Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 146 You are a bit masochistic!

Luo Bin raised his arm and secretly threw the stick with all his strength.


The wooden stick hit the black ball, and the black ball was forced to change its dashing course, scraping Harry's fingers and hitting the wall.


A black hole was created in the wall, and the Bludger turned and flew away.

With their fingers connected to their hearts, Harry endured the sharp pain and suddenly abandoned his broom and jumped forward.

He stretched out his arm and grabbed it.

His hand was so painful that he couldn't feel it, but he saw a golden wing emerging from between his fingers.

The corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising with joy, and then he fell down.

Robin controlled the broom to fly down with one hand, and reached down with the other hand. Finally, he caught Harry by the collar before he fell into the quagmire.

Then, he slid forward seven or eight meters and then stopped firmly.

"Harry, is your hand okay?"

Luo Bin asked after getting off the broom.

"I think Madam Pomfrey has the law to deal with it."

After Harry finished speaking, he raised his right hand high.

His little finger and ring finger were stretched out in the direction of his thumb at a very strange angle, but the golden ball with wings rested peacefully in his palm.

"Snitch, I caught the golden snitch."

Harry waved his arms and shouted loudly.

The audience in the stands, except for the Slytherin students, all stood up and clapped and cheered, and the commentator Lee Jordan excitedly announced: Gryffindor won.

Through the dense raindrops, Robin saw the other Gryffindor players working together to press the two ferocious trembling Bludgers into the crate and tie them up.

However, after the Golden Snitch escaped from Harry's hand, he automatically flew into the crate.

The moment the crate was locked, George pounced, knocking Wood into the quagmire, clenched his fist and punched the captain in the face (without using much force).

The three chaser girls screamed in fright. Then, the three of them grabbed the mud on the ground and threw it at Wood angrily.

Wood didn't resist or get angry. He lay happily in the quagmire and allowed the players to vent their grievances accumulated for more than three months.

It's 'fun' here, but the Slytherin team is in a lot of trouble.

From the center of the crowd in green jerseys, a high-pitched voice chanted: "Repair your forearm!"

After a flash of blue light, there were gasps from the crowd and Malfoy's screams.

"Ah, my arm has no bones and has turned into a rubber model. I will kill you and get out of here, Mudblood. No pictures are allowed."

"Yes, that's right, sometimes that's the case. But the point is that you won't feel the pain anymore. Mr. Flint, take him to the school hospital. I think Ms. Pomfrey can help Mr. Malfoy repair it again." "

After a while, Lockhart, wearing an emerald green witch robe suit, squeezed out of the crowd. After seeing Robin and Harry, he walked towards them while flashing his big white teeth.

Robin: →_→, thanks to Lucius's thin skin, he left the show when he saw Malfoy falling off the broom, otherwise you would have been in trouble.

When Lockhart walked up to him, Harry silently put his injured right hand behind his back.

"Oh, Potter, well done."

"But if it were me, I would dash forward to catch the cunning golden ball when Mr. Malfoy gets tangled in the flag."

"You know, I was also a seeker back then. My excellent riding and ball skills attracted the attention of the national team. They felt that I had the ability to lead the team and win the World Cup."

"However, I refused. I would like to devote my entire life to eradicating the forces of the dark devil."

"I'm going to do this first"

Robin was not in the mood to listen to Lockhart's unrealistic fantasies, so he made a random excuse and pulled Harry away.

At night, Gryffindor Tower, boys' dormitory!

Ron was lying on the desk, playing a kind of automatic wizard chess. He pushed the black bishop forward one space, and the bishop roughly pulled the white knight off the horse and dragged him out of the chessboard.

Luo Bin was lying on a custom-made Kenziao brand recliner, reading the seventh chapter of a replica gray book called "The Magical Power of Herbs". The chapter details a kind of food that can make people grow gills. The magical herb for webbed hands and webbed feet - Gillweed.

Gillweed is grey-green, looks like a ball with hundreds of rat tails intertwined together, and tastes like raw octopus tentacles. After taking it, it can grow gills, hand webs, and webbed feet, and can swim and swim underwater. Breathe for an hour.

In the original fourth Goblet of Fire, Harry relied on gilly grass to successfully pass the second level of the Triwizard Tournament.

Speaking of Harry, he was standing in front of the narrow and tall window, staring blankly out the window. The little finger and ring finger of his right hand had returned to normal with the help of Madam Pomfrey.

"Mr. Potter~"

A timid, high-pitched shout broke the peaceful atmosphere of the dormitory.

Luo Bin closed the gray book, rested his arm on the armrest of the lounge chair, and looked towards the source of the sound - the floor directly under the chandelier.

There stood an elf wearing clothes modified from an old pillowcase. It was very short, with big ears like a bat, a long and slender nose, and bulging green eyes that were as big as tennis balls.


A teardrop rolled down the elf's long pointed nose to the floor.

"Mr. Potter~"

cried the elf sadly.

Four months later, Harry saw Dobby again. He was neither sad nor happy about their reunion, but full of anger.

"Dobby, was it you who caused the platform partition wall to suddenly close?"

Harry rushed forward and asked.

After Dobby heard this, another teardrop appeared at the bottom of his big tennis-ball-like eyes, "Yes, Dobby hid aside, and when Mr. Potter rushed forward, he used magic to seal the partition wall."

"Dobby didn't expect that there would be so many students trapped in the station, and he didn't expect that the wizard on the train would intervene. Dobby had no choice but to remove the magic."

"Mr. Potter must leave the school. Dobby thought his Bludger would definitely work."

"Your Bludger?"

Ron held a Black Knight chess piece and looked at Dobby in shock, "Did you do it?! You want us to lose to Malfoy, and you want the Bludger to hit Harry to death?"

"No, Dobby didn't want to kill Mr. Potter. Dobby just wanted him to be seriously injured and sent home from school. School is too dangerous."

"Dobby felt guilty and sad for doing these things. Dobby had to burn his hand with an iron." Dobby explained in a panic.

Harry looked at Dobby's ten long, bandaged fingers, and most of the anger in his heart disappeared. "Dobby, before I get angry, you should leave quickly, or else I will strangle your neck."

Dobby curled his mouth downwards, hugged the table leg, banged, banged his forehead crazily, and after knocking, said with tears: "Dobby is used to the threat of death. Dobby is threatened by his master more than five times a day at home. .”

Luo Bin: →_→, the pen holder on the table was knocked down. You are a bit masochistic! Also, as far as Harry is concerned, your risk factor is much higher than that of school.

"Dobby, there are many ways to get people out of school, why do you want to seriously injure Harry?" Robin asked.

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