph on the page and said in disgust.

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