Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 147 Burning in the toilet

Dobby sobbed, and more tears rolled down his long pointed nose to the floor.

"Dobby did not mean to harm Mr. Potter."

"Dobby remembers what it was like before Harry Potter defeated You-Know-Who, and us house elves were viewed as pests."

"Of course, Dobby is still regarded as a pest. If the owner is unhappy, he will whip Dobby with a whip."

Dobby covered his face with a 'wow' and cried bitterly. Finally, he held the dirty pillowcase with both hands and blew his nose fiercely.

Harry looked at Dobby's pitiful appearance, and the remaining anger in his heart quietly subsided, "Dobby, why are you wearing an old pillowcase?"

Dobby pulled the pillowcase down and smoothed out the wrinkles (it didn't work, it wasn't smooth), trying to make it look more like a piece of clothing.

"Mr. Potter, this is a symbol of the status of a house elf slave. Dobby can be free only if his master gives him clothes. But Dobby's master is very careful and does not even give Dobby a pair of smelly socks."

Dobby suddenly looked around quickly, and then said in a low voice: "Listen, something terrible is about to happen at Hogwarts. Mr. Potter must not stay here anymore, because history is about to repeat itself, and the Chamber of Secrets is about to happen again." Once opened.”

"So there is indeed a secret room in the castle?"

Ron asked in surprise.

Dobby's eyes widened in horror, "I shouldn't have said that."

Dobby grabbed the glass jug on the desk, banged it on his head, and muttered angrily: "Bad, Dobby is so bad."

Robin stepped forward and snatched away the jug. Ron grabbed Dobby's skinny wrist. Harry asked: "Tell me, Dobby, when was the Chamber of Secrets opened? What happened after it was opened? And now it is Who opened the secret room?"

Dobby said with tears in his eyes: "Dobby can't say. Dobby just hopes that your husband will be safe."

Harry grabbed Dobby's collar irritably, "I am a pure-blood wizard. I am not on the list of monsters to be eliminated from the Chamber of Secrets. I cannot be in danger. Dobby, tell me, who opened the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Dobby can't tell."

Dobby raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Then, Harry's fist suddenly loosened, and there was no dirty cloth inside, leaving only air.

"It always comes and goes without a trace."

Harry sighed and silently cleaned up the mess Dobby had made: the scattered objects on the table, the water on the floor, and Dobby's tears.

Early the next morning, on the first floor of the castle!

As soon as Luo Bin and others entered the auditorium, they found that the atmosphere today was not normal. The students at the long dining table were all whispering to each other.

Even Professor McGonagall, who was sitting in the guest of honor seat, was discussing something in a low voice with Professor Flitwick with a serious look on his face.

"What happened?"

After a few people took their seats, Hermione handed the green apple juice to Robin and asked in confusion.

Harry and Ron shook their heads in unison, while Robin made a guess.

"Aha!" "I know what happened!"

Fred and George flashed to a few people and said with a smile.

"Harry, do you remember that little gray-haired boy who always asked you for photos and autographs?" Fred asked.

"Remember? We met 6-8 times a day. How could you not remember? Colin was the game photographer yesterday. He wanted to take a picture of Malfoy's boneless rubber hand and was scolded by Malfoy." Harry replied.

After Fred winked at George, George patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "You can walk around the castle struttingly from now on. That guy won't suddenly appear out of the corner and pester you again."

"Why?" "What's wrong with Colin?" Harry and Hermione asked at the same time.

"He's just like Filch's cat." "Petrified by an unknown creature."

Fred and George followed their example, widening their eyes and saying something each.

Boom! Wow!

When Hermione heard this, she was so shocked that the fork with the sausage in her hand fell into the onion and egg soup, "Who discovered that Colin was petrified?"

After Fred and George looked at each other and laughed for a while, they told each other how Colin was discovered.

Last night, Albus Dumbledore went downstairs to the kitchen to get hot chocolate and found the petrified Colin in the doorway next to the school hospital.

Colin had a camera and a bunch of bananas next to him. Based on what happened during the day, it was speculated that he wanted to take a picture of Malfoy's rubber hands under the guise of visiting a patient.

Then, send the photo to his Muggle father.

Professor McGonagall once doubted whether the camera would take a photo of the attacker. However, the moment the back cover of the camera was lifted open, there was a bang and the camera automatically burned and melted.

After Fred and George finished speaking, they smiled and walked towards Ginny, who looked panicked and uneasy.

The four people at the long dining table exchanged surprised looks and quickly stuffed their mouths with grilled sausages, cheese mashed potatoes, fried eggs and other food. After stuffing, they hunched over and avoided other students and entered the girls' bathroom on the third floor. .

The bathroom was extremely dark and dull. On the side wall was a large mirror full of stains and cracks. Under the mirror, there was a row of stone sinks with peeling surfaces.

There were several yellowed candles standing on the rusty brackets, and the flames they produced were not as bright as the sparks emitted by the salamanders.

The floor was wet, and directly opposite the side wall were single rooms. The wooden doors of the single rooms were covered with scratches of varying depths, and the paint on the doors had long since peeled off.

In fact, one of the door's hinges came off, leaving the door half-hanging there.

Hermione opened a small private room, waved her wand and cast a cleaning spell. In an instant, the water on the floor, the debris on the wooden boards, and the urine stains on the toilet all disappeared.

"Robin, it's your turn," Hermione said.


Luo Bin put his hand into the magic cloth bag and took out the brown paper bags, as well as crucibles, scales, beakers, glass rods and other equipment.

After the materials were ready and checked, Hermione waved her wand and conjured a portable and waterproof fire.

She put the fire in the toilet, placed the crucible on top of the toilet, and then brewed the polyjuice potion according to the process written in the "Super Potion" book.

About an hour later, Hermione poured a small handful of dead lacewings onto the five dried leeches, pounded the two into a paste with a stone pestle, and poured the paste into the boiling crucible.

She held the glass rod in a 'Z' shape and stirred it for thirty times, then pulled out the glass rod and cast a cleaning spell to remove the medicine stains on the equipment.

After finishing her work, she leaned on the wooden board in the single room and gasped: "Huh, I can rest now. In the next half month, just stir the crucible from time to time. Emm, do you think it was because of Colin's petrification?" Did he want to film Malfoy's embarrassing rubber hand yesterday?"

"Of course, you also heard what Malfoy said, 'I'll kill you, go away, Mudblood, and don't take pictures.' Well, Colin ran to the school hospital in the middle of the night, wasn't he trying to put his neck on the fangs of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets?"

Ron said.

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