Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 143 Little Pepper is angry and needs to be coaxed!

"Ron, it's too early to worry about this. Besides, the book says 'a little something'. It's not impossible to add hair, fine hair, and dander." Hermione said.

"Uh, that's disgusting too!"

"No matter how disgusting you are, how disgusting can you be to vomit three buckets of slugs?"

Ron was speechless.

At this time, Harry pointed to the second half of the 'Periodic Table of Elements' and said with concern: "Look at this paragraph, it says '5g of bicorn horn powder, a bundle of eight-eyed spider silk, unicorn skin 01g of African tree snake skin fragments', we would never be able to find these materials even if we rummaged through the students' public storage cabinets."

"It is true that there are none of these in the student storage cabinets, but I once saw the horns of a bicorn and the skin of an African tree snake in Professor Snape's private storage room. Maybe we can"

"Steal? Hermione, I don't think this is a good idea." Harry shook his head.


Hermione closed "Super Potion" and said with red eyes: "Ron, Harry, if you two are scared and want to back down, just tell me directly. Anyway, you two are not on the list of successors. Luo Bin, what about you, will you back down like the two of them?"

Little Pepper's eyes were sparkling, as if she was about to cry.

At this time, no matter how many comforting words you say, they will not be as effective as actual actions.

Robin took out a large brown paper bag from the magic cloth bag (Sea of ​​Consciousness Space), opened it, and handed the horn in the bag to Hermione.

The horn was gray-black and in the shape of a short, thick cone. Its surface was full of cracks like bark, and its bottom cross-section was like a tree ring, with circles of dark golden brown lines.

The sound it makes when you flick it with your fingers is muffled, indicating that it is hollow.

"This is the horn of a bicorn! Robin, where did you get it?"

Hermione's eyes were no longer wet, and became as bright as the stars in the night sky.

"Oh, I found it in a junk shop. Hermione, you don't have to worry about the rare materials in the formula. I'll write a letter to Nagini. She has a lot of contacts. She should be able to send the materials by mail before next week. Go back to Hogwarts."

Hermione threw herself into Robin's arms and hugged him for a long time. It wasn't until a few coughs came from behind that she raised her head, whimpered "Thank you", and turned to glare at Ron and Harry.

Hermione: (╬◣д◢), ha, what an unreliable guy.

"Well, I'm not scared, and I don't want to back down. I'm just okay. I can handle hair and dandruff, and I can also accept clean fingernails."

"Ron, let me remind you that Goyle and Crabbe have the habit of twisting their fingers when eating desserts." Robin said quietly.

After Ron's mouth twitched a few times, he said: "Even if it's a spell to kidnap, I will get their hair."

"Hermione, I'm not afraid, and I don't want to back down. I just have some doubts. Hermione, when do you plan to start enduring it? Where will you endure it? And how long will it take?"

"The competition will end next week. By that time, the materials should be almost ready. The girls' bathroom on the third floor of the brewing location is where the Weeping Myrtle lives. No one wants to mess with it, and no one wants to be splashed. I'm covered in toilet water. As for how long it's going to take, let me read some more."

Hermione turned the book to the page about Polyjuice Potion, glanced at the cooking process for a few times, and said: "Well, lacewings need to be boiled for 20 days, leech powder needs to be boiled for 7 days, and fresh sap needs a month. Pick it up on the same day. Well, if everything goes well, it will take about a month to prepare the medicine."

"A month?" Harry's eyes widened in shock, "But, Hermione, you have to know, if Malfoy was really the heir of Salazar Slytherin, in one month, he would have killed half of the Muggle-borns by that time. Are you a student?"

Hermione frowned and said helplessly: "I know, but we have no other way."

Ron nudged Harry with his elbow and joked with a playful smile: "There is another way--during the game on Saturday, you knocked Malfoy off the broom. He was seriously injured and had to go home to recuperate."

"Ron, don't be ridiculous. Okay, it's already 2 o'clock in the morning. Go back to the dormitory and go to bed. Aren't you two going to the court to train tomorrow morning?" Hermione said.

"Yes!" Luo Bin said with a sigh.

Then, Hermione stuffed the book into her clothes, stood up and turned through the door of the girls' dormitory. Robin and the other three also walked back to the dormitory along the spiral staircase.

Saturday, half past ten in the morning.

It was obviously late autumn, but the weather was as hot and humid as summer. Moreover, in the gray sky, there were muffled thunder sounds from time to time.

Robin and Harry walked into the locker room carrying brooms. After changing into bright red jerseys, they sat down and listened to the other players - Oliver Wood's old-fashioned declaration of beating chicken blood.

"Boys and girls, this is an important moment, the moment that everyone has been waiting for. Their new broomsticks this year are indeed better than ours, but the Gryffindor players are more than ten times better than them. We also trained harder than Slytherin, and we rode and played in all kinds of weather."

"Yeah, my jersey hasn't been dry since September (after autumn, light rain, moderate rain, and heavy rain continued in Hogwarts)." George interjected and complained.

Wood ignored George and continued to shout: "We want to make Slytherin regret and include the little villain who can only call daddy into the team. Harry, remember, either catch the Golden Snitch or die on the field." It's time to play. Good luck to everyone. Luo Bin, you stay here and do your homework."

"Okay!" Luo Bin replied.

Wood clapped his hands three times in a row, asking the players to stand up and stretch their muscles. Three minutes later, he led the players out of the locker room and into the crowded stadium.

Luo Bin moved a small bench as usual and sat on the edge of the dressing room. He opened the heavy curtain and held a monocular to look at the scene outside. From time to time he would eat a fried pumpkin seed (grown by Hagrid) as big as a betel nut. giant pumpkin seeds).

As soon as the Gryffindor team entered the stadium, there were waves of cheers and cheers from the stands, as well as boos and boos from the Slytherin audience.

Captains Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint glared at each other and shook hands at Ms. Hooch's request.

After Ms. Huo Qi finished her opening remarks, she blew the silver whistle.

! !

As soon as the whistle blew, fifteen broomsticks rushed into the sky like unloaded bullets, and stopped steadily in the air fifteen meters above the ground.

Whizzing! Whizzing!

Red and green fly alternately high in the sky.

Gryffindor has good football skills, Slytherin has strong equipment, so, the score between the two teams is very tight.

When Robin looked through the telescope toward the auditorium, he saw that Lucius Malfoy had also arrived, sitting next to Snape.

Moreover, every time Slytherin scored a goal, or a Gryffindor player was attacked by a Bludger, a smug smile would flash across their cold faces in unison.

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