Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 154 Roast turkey, I’m good at it!

Luo Bin hurriedly opened the furnace door.


A large cloud of thick smoke with fire waves spewed out from the door of the furnace. After the smoke cleared, Luo Bin liked to look like a coal digger.

From head to toe, only his teeth were white.

Well, it's not gunpowder, but the effect of thick smoke is better than gunpowder.

Luo Bin was curious about what the big black lump in the oven was.

He used a large flat-head shovel to shovel the black lumps into a large tray on the table. Just as he was about to peel off the melaleuca leaves on the surface of the black lumps, his arm accidentally touched the shovel stick.

The clang of the shovel hitting the ground woke up Nagini in the rocking chair. After a moment of blurry eyes, she looked at Hei Qiao with shame, "Oh, I failed again for the sixth time."

"That's not necessarily the case. Some things look ugly on the outside but are delicious on the inside."

Luo Bin took out his dagger and scraped off the layer of puff pastry. He could vaguely see that the black lump was a turkey. He cleaned the dagger and sliced ​​it down 2cm. The exposed meat was charred.

When the second blade is removed, the meat is still dark. When the third and sixth blades are removed, the exposed meat is of normal color.

Under Nagini's expectant and nervous gaze, Robin took a piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth. The next second, he was almost sent away on the spot.

The taste of that piece of chicken can be called the ultimate five flavors, sour like lemon juice, sweet like saccharin, bitter like coptis powder, spicy like devil's chili pepper, and salty like sea salt.

"It shouldn't be. The other dishes you cook taste pretty good. How come the roasted turkey tastes so weird?"

"Yeah, for some reason, I tried several times but couldn't roast it successfully. But roasting turkey is a must-eat at Christmas!"

Nagini covered her mouth and yawned, and suddenly there were a few more black and gray marks on her face, which was as smooth as cream. "Winter, I hate winter. After this time, my body loses strength and it's easy to Sleepy."

It's normal to feel lazy and sleepy, because snakes hibernate. Although Nagini is a powerful magical creature, it will still have some impact.

"I bought a lot of chickens and raised them in the chicken shed in the backyard. I'll kill another one and try roasting them later."

Come again?

The owl stove is going to explode.

"No, leave the roasting turkey to me, your face"


Luo Bin cast a spell to create a water curtain. After Nagini saw that she was a little cat in the virtual image, she hurriedly covered her face with her hands, left the words "The recipe is on the table", and hurried into the house.

Luo Bin picked up the menu on the table and looked through it. He found that mashed potatoes, pudding, fried lamb chops, haggis (sheep tripe buns), fried chicken chops, etc., the proportion of ingredients and cooking steps were all quite normal.

On page 36, the roasted turkey and the subsequent food are no longer involved. Lemon Juice Concentrate 100ml, if you want to be sour, just say so.

On the first day of vacation, Luo Bin studied how to roast turkey to make it more delicious.

On the second day of the holiday, Luo Bin secretly searched for the lost green waist bead under the guise of cleaning, but to no avail.

The third day of vacation

Time flies and it comes to the day before Christmas.

Nagini was busy in the kitchen cooking mashed potatoes, baked pudding, braised pork and other foods.

Lilissa and Grant unpacked large boxes and climbed up and down the fir trees to hang accessories.

Luo Bin was busy roasting turkey in the backyard.

In the evening, Luo Bin put all the processed ingredients on the table.

He used his hands to coat a 15-kilogram turkey with a layer of salt inside and out.

Then, sprinkle some salt on a 5-pound old hen, spread it evenly, and stuff it into the turkey's belly.

Using the same matryoshka method, Luo Bin stuffed a hen dove into the hen's belly, stuffed a hen quail into the pigeon's belly, and stuffed a fresh egg into the quail's belly.

Then, he stuffed chives, ginger slices, caraway seeds, orange peel and other spices into the gaps between turkeys, hens, pigeons, quails, and eggs, wrapped the turkey with parchment paper and tin foil, and marinated the turkey. Make two hours.

Luo Bin poured a sack of table salt onto the large chopping board, poured some water on it, and stirred it for a few times to make the salt moist and sticky.

He took a large deep-bottomed baking pan and put 3cm thick wet salt on the bottom. He put the marinated turkey on it, then used a shovel to shovel the remaining wet salt onto the turkey and pressed it with his hands. Reality.

When the temperature in the oven reached 400 degrees, Luo Bin turned the red-hot charcoal fire to both sides, stuffed the large tray with the turkey into the oven, covered the lid, and covered the lid and the oven with wet mud. the gap between.

After cleaning up, Luo Bin glanced at the time. At half past eleven, the turkey was cooked. It started at six hours and topped out at seven hours.

So, he turned back to the house, released the magical creatures who were willing to spend the holidays in the villa into the cub's exclusive bedroom, went back to his bedroom and set an alarm clock for 5 a.m., and then fell asleep.

In the early morning, when the sky was just dark, the continuous high-pitched hoot of owls outside the window woke up the magical creatures in the house who were willing to spend Christmas in the villa.

After they stretched out and got out of bed, they were delighted to find a red woolen sock with a white edge hanging at the end of each bed. After opening it, the gifts inside made them happily run around the bedroom.

Big Ben Huya received a blue-bellied fried bird doll.

Norbert, the little black dragon, is a roly-poly who won't tip over no matter how hard he slaps his tail.

Xiaobai, the little white dragon, received a crown made of pearls and crystal.

Mora, the eight-eyed spider, received a cherry blossom pink magic picture book with a spider as its protagonist.

After they stuffed the gifts into the bed, they ran downstairs to play wildly.

The big stupid fox climbed up to the side branch of the fir tree and moved the small candles, cards, and charming dolls to the ground.

The little black dragon banged its tail on the fir tree, making the leaves rustle.

The white spider dipped its claws in paint and crawled around on the wall to paint.

The little white dragon was lying in the middle of the living room, openly shouting at the top of his lungs to tell them to stop causing trouble, and secretly guiding them to increase their destruction.

For example, the big stupid fox was making trouble at the waist of the tree, and the little white dragon shouted: Sister Ya, come down from the treetop, ah, stop shaking, the Christmas tree will fall down if you keep shaking.

As a result, the stupid fox climbed up to the top of the tree, holding a bunch of leaves in its paws, shaking its body wildly as if it was high.

It swayed, then fell heavily to the ground with a thud.

After Ya got up, she didn't hit Xiaobai, but raised her nose and sniffed around. Finally, she rushed towards the back door. Noble, Xiaobai, and Maura saw this and followed.

Before the stupid fox jumped onto the oven, Luo Bin stretched out his hand to block its way, causing it to fall to the ground and roll several times. "What are you doing?"

Ya walked up to him, her fox tail swaying like ribbons on a golden chain tree, "What's baked inside, please open it and let me take a look."

Luo Bin caught a glimpse of the big stupid fox and lowered its body into a jumping posture. He grabbed the back of its neck and lifted it onto his lap. "The roasted turkey will take half an hour to cook. Now open it and I don't want to eat it raw." of."

The big stupid fox struggled to escape, but there were hands firmly holding the back of its neck, "I can eat raw, let go, or I will turn into my original form and sleep to death on you."

After half a year, he heard the words "tiger and wolf" again. Luo Bin grabbed the swaying fox tail and said silently:

"Uh, is it okay to say the word 'sleep to death'? And you either have to wait obediently for half an hour, or I put you in the Rubik's Cube!"

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