Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 155 The green waist bead is actually an egg?

Eating later vs not being able to eat

Big stupid fox knew which one to choose.

It stopped struggling, but within a few minutes of silence, it began to behave like a monster again. It grinned its fox mouth and bit Luo Bin's knees.

Fortunately, the force of its mouth was not too strong, otherwise Luo Bin would have slapped it away.

The snow in the backyard was only half cleared. Noble and Little Whitehead bleated excitedly when they saw the snow. After receiving Luo Bin's permission, they jumped into the snow and started chasing each other.

Like Nagini, Maura also hated winter. She crawled to the oven cover and dozed lazily.

Half an hour later, Luo Bin led the four little ones back to the living room with a large tray. When he saw the Christmas tree hangings and leaves scattered on the floor, as well as the ghost symbols on the white wall, the corner of his mouth twitched several times.

"Brother, Xiaobai has persuaded the sisters. Ahem, Xiaobai's voice has become hoarse, but they refuse to come down."


Three cold glares were directed at Xiao Bailong.

Luo Bin ignored them, went straight to the dining table, found a small hammer, and banged the salt into pieces.

After Nagini brought the last dessert to the table, she saw the four little ones making trouble and smiled as she cast a spell to restore the accessories and the white wall.

After Luo Bin knocked out the salt, he put down the hammer and uncovered the tin foil and parchment paper. The rich smell of meat instantly filled the entire living room. The smell made the big stupid fox retract its claws from beating the little white dragon and rush to the dining table like a gust of wind.

Luo Bin once again hurried before the stupid fox jumped onto the dining table and stopped it with his hand. "Either you sit on the chair and wait obediently, or I put it into the Rubik's Cube. You choose one."

The big stupid fox rolled his eyes, wagging his tail and jumped onto the chair closest to the turkey, shouting at the top of his voice to tell the others to come over quickly.

After everyone was seated, Luo Bin was too lazy to ramble on for a long time. He said Merry Christmas and let everyone start eating.

Nagini, who is wearing a lake green dress and her hair tied up with emerald jade snake hairpins, looks very elegant. Whether she is eating chicken or fried tofu, she eats it carefully and her red lips are not stained. Oil juice.

On the other hand, the stupid fox is a rude person when he eats pictures.

His head was buried in the chicken leg, and his face was covered with oil and minced meat.

As for the other three, Moura's two big turtles were out in unison, spinning and frying the silkworm chrysalises frantically. Norbert and Xiaobai were licking the sweet apple soup with their tongues and drinking it.

As for Grant and Lilissa, they are living a two-person world in the cave.

After dinner, a few people went to play with building snowmen. Halfway there, Luo Bin suddenly remembered that he had forgotten two things. He asked Nagini to lead the four little ones to play first, while he quickly ran back to the house.

Then, he searched the whole house, and finally found a fat owl on the window sill outside the attic.

Most of the fat man's body was buried in the snow, and his big round eyes stared at his master sadly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about you. Here, I bought you a Christmas gift specially, peeled dried rat, garbanzo biscuits, high-quality bird food, and freeze-dried rabbit meat."

The big fat head rotated 180°, looking at the person upside down, but the resentment in his eyes did not diminish one bit.

It seems that we have to use our trump card.

Luo Bin took out a small mistletoe garland and coaxed: "Big fat, mistletoe means having many children and good fortune. Moreover, it is rumored that on Christmas Day, two people standing under the mistletoe must kiss. This It’s an excellent gift for your wife.”

The big fat man was excited. He shook off the snow on his body, picked up the garland, and flew into the sky. After about a minute, he turned back and looked at the four iron boxes.

Luo Bin understood in his heart, he opened the lid of the box and poured the snacks inside into a cloth bag, and then hung the cloth bag around the big fat man's neck. After watching the big fat man fly away contentedly, he turned and went down the stairs.

Second floor, study!

The sounds of snowball fights downstairs floated into the house through the glass, the curtains swayed slightly in the breeze, and the music box on the bookshelf played sweet music as the girl rotated.

However, the fish tank on the desk was so quiet, as if it didn't belong here.

There were no waves on the water, and there were no bubbles in the water. Even the sea anemones were motionless. Could it be because it was too cold?

emm, no, the whole house is lit by a fireplace, and the room temperature is about the same as in spring.

Luo Bin stepped forward with confusion, and while tapping the fish tank with his fingers, he shouted: "Nini, come out quickly, I have brought you a Christmas gift."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sea anemone shook violently, and then, a gorgeous clown fish emerged from it. Nini saw the shrimp meat and seaweed pellet fish food in Luo Bin's hand, and happily reached out of the water, waved its fins and jumped dance.

Normally, Robin would have stretched out his finger to tease Nini, but this time, his eyes never stopped on the fish. He was staring at the slightly swaying sea anemone.

Just now, when the sea anemone was shaking violently, Luo Bin saw a light green cashew nut-shaped thing deep in its tentacles.

Luo Bin: (°Д°), it turns out that bead has always been in the study!

Luo Bin rolled up his sleeves and put his hand into the sea anemone. After a while, he touched a small, warm object. When he was about to take it out of the fish tank, the clown fish stopped.

Nini bared her fangs and attacked Luo Bin's wrist angrily. When she rushed forward, she closed her mouth again and used her tail to swipe Luo Bin's fingers, trying to sweep off the green waist beads.

"Don't make trouble!"

Luo Bin pushed aside the clown fish and took out the green waist bead. He found that this bead, which had been lost for more than two months, had changed a lot!

The size of the bead has changed from 'cashew nut' to 'cowpea'. It feels hard and warm to the touch, and there is a red dot as big as a millet in the center of the bead.

Luo Bin found a magic flashlight and held a magnifying glass to the strong light to look at the beads. He found that there were some branch-like red lines on the red dots, and the red dots moved slightly left and right.

"Is this an egg?"


Nini leaned out of the water, and her upper body was like a dolphin nodding, bending-raising-bending-raising at a rapid rate.

Luo Bin looked at the clownfish, held up the green waist beads, and asked repeatedly: "Is this an egg?"

After Nini reappeared, the dolphin nodded, the fins closed and floated up and down, the fish eyes glanced at the sea anemone, and begged Luo Bin to put the beads back into the sea anemone.

"Can you understand human language?" Luo Bin asked in surprise.

Nini Dolphin nodded.

If you can understand what people are saying, it will be much easier.

Luo Bin moved a chair over, sat down comfortably, and asked calmly: "The conditions for the incubation of beads are sea anemones, water, or you? If it's an anemone, just nod, if it's water, just lift the fins , if it’s you, just wag your tail.”

Then, the big eyes stared at the small eyes for a minute, but Nini still didn't move.

"You mean you have to have all three?"


Nini nodded like a dolphin.

"Hatching beads, are they harmful to you?"

Nini straightened his fish body, swinging from side to side like a pendulum.

"Ahem, if I put 100 beads into the fish tank, can you bear it?"

After hearing this, Nini's eyes became surprisingly bright. After nodding like a dolphin, he danced like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate.

After it stopped jumping, Luo Bin threw a few fine fish food into the water, and while the small fish was eating happily, he cleaned the green waist beads in the gray box, and then poured out all 100 green waist beads. Into the fish tank.

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