Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 149 Give you the same style of braised egg for the whole village tyrant

On the stage, Lockhart and Snape stood face to face. They both raised their wands to their chests, and then swung their wands hard to their thighs.

After bowing to each other, the two turned around and walked towards both ends of the stage. They turned around again and raised their wands forward over their shoulders in an attack posture.

"Professor Snape, I will count to three, and we will cast the first spell on each other."

"One or two"

The old bat couldn't bear to hear Lockhart shout 'three', so he shouted loudly: "Expelliarmus!"

In an instant, a red halo as big as a round table shot out from the top of Snape's wand.

The further the halo rushed forward, the smaller its radius became. Finally, it shrank into a ball of light as big as a Bludger and hit Lockhart's chest.

The huge impact caused Lockhart to fly off the stage, his back hit the wall with a thud, and then he fell heavily to the floor.

The crowd exclaimed, and Hermione asked worriedly: "Is he okay?"

"Whatever." Harry replied with a smile.

Lockhart got up and staggered back to the stage, "Professor Snape, you have demonstrated well. But with all due respect, your attack intention is too obvious. If I want to stop you, it will be easy." A waste of effort.”

"Professor, I think it's best to teach students how to block malicious spells first!"

Snape said with a murderous look on his face.

Lockhart also noticed that the old bat wanted to take out the knife, so he echoed: "Professor, this is a great suggestion. Well, let's invite two classmates to come up and practice, Lestrange and Longbottom. Bar."

"Professor, this is not a good idea. Even the simplest spell cast by Mr. Longbottom will cause problems. If we let him go on stage for the first demonstration, maybe we will have to send Lestrange's remains in a matchbox. Go to the hospital.”

Neville's round face suddenly turned red. He quickly lowered his head, pretending not to hear the jeers around him.

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), cut it into eight pieces and lay them on the matchbox? How dare you think about it!

"Professor, can I get someone from my college?"

Snape did not wait for Lockhart to answer, turned around and scanned the Slytherin crowd, and finally said to Flint, who looked fierce, "Come up."

The second grade versus the sixth grade is really a little bit...

Robin walked onto the stage under the worried eyes of his friends. When Lockhart passed by him, he rarely suppressed his smile and said, "Lestrange, I wish you good luck."

When Robin and Flint walked to the center of the field facing each other, Lockhart shouted: "Wand in place."


The two of them raised their wands to their chests in response.

"It's time for revenge, are you afraid?"

Flint whispered fiercely.

Robin glanced at the other party's big buck teeth and said, "Ms. Pomfrey is busy again tonight."

After the two said harsh words, they swung their wands hard towards their thighs. Then, they skipped bowing to each other and turned around to walk to both ends of the stage.

Then, the two turned around again, raising their wands forward over their shoulders, assuming an attack stance.

"When I count to three, you two cast a spell on each other, only to disarm the other party. Remember, the spell is 'Expelliarmus', one or two."

"Phantom attacks!"

Flint, like Snape, attacked when Lockhart called 'two'.

In an instant, a bolt of lightning as thick as a pinky finger shot out from the top of Flint's wand, and Robin hurriedly took a few steps back.


Lightning struck where Luo Bin was standing just now.


A black hole the size of a coconut was burned out of the stage.

The corners of Flint's mouth curled up, as if he was a victorious villain.

Luo Bin was not angry at being attacked by someone. He waved his magic wand and said: "Encircled by mysterious fire!"

Suddenly, a black wall of flames rushed towards the other end of the stage.

Flint quickly waved his wand to cast a water spell, and wherever the water snake swam, the black fire was extinguished.

Seeing this, Flint was so happy that his eyebrows almost flew out of the sky.

However, on top of the fire wall, another ball of yellow fire emerged, which was not afraid of water. The yellow fire broke through the water snake army and directly wrapped Flint's head, giving it the same 'braised egg' shape as the village tyrant.

The crowd burst into laughter, and Fred shouted loudly: "You hairless guy, get off the stage!"

"Brambles!" Flint roared.

Immediately, thorny branches covered with spikes quickly spread towards Luo Bin.


As soon as Luo Bin's spell fell, red azaleas with a lifespan of only three seconds bloomed on the thorn bush. After the flowers faded, the thorns turned into red ashes and fell to the floor.

"Three feet of ice!" Luo Bin read.

In an instant, the red ashes transformed into dozens of cold ice prisms, rushing towards Flint.

"Fire!" Flint read.

Flint used too much force. The flames he cast burned the ice prisms and then rolled towards both sides of the stage.

The crowd screamed, everyone stepped on my insteps and bumped his chin with my head and stepped back.

Seeing this, Luo Bin hurriedly cast the Water Wall Curse.

In an instant, a wall of water that shrank inward erected around the flame. The more the water wall shrank, the smaller the flame became. After a minute, the flame went out with a pop.

Just as Robin was about to cast another water wall spell, Lockhart's horrified cry suddenly came from behind him.

"I said just disarm the other party."

Luo Bin: (°Д°), uh, okay then!


As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling red light shot out from the top of the ebony wand. After Flint was hit by the red light, the wand immediately flew five meters away and hit Malfoy in the head.

He himself was also knocked off the stage, his back hit the stone wall, and he fell face down on the floor.

Gaba! Gaba!


After Flint groaned in pain, he raised his head with difficulty. His mouth and nose were covered with blood, and two irregular, yellowed front teeth were inserted into his nostrils.

Snape's face turned black with anger, and he said coldly: "Pousse, Higgs, you two send him to the school hospital."

After Robin returned to the crowd, Lockhart walked onto the stage with a smile on his face, showing his dazzling white teeth, and asked everyone to pair up and practice dueling on the stage.

Since then, the accidents on stage have never stopped.

For example, in the group of Neville Longbottom and Justin Finch-Fletchley, one wand sprayed green smoke and the other wand sprayed purple smoke. When the smoke filled the air, the two were dizzy and fell to the floor with a plop, and then , was carried off the stage by Seamus, Dean, Ernie, and Percy.

For example, in the group of Ron and Seamus, Ron had just said the 'Expelliarmus' spell, and his wand was like a firework, spraying out ash bombs one after another. Afterwards, he grabbed the arm of Seamus, the 'little gray man' , kept apologizing to him, and after spraying a few puffs of ashes, Simo silently walked off the stage, walked out of the auditorium, and walked back to the dormitory.

Another example is the team between Hermione and Millicent Burst. Hermione took the lead and knocked away Burst's wand. Burst, who was tall and strong,

He rushed forward to fight hand to hand. Not to be outdone, Hermione grappled with him. After a fierce struggle, Bosted took advantage of his size and clamped Hermione's head with his arms, causing Hermione's face to turn red. red.

Seeing this, Luo Bin hurriedly jumped onto the stage and straightened Bosid's arms.

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