Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 151 The spider is inside, the rooster is outside!

Mandrakes are afraid of the cold, so Professor Pomona Sprout has to put them in cotton socks, sweaters, and scarves, and she can't spare time to give lectures to her students.

Luo Bin and others put their minds together and decided to go to the library to browse the Arachnida classification books. However, they turned to 12:30 and still couldn't find any useful information.

When Ron clutched his stomach and complained that he was hungry for the ninth time, Hermione finally closed the book and agreed to go downstairs to eat.

When they turned to an intersection, they bumped into Hagrid wearing a moleskin coat.

Hagrid looked anxious, his woolen hat and coat were covered with snowflakes, and he was holding a dead rooster with its head downwards in his hand.

"Hagrid, why are you here?" Luo Bin asked.

Hagrid raised his right hand and shook the limp dead rooster, "This is the second rooster that has been killed this semester. I guess it was a wild fox on the mountain that slipped into the chicken shed at the hunting ground. I want to find it." Sir, ask him to send a wizard to cast a protective spell around the chicken coop."

"The second one?"

Luna flashed out from another corridor, looking surprised at the dead cock in Hagrid's hand.

Luna was holding a bell-shaped glass bottle with a lid in her hand. Inside the bottle was a black spider crawling around in panic.

"Yes, the last one was killed just a few days after school started." Hagrid replied.

Luna raised the glass bottle and tapped it a few times with her fingernails. The black spider crawled even more panicked, and even stepped on its front feet with its hind feet.

She curled up the corners of her mouth, pointed at the spider, then pointed at the dead rooster, and said with a smile: "The spider is inside and the rooster is outside. It's interesting." After that, she left without looking back.

Robin: (°ο°), Luna deserves to be assigned to Ravenclaw, her insight is really not a guarantee.

Hagrid trembled his beard and said: "She is a bit..."

"A bit crazy, isn't it, Hagrid? Everyone in Ravenclaw calls her the crazy girl." Hermione said.

"It's a bit, okay, I have to go." After Hagrid left, Robin and the others stepped up the stairs and turned into another corridor.

The corridor was extremely dark, and a window with a loose wooden frame was blown by the biting wind.

When they were halfway there, they suddenly saw ghost Nick hovering motionless in mid-air with a strange expression.

Nick's neck was broken, revealing uneven wounds on the surface. His body became pitch black, with black eyes peeping out. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were bulging, looking terrified.

"Is this Nick's new scary trick?" Ron asked confused.

"No, what kind of magic can make a ghost's body turn black? Man, there is someone. There is someone under Nick."

Hermione was so scared that her nails dug into Robin's forearm.

With a three-quarter haircut, thick eyebrows, and slightly protruding front teeth with wide gaps, this is Justin Finch-Fletchley from Hufflepuff House!

He lay stiffly on the floor like a clay sculpture, with the same frightened expression on his face as Ghost Nick. His wide-open eyes stared blankly at the ceiling of the corridor through Ghost Nick.

"Let's go, I don't want to be found at a crime scene again."

Ron whispered.

Harry pushed Ron's hand away and walked slowly to Fin-reli. He knelt down and squeezed Fin-reli's fingers.

"It was hard, it was cold, he was petrified."

"Harry, I can tell if he has been petrified. Let's go quickly."

As soon as Ron finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of gears jamming behind several people.

"Assailants, if I catch you, I will definitely fire you this time."

After Filch finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the corridor, ignoring the explanations of several people.

Ron frowned and said helplessly: "Well, the thing I was most worried about happened. Wait, is it a spider?"

Robin looked in the direction of Ron's finger and saw dozens of black spiders the size of fingernails, carrying cocoons on their backs, connected end to end, forming a line, and hurriedly climbed up the stone wall.

Even if there is a blizzard outside, you still have to squeeze through the cracks in the window and disappear into the snow.

Hermione walked up to Finch-Fletchley, looked up at the ceiling, and muttered: "Does that monster have wings?"

At this time, Filch brought Professor McGonagall, followed by Wood, Percy, and a tall female student.

"Professor, I think they should be locked up, use magic and force, and interrogate them to find out where the secret room is and the monster's weaknesses, and then hand it over to the Ministry of Magic to let them..."

"That's enough, Argus!"

Professor McGonagall sternly stopped Filch from talking nonsense. She stepped forward and carefully inspected Ghost Nick and Finch-Fletchley. Finally, she sighed deeply and ordered Wood and Percy to carry Finch-Fletchley to the school hospital.

As for the ghost Nick, Professor McGonagall waved his magic wand and conjured a big fan, and asked the tall and strong girls to use it to fan Nick to the school hospital.

Then, a surprising scene appeared. Like a hovercraft that had just experienced gunfire, Nick floated forward while emitting black smoke.

Luo Bin: (〃′o`), by the way, Nick is a ghost. How did he take the mandrake resurrection potion?

"Professor, don't believe what Filch said. When we arrived, Nick and Finch-Fletch were already like this."

Robin said while slapping Filch's arm away as he tried to grab Harry.

"Argus, your mission is completed, go and do other things."

Filch retracted his half-stretched arm and angrily left the corridor.

"Professor, I swear we just happened to be passing by."

"Miss Granger, I have no control over this matter. Come on, follow me."

Later, Robin and the others followed Minerva McGonagall and came to the two torches in a zigzag manner.

In the stone wall between the two torches, there is an elevator shaft-style, 5-meter-diameter, vertical hole. Inside the hole, parallel to the ground, stands a 3-meter-tall owl statue with half-open wings.

"Lemon ice cream," Professor McGonagall shouted.


The owl statue lifted up and slowly rotated. It rotated higher and higher, revealing the stone steps below the base.

"Stand on the stone steps and it will send you to see the master."

Several people stepped onto the stone steps in response, and they rotated higher and higher. After a while, the owl statue stopped rotating, and they were brought to a shining golden oak door with a knocker in the shape of a griffon.

After several people stepped out of the stone stairs, Harry walked to the door and said, "So the principal's office is here. We are waiting outside, shall we?"

"Go in first!"

Luo Bin stepped forward and knocked on the door. The door opened automatically and silently. He waved back and led the three people in.

The principal's office is a round room. At the entrance, there are various silverware on the long, irregular wooden table.

A stone wall was covered with living portraits of the past principals of Hogwarts. They were all in their own photo frames, snoring with their eyes closed, seemingly unaware of the outsiders entering the room.

Several people walked up some stone steps and walked to the far end of the room, where there was a huge table with claw-shaped legs and a row of semicircular bookshelves next to the wall.

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