Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 152: Five consecutive questions, the Sorting Hat was confused!

The bookshelf is filled with books of different sizes, thicknesses, colors, old and new, and a movable wooden ladder stands next to the shelf for people to pick up and place books on the upper floors.

Moreover, the wrinkled Sorting Hat was placed in the compartment next to the top of the wooden ladder.


The Sorting Hat noticed the gazes of the four people. After twisting the tip of the hat a few times, he asked, "Is there something you can't figure out?"

"Yes, can you tell us who has opened the secret room before? What happened after it was opened? Now, who opened the secret room? What is the monster in the secret room? What are its weaknesses?"

Hermione's fifth question confused the Sorting Hat.

"Well, you've troubled me. I can only say that monsters are far less scary than human beings."

After saying that, it closed its pleated mouth, bent the tip of its hat downwards, and the body of the hat was still rising and falling, as if it was asleep.


Luo Bin looked behind him for the sound of coughing. He saw a stone platform next to the iron ladder leading to the second floor.

A tall gilded perch stood on the stone platform, and on the branch stood a sparsely feathered, listless, and terminally ill bird.

Luo Bin stared at the bird, and the bird looked back at him with sad eyes.

cough! Ahem!

Every time it coughed, three or four fiery red feathers fell from it into the tray under the perch.

"Hello, can I get some feathers from you?" Luo Bin walked to the perch and asked.

Luo Bin: ⊙▃⊙, Phoenix is ​​so sick that he is about to lose his hair, but he is still a Phoenix. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If you can fish for treasure, why not fish for it?

The sick bird blinked its dull eyes, then weakly pecked off a slightly shiny feather and handed it to Luo Bin's hand.

After handing it over, he couldn't help but cough five times in a row, and its feathers fluttered down.

"Can I get a few more?"

Luo Bin asked a little timidly.

After hearing this, the sick bird's eyes flashed with excitement. It slowly closed its eyes, acquiescing to the other party's request.

Luo Bin took out the magic cloth bag and stuffed all the fiery red feathers in the tray into the bag. Then every time the sick bird dropped one, he stuffed it into the bag one after another.

"Robin, what are you doing?" Harry asked in shock.

Hermione glanced at Harry's wand and said meaningfully: "Why else collect good things, Robin, I think."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely pick some of the most beautiful ones for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sick bird burst into flames, and the flames burned more and more fiercely, turning it into a fireball.

Then, after it screamed, it turned into a pile of black ashes and fell into the tray.

"It's dead? Well, will Principal Dumbledore be like Filch and suspect that we killed his bird?" Ron asked worriedly.

"Not really."

A tough and powerful voice sounded from above.

Robin looked up and saw Dumbledore in a dark red witch robe, holding a figure-8-shaped black cup with a gold mark on the bottom, standing on the suspended platform on the second floor looking at them.

"Professor, your bird spontaneously combusted. Luo Bin only picked up some feathers and never touched it."

Harry knew the pain of being misunderstood and anxiously explained for his friend.

Dumbledore walked downstairs and said, "It's almost time. It has been like this for many days. It's a pity that you should see it on its Nirvana Day."


"Yes, Fox is a phoenix. When they are about to die, they will burn themselves on fire, and then they will be reborn from the ashes."

A tiny baby bird, with wet feathers stuck to its body, poked its head out of the smoking ashes.

It opened its bright yellow beak and made a hoarse cry. Dumbledore, who was quite playful, bent down and opened his mouth to imitate the chick, making a hoarse trill.

The little chick struggled to crawl out of the ashes, staggered to the side of the tray, flapped its wings, and jumped into people's arms.

After jumping 10cm, the momentum disappeared and it fell rapidly. Luo Bin saw this and quickly reached out to catch it.

Then, the little bird squirmed a few times, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep in his hand.


Luo Bin activated his magic power and raised the temperature of his palm so that the chick's feathers could dry faster. After all, it was sticky and uncomfortable.

"Phoenixes are wonderful creatures. They are born with strong senses and will get close to those who truly love them. Moreover, they have excellent weight-bearing abilities and their tears can heal wounds."


The oak door was pushed open violently.

With anger in his eyes, Hagrid strode up to a few people and said, "Sir, please listen to me. Don't believe what that old bastard from Argus said. Sir, it wasn't them who were found in Finlay." A minute ago, I was talking to four of them."

Dumbledore opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the impatient Hagrid, "Sir, I can swear in front of the Ministry of Magic that what I said is true."

"Hagrid, me"

"Sir, you and Professor McGonagall really arrested the wrong person, I know it."


Dumbledore raised his voice and yelled to make Hagrid calm down, "Minerva McGonagall and I do not believe that the four of them have attacked anyone else."

"Of course, they won't!"

Hagrid came back to his senses, and after realizing that he had made a mistake, his expression became awkward, "Oh, okay, cough, then I'll wait for you outside."

After Hagrid left, Harry asked hopefully: "Professor, do you believe us?"

"Yes, I believe you will not attack anyone, but I have to ask you, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Several people exchanged nervous and tangled glances with each other.

Weird sounds, unconfirmed suspects, and bubbling Polyjuice Potion, any one of them will cause huge waves.

The scene of sending Norbert away, which cost Gryffindor a hundred points, and being isolated, ostracized, and ridiculed by everyone, is still vivid in my mind.

No one wants to experience that feeling again.

So, Hermione took a step forward and said with firm eyes: "No, nothing, sir."

Dumbledore's blue eyes, which seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, looked at the four people carefully through the half-moon glasses.

When Harry blinked wildly, Ron leaned back, and Hermione pinched Robin's arm, he said, "Okay, you can go."

A few people were relieved and hurriedly turned around to leave. But before they could reach the door, another strong and strong shout came from behind.

"Lestrange, I think the perch by the stairs is missing a touch of fiery red."


Although the circular room was filled with sounds such as snoring, water flowing, bubbling, and silverware clashing, the cry of the little chick was particularly clear and loud, making people panic.

But it didn't realize it. After barking, it would peck people's fingers and play with it.

"Sorry, I forgot I still had it in my hand."

Luo Bin put the little chick back on the perching branch and explained awkwardly.

Dumbledore shook the cup with gold characters engraved on the bottom to commemorate a certain event, and said with a smile: "Fawkes is not asleep. He deliberately rested it in the palm of your hand waiting for me to call someone. It's strange that after Nirvana, his character has also changed. It’s a little chick. However, besides phoenixes, there are other creatures in this world that use different ways to achieve immortality.”

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