Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 156: If you cheat someone to death, you will not pay for your life!

Then, Nini transformed into a little porter, holding beads between his fins, one by one, and moved them deep into the sea anemone's tentacles.

Luo Bin stretched out his hand to help, but it bared its teeth and swung its tail to pretend to attack. When it moved to the 100th bead, its fins were trembling with exhaustion. However, it still gritted its teeth, held the bead, and got in. There was no sound in the depths of the anemone.

Luo Bin knocked on the fish tank several times and saw a small string of bubbles emerging from the sea anemone. He got up and returned to the bedroom next door.

He had promised Hermione before that he would go back to school after the holidays, but before returning to school, he planned to go to the main street to buy some materials.

After Luo Bin put on a brown-haired, blue-eyed denim outfit, he went downstairs and left the courtyard.

Hogsmeade Village, Main Street Commercial Street.

The spiers of shops and huts on both sides of the street are covered with a thick layer of white snow, and garlands of holly and colorful ribbons are hung at the door. Small candles and reindeer cards enchanted by wizards are also hung on them.

Luo Bin walked along the street, passing by the Condiment Joke Shop, Honeydukes Shop, the Three Broomsticks Bar and other shops, and turned into the Dogweed and Deathcap herbal medicine shop.

The shop owner has not changed, he is still the same short, fat wizard with a gentle smile, a kind voice, and killing people.

He was wearing a bloated cotton coat that stretched his body horizontally, making him look like a big ball of flesh with a human face.

"Sir, what do you want to buy?"

As soon as I opened my mouth, my old accent changed, and the ending sound went up.

Luo Bin took out a piece of paper and asked, "Are the items listed above available in the store?"

The shopkeeper quickly glanced at the names of the potion ingredients on the note with his orange eyes, "Sir, don't worry, everything listed above is available in the store."

The shop owner took the note, walked to the material area, stepped on the movable and height-adjustable stool, and shuttled between the various display shelves.

Fifteen minutes later, the shopkeeper brought back 6 paper bags and said with a gentle smile: "Sir, the total is 27 Galleons, 16 Sickles and 23 Nats. I'll give you a zero and you'll pay 27 Galleons and 16 Sickles."

Luo Bin took out a cloth bag from his pocket, counted out 28 gold galleons under the shopkeeper's gentle and expectant gaze, and asked casually:

"You have packed all the materials on the shopkeeper's list and put them on the counter, right?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Luo Bin picked up the galleons and handed them to the front. The shopkeeper happily opened his palms to receive them. However, when Luo Bin stretched his hand to 2/3, he suddenly retracted it.

"Gillweed, how much does it cost?"

"Five galleons, what?" the shopkeeper asked confused.

Luo Bin opened a slit with his fingers, shook out 5 Galleons, and poured the remaining Galleons into the owner's arms. Then, he picked up the 6 paper bags on the counter and strode towards the door.

After the shopkeeper came to his senses from his dazed state, he jumped in front of Luo Bin like a big meat ball, "Sir, you still have 5 galleons left."

"Bad? Didn't you just say that gilly bladderwort is worth 5 Galleons!"

"Yes, but"

"Shopkeeper, there are 7 kinds of ingredients listed on the note, but you only brought back 6 paper bags. The gillyweed is not in it, right? You said that all the ingredients on the note are on the counter, and you also said that the total is 27 Galleons 16 Siko, not only did I not pay you any money, but I also paid 1 Siko more (1 Galleons = 17 Siko)."


The shopkeeper was so angry that he gasped. Finally, he rolled his eyes and pretended to suddenly realize:

"Hey, look at my memory. The branchial grass shop is out of stock. The headquarters will not bring new goods until next month. I was so busy just now that I forgot to tell you about this. However, I promise you. , I definitely did not miscalculate, 27 galleons, 16 sikos, and 23 knuts is the total price of the materials in 6 paper bags."

"What guarantee do you have?"

"The reputation of dogtail grass and death cap herbal shops!" the shop owner said proudly with the tip of his nose pointing upward.

Luo Bin: →_→. Last time, they passed off inferior products and concealed promotions. This time, they did it all again. What credibility does your store have?

Luo Bin took out a phonograph, pressed the switch, and played the conversation between him and the shop owner.

"Shopowner, tell me, I will send this ball to the Chamber of Commerce. In two or three days, will there be a wave of people coming to your store to check and see if you have 'forgot' your mistakes before?"

After hearing this, the shop owner's mouth twitched several times. Finally, he admitted that he was unlucky and just hoped that the evil spirit would hurry up and harm the next family.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I usually have a good memory. Today is a special situation. My daughter is seriously ill. Forget it, no one wants to listen to others' complaints."

"Sir, as a token of my sincerity in apologizing, I've given you a 30% discount, and then erased the fraction, which is exactly 23 Galleons. How about you, go ahead and delete the message? Do you think that's okay?"

"Okay or not? I have to think about it."

Luo Bin frowned and pretended to be deep in thought, but in fact he was secretly admiring the unscrupulous shop owner's anxious expression.


When a bead of sweat as big as a mung bean dripped down his greasy face and onto the floor, he said in a calm tone: "Okay!"

The shop owner breathed a sigh of relief.


The shopkeeper's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his voice again, "But what?"

"But you have to tell me where I can get the gallweed!"

Will the headquarters send new goods next month?

Luo Bin didn't believe a word of this statement.

"This and this"

The shop owner scratched his sparse hair for a while, then slapped his forehead and said excitedly: "Recently, there was a traveling merchant from the Mediterranean who passed by the village and sold some herbs, magic weapons, ores, seafood, etc. The origin of gilly bladderwort is The place of origin is the Mediterranean, and you can try your luck at the Pig’s Head Bar, where he lives.”

"Do you believe what you say?"

"Everyone in the village knows about the traveling merchants. I'm not lying to you. If you go to the end of the village and take a look, you will know that my words are not trustworthy."

That’s right, whether it’s trustworthy or not, you’ll know after you go there.

Luo Bin raised the phonograph and pressed the delete button under the expectant gaze of the shop owner. After leaving the herbal shop, he walked straight towards the end of the village.

Five minutes later, he approached the Hog's Head Bar.

There were more than a dozen yellow candles that were not very bright in the bar. Several bay windows on the wall were blocked by snow, making the bar look very dark. The dirt on the floor seemed to be 1cm thicker than when we came back. .

There was no Christmas tree in the bar, no ribbons, and no deer-training cards.

The only thing that gave it a bit of a festive feel was probably the woven ribbon of pure mistletoe hung on a load-bearing pole.

The bar and other tables were filled with wizards dressed in various costumes, drinking and having fun. Who among them would be the traveling merchant that the shop owner said?

As Luo Bin walked inside, he was thinking of ways to quickly identify who was a traveling merchant. When he walked to the load-bearing pillar, suddenly, a bartender carrying a four-story beer tower rushed over from the side.

He stumbled back several times in shock. The bartender said "Sorry" and hurried to the guest table.

As soon as Luo Bin stabilized his body, he saw a tall and handsome wizard walking to the load-bearing pillar with an embarrassed look.

The wizard clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and kept taking deep breaths. It seemed that there was something he didn't want to do, but he had to do it.

What is surprising is that the wizards in the bar stopped drinking and chatting. They all turned to the wizard.

Luo Bin found an unoccupied table, sat down, and looked at the wizard like everyone else.

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