Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 150 Slytherin’s ancestral secrets

In just one hour, n duel practice accidents occurred one after another, and Lockhart couldn't sit still.

He rushed to the stage and shouted in a panic: "I think I should teach you how to avoid doing unfriendly magic. Here, another pair, Potter and"

"I, I will duel with Potter."

Malfoy raised his arms and introduced himself.

"Great, come on, you two come up!"

Lockhart waved his hand, urging the two of them to come on stage.

After Harry came on stage, Lockhart walked next to him.

He half-bent his legs and waved his wand left and right, trying to perform complex magic.

However, his wand seemed to dislike its owner for being too embarrassed, so it fell to the ground with a snap.

At the other end of the stage, after Malfoy came on stage, Snape walked next to him, lowered his head and whispered a few words.

After the professor taught dueling strategies, Harry and Malfoy walked to the center of the stage. After performing the dueling ceremony, they stood face to face at both ends of the stage and assumed attack postures towards each other.

"Listen, I'll count to three before you two can cast a spell on each other, one or two."

"Light bang bang!"

'Counting' was probably a secret skill passed down from Slytherin's family. A pancake-shaped purple light rushed out of Malfoy's wand and hit Harry on the head.

Harry staggered several times before he managed to regain his balance. He covered his head and cast a 'Grinning Hula La' tickling spell on the opposite side.

In an instant, a ball of silver light hit Malfoy's stomach, causing him to bend over and burst into laughter.

After a moment, Malfoy pinched his thigh, forced his will, waved his wand, and shouted: "Oolong."

Malfoy's wand exploded into a cloud of sparks.

Then, a ferocious and terrifying black snake jumped out of the sparks. After the black snake landed heavily on the stage, it raised its head high and spit out a snake message.

The crowd screamed and everyone backed away in panic.

"Hold still, Potter, I'll get it away."

Harry's shocked expression made Snape feel very happy, and he said lazily.

"Professor, let me do it!" Lockhart stepped forward, waved his wand, and shouted: "The snake is gone!"


The cursed black snake did not disappear, but suddenly jumped up three meters high, rolled up again, and slammed back to the stage.

The black snake was enraged. It danced its snake body and swam towards Justin Finch-Leary who was closest to it.

Immediately afterwards, it raised its head high and opened its mouth to reveal its pointed fangs.

Harry, who had been following the black snake, his eyes became strange, and his feet automatically moved forward without being controlled by his brain.

When Black Snake turned his head to look at him, he opened his mouth and his throat moved up and down at a high frequency, as if he had something to say that made his throat dry and itchy.

"There is no trace of the snake!"

Suddenly, seven inches of the black snake was ignited with fire, and the burning pain made it roll and roll on the spot. Then, the whole snake was burned to black ashes.

"Thank you!"

After Fenglili was out of danger, he said gratefully to Luo Bin who was collecting his wand.

"You're welcome! The young master of the Malfoy family is quite powerful. The black snake he summoned not only has poisonous fangs, but can also confuse people's minds."

Luo Bin shouted deliberately.

"Yes, bewitch."

Harry said with a pale face. He had just come back to his senses, and after realizing that he almost spit out the 'snake language', his hands were shaking with fear.

"Oh, Lestrange, your 'Snake's Shadow' spell is so beautifully cast! However, good students need good teachers to teach them. If I didn't demonstrate the magic gesture perfectly just now, and"

Harry noticed that Snape was looking at him suspiciously and inquiringly, so he casually made an excuse to feel dizzy, walked off the stage, and pulled Robin and the others back to the tower lounge.

Everyone is attending the Duel Club on the first floor, so the lounge is empty.

"Harry, what does it feel like to be bewitched by a snake?" Ron asked curiously.

"No, I'm not bewitched."

"Then what did you want to do just now?" Hermione asked.

"I think okay, to be honest with you, I want to talk to the snake so that it doesn't attack Fenreli."

After struggling for a while, Harry decided to tell the truth.

"Talk to that snake? Are you crazy? Wait, you mean you're a Parseltongue?"

Hermione's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, that's right. Before I came to Hogwarts, when I went to the reptile house with the Dursleys, I accidentally released a giant python, and it attacked cousin Dudley. I also had a few conversations with a green viper in the Forbidden Forest."

Hermione frowned and said, "Harry, why didn't you tell us earlier that you were a Parseltongue? Do you know that the symbol of Slytherin is a snake because Salazar Slytherin is a snake?" You're like a guy. Just now, luckily Luo Bin cast a spell to interrupt you, otherwise"

"Otherwise, everyone in the school will think you are Salazar Slytherin's great-great-grandson."

"I'm not. I have nothing to do with Salazar, but why can I communicate with anyone?"

"Well, maybe just like among tens of thousands of Muggles, there will be someone with magic, and among thousands of wizards, there will be someone with a different kind of magic." Hermione speculated.

"Maybe. After observing for more than a month, have you seen any other animals escaping from the castle abnormally except spiders?"

Robin, Hermione, and Ron all shook their heads.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes widened a bit, and he stammered: "Wait a minute, Harry, you are a Parseltongue. You can understand Parseltongue that others can't understand. Then that monster Could it be some kind of snake?”

Luo Bin: ⊙ω⊙, young man, yes, I give you a big thumbs up.

When Robin was thinking about how to follow Ron's words and lead a few people to suspect that the monster in the secret room was a snake, Hermione suddenly said:

"Ron, just because you can't understand snake language, doesn't mean you can't hear the hissing sound of snakes spitting out messages. On Halloween, what Harry heard was a sound that others couldn't hear, not a sound that others couldn't understand."

"Okay!" Ron said with a shrug.

Luo Bin nodded, "That's right! However, since we have confirmed that only spiders in the castle exhibit abnormal behavior, we should often go to the library to find out if there is a book that records spiders' natural fear of certain creatures."

"Yes, that's what I think too. I suggest reading the book on the Arthropoda-Aranea classification first."

Hermione's proposal was approved by the three people. Afterwards, they chatted for a while and then went back to the dormitory to rest.

At night, snowflakes were falling.

In the early morning, the moderate snow turned into a blizzard. The howling cold wind made the windows crackle. 30cm of white snow accumulated on the windowsill outside the window.

It’s hard to imagine how thick the snow will be in the yard and golf course.

As soon as it dawned, Wood sent someone to inform them that today's training was cancelled. During breakfast, Professor McGonagall walked to the long dining table and told them about the herbal medicine class in the morning. He made fun of it temporarily because

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