Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 148 Join the Duel Club

"Hermione, there is something. Before I have time to tell you, Dobby came to the boys' dormitory last night. It said"

Harry told Hermione exactly what happened last night.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asked in surprise.

Ron pursed his lips and said, "Of course, Hermione, don't you understand?"

"It must have been Lucius Malfoy, who did it when he was in school here, and now he's teaching Draco Malfoy how to open it."

"But how did Dobby get to Privet Drive, King's Cross Station, and Hogwarts?"

"Besides, it was causing trouble on the court and walking around the castle. How come no professor found it?"

"Although house elves are servants of wizards and have a pitifully low status, they have exclusive magical power, which is even stronger than human wizards. Moreover, most of their magic comes from their talents and does not require a wand. It can also be used." Luo Bin speculated.

Ron nodded understandingly, then turned to look at Harry, "Harry, if Dobby keeps trying to save you, you will die."

Harry sighed deeply and said helplessly: "I know, but I think Dobby's rescue operation will not stop until the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is solved."

On Monday, in just one day, the story of Colin being attacked by a monster in the secret room escalated to the point where the whole school was paranoid and panicked.

Freshmen, no matter what they do, they always gather together in groups of three or five, as if they are worried that they will be attacked by monsters in the secret room if they are alone.

Ginny and Colin were classmates. In class, her family was often assigned to a group by the professor to do experiments.

Ever since she heard from Fred and George that morning that the plus horror version of Colin had been found passing by, she had been in a state of upset and anxiety.

After Percy found out about it, he used his identity as brother and prefect to order the twin brothers to coax Ginny well, and then the two of them started a series of confusing behaviors.

When Ginny was passing by the corridor, Fred, dressed in gray wolf skin, suddenly jumped out from behind the statue, grinning and showing his claws, scaring Ginny to the point where she screamed.

When George was chatting with Ginny, he suddenly covered his chest with a painful expression, lay back and twitched for a moment, and then vomited blood again. When Ginny cried until she was about to faint, he laughed and explained that it was a joke.

The two of them also used magic to create a low-end version of the skeleton dance troupe. Those gray skeletons performed a lap dance for Ginny with their hand bones and stomachs, while dropping equipment, such as: skulls, shoulder blades, Humerus or something.

Later, they didn't know where they got a bottle of laughing gas water that made people laugh when they drank it. After Ginny was forced to drink it, she threw herself into Robin's arms with tears and laughter. Helped her relieve the effects of the laughing gas decoction.

After Percy found out what Fred and George had done, his lips were trembling with anger. Percy ordered them to stop playing pranks immediately, otherwise he would write to Ms. Molly. In this way, the twin brothers would stop staring at Ginny. People 'trap'.

The legend of the secret room monster became more and more popular, and at some point, students secretly started a wave of buying amulets and exorcism items.

The sword master Neville Longbottom also followed the trend and spent a huge sum of money to buy a rotten onion head with green water, a cracked and inferior amethyst, and a slimy and smelly salamander tail.

As a result, Seamus and Dean told him that he was from the Longbottom family, one of the 28 holy bloods. He was an extremely pure pure-blood wizard, and he was definitely not on the list of monsters to be eliminated from the secret room.

However, Neville had his own opinion. He believed that there was no difference between himself and a real Squib. He believed that he, like Filch, was also on the elimination list.

In the second week of December, Professor Minerva McGonagall came to the auditorium on the first floor to receive the list of students who were celebrating the school holidays, just like last year.

Several people heard that Malfoy planned to stay in school for the holidays, and they deeply suspected that he had not held in his fart well. In addition, the time for polyjuice potion to boil happened to be during the holidays, so several people signed their names on the detention list.

However, Robin did not sign. He planned to go back to the village to celebrate the festival. Hermione was a little unhappy and ignored anyone for several days.

Later, Luo Bin forced the person to run to an open space deep in the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night, and used magic to create a dreamy sea of ​​light purple bellflowers to coax the person into peace.

A few days before the holiday, when Luo Bin and others went downstairs to have breakfast as usual, they saw a bunch of people gathered in the foyer, and everyone looked up at the bulletin board with interest.

After seeing a few people, Seamus waved his arms excitedly and called them to come over to the bulletin board.

"The school is holding a dueling club. There will be a dueling lesson in the auditorium tonight. I plan to participate and learn some dueling skills. Maybe they will come in handy one day."

After Luo Bin and others came over, Simo pointed to the 'Duel Club' notice on the bulletin board and said excitedly.

"Um, do you think the monsters in the secret room can duel?" Ron asked in surprise.

"It will always work."

Simo's answer made it hard to fault, so, at eight o'clock in the evening, Luo Bin and others appeared on time in the auditorium on the first floor.

In the auditorium, the four long dining tables disappeared and were replaced by a gold-plated stage that was 2 meters wide and 15 meters long.

There were hundreds of lit candles floating above the stage.

Both sides of the stage were crowded with students from all grades, and everyone was holding their wands with excitement.

Ron led the way, Luo Bin followed, and several people worked together to squeeze to the edge of the stage.

A moment later, Gilderoy Lockhart, dressed in a purple robe and with hair as smooth as waves, walked onto the stage.

He clapped his hands to silence everyone, and then shouted loudly: "Come here, come around, can you all see me? Can you hear me?"

Seeing the students in the audience nodding, he smiled with satisfaction, "Very good! Oh, that's it. In view of the recent dark events, Principal Albus Dumbledore allowed me to open this dueling club. I will train you all so that one day you can protect yourself calmly like I did before. The complete protection details can be found in my book."

Having said this, Lockhart took off his purple-red robe, crumpled it into a ball and threw it to the crowd. The robe instantly caused a rush among the girls.

Hermione was too far away from where the robe fell, and she could only watch as Lavender Brown pushed aside the girls and snatched away the idol's robe.

Lockhart rolled up his sleeves, looked at the end of the stage and said, "Let me introduce my assistant - Professor Snape!"

Snape, dressed in black, walked onto the stage with a straight face.

"Snape generously agreed to help me demonstrate to everyone. However, don't worry, everyone. After the duel demonstration, I will return your Potions teacher to you in good condition."

Lockhart said boldly.

After hearing this, Old Bat's cold eyes flashed with disdain.

"I really hope they fight and both lose."

"Ron, don't talk nonsense."

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