Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 144: A little bit ahead, see what you can do?

Lucius's son Draco, riding the latest version of Nimbus 2001, was flying under Harry like a sharp arrow.

Finally, he stopped next to Harry, said a few words of sarcasm, and then quickly flew towards Flint.

Harry wanted to catch up with Malfoy and fight back, but a black smoky Bludger suddenly rushed towards his head. He hurriedly bent down and the black ball flew past the tip of his hair.


"Careful, Harry!"

George smiled and reminded that just now, he hit the Bludger and hit the ball towards Pusey.

However, he was happy too early. After the black ball flew four or five meters away, it turned a corner and rushed straight towards Harry's head.

Harry turned the broom and flew behind George. George gathered enough strength in his arms, and then, aiming at the right moment, he swung his arms from left to right, and bang, hit the ball towards Malfoy.

However, after the black ball flew seven or eight meters away, it turned sharply and rushed towards Harry's head.

Harry leaned forward and flew towards the other end of the court. Whoosh, the black ball was chasing closely behind him.

"Harry, come down."

Fred, who had stopped directly in front of Harry, shouted loudly.

Harry responded and dropped one meter. Bang, the black ball was hit and flew in the opposite direction.

"Harry, you're safe."

However, after the black ball flew eleven or twelve meters, it made a sharp turn and aimed directly at Harry's head.

"Harry, does your head have a grudge against that Bludger?" Fred asked speechlessly.

"I'd also like to know."

After saying that, Harry tightened his grip on the broom and accelerated to the right. Fred was worried that Harry's neck would break, so he chased after him, as did George.

The sky is getting darker and darker, until it is as dark as when the sun sets at dusk, pat, pat, and rain as heavy as mung beans begins to fall.

But when the weather conditions became bad, the black ball became more and more courageous, frequently rushing towards Harry's head with black smoke.

If it weren't for Fred and George's protection, I don't know what would have happened.

But because of this, the two teams changed from 7 on 7 to 4 on 7. The Gryffindor Chasers lost the protection of the batter and were interfered by Bludgers one after another, losing a lot of points.

When Angelina was attacked by another Bludger, the Quaffle she was chasing was snatched away by Flint. When Slytherin scored another goal, Fred swung his arm at Wood, and Wood After realizing this, he clenched the broom and flew towards Ms. Huo Qi.

Then, the silver whistle sounded, the game was suspended, and the fifteen broomsticks fell back to the ground.

"Fred, George, Angelina, Aaliyah, and Katie, what were you doing when they were attacked by the Bludgers?" Wood asked loudly after landing.

"Someone tampered with one of the Bludgers," Fred muttered.

"That black ball wants to smash Harry's head off. It keeps circling around Harry and refuses to let him go. It's impossible for Fred and I to care about Harry's life or death, right?" George said angrily.

Harry blamed himself in his heart. He didn't want to drag everyone down, "Fred, George, you two, please leave me alone. I am sandwiched between you two. I can only see your waving arms. I can't see the golden color at all." Where is the snitch?"

"If this continues, if you want to defeat Slytherin, unless the Golden Snitch takes the initiative to get into my hands, you two should let me deal with the out-of-control Bludger by myself."

"Harry, don't be stupid, you will die. Let's ask for an investigation." Katie said.

"No, requesting an investigation will stop the game, and all previous efforts will be in vain." Wood said disapprovingly.

"Wood, it's all your fault. You made such unfavorable remarks about 'either catch the Golden Snitch or die on the field,' you cunt." George roared angrily.

At this time, Luo Bin saw the referee Ms. Huo Qi walking this way, and also saw Flint showing his big buck teeth and a vicious smile.

Luo Bin: →_→, just a little bit ahead, see what you can do?

"Let me go, I want to see if the black ball that is designed to hit people on the head can withstand the force of my swing." Luo Bin said.

Before Wood could give a reply, Ms. Huo Qi had already walked up to them and asked, "Have you rested?"


Fred clutched his shoulder with a very painful expression, "Ouch, my shoulder hurts so much. It feels like someone is stabbing my bones with a dozen needles. Could it be that the old injury has recurred?"

George came forward and touched Fred's shoulder, "If he goes on stage again, his arm will be disabled after just a few swings. I don't want to have a disabled brother, that would be very embarrassing."

"Okay! Later, George will normally assist the pursuit hand from being attacked by the bludger, and Robin will be responsible for Harry's safety," Wood said.

! !

As soon as the silver whistle sounded, Luo Bin kicked off the ground with both feet and flew into the sky with everyone.

After working hard and being scolded by the captain, George was sulking in his heart. He turned his "sulking" into "strength" and hit the bludger chasing Katie Bell towards Pousse.

Without any interference or competitors, Katie successfully caught the Quaffle and, escorted by George, rushed to the Slytherin Circle without any danger. She frightened Blake (Shou Shou) with a dodge. ), and then throw the Quaffle vigorously.


The red ball passed through the ring, and commentator Lee Jordan excitedly announced: Gryffindor has added 10 points.

On the other side, after Harry flew high into the sky, the out-of-control black ball targeted him again.


The smoking black ball rushed towards Harry's head at high speed. Robin activated the mountain troll's 'Giant Stick Swing' and the garden gnome's 'Precision Throwing' skills, aimed at the right moment, and swung his arms from left to right.


The hit Bludger whizzed towards Malfoy. When it was 5 meters away, it made a sharp turn and whizzed towards Harry's head.

Robin saw Harry tightening his fingers and leaning forward, and quickly shouted: "Don't fly, just stop here, I want to do an experiment."

"Experiment?" Harry asked confused.

"That's right."

At this moment, Robin and Harry were in the center of the field. In addition to the goalkeeper, players from both teams, Quaffles, and Bludgers frequently flew past them. Robin planned to conduct a small experiment here.

So, when the ball rushed over, Luo Bin waved his arms fiercely from east to southeast.


After the Bludger was hit by the wooden stick, it was forced to rush towards Pussy (Scottish Chase). When it rushed to 10 meters away from him, it turned sharply and rushed towards Harry's head.

When the Bludger rushed towards him, Luo Bin narrowed his eyes and waved his arms fiercely from east to northeast.


After the Bludger was hit, it turned towards Flint (Chai), and when it was 1 meter away, it made a sharp turn towards Harry.

After going back and forth more than twenty times, Robin came to a conclusion: after the out-of-control Bludger was hit and rushed 50-55 meters away, it would turn sharply and turn back towards Harry.

Robin: (¬д¬.), spin ball? Dobby’s ‘hard work’ can’t be let go in vain!

"Harry, the golden ball hasn't appeared yet, why don't we give it to the Slytherin team and have some fun."

Robin said meaningfully after hitting the Bludger away with great force.

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