Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 157: The traveling merchant witch and the old woman are working together!

"I, Reddock Watson, am willing to admit defeat. Who wants to be the last person to kiss me this year?"

The whole place burst into laughter, and the wizard's eyelids trembled as he searched the crowd for a witch whose appearance caught his fancy.

Finally, his eyes fell on a dashing witch with smoky makeup and a riveted jacket.

The witch noticed his gaze and pointed to her nose. The wizard nodded anxiously, and the witch shook her finger coldly.

Then, she stepped on the ground and slid the stool to the right, revealing the old woman sitting behind her who had only two big yellow teeth left in her mouth.

The old woman had dark skin and sad eyes. Her old face was covered with ravine-like folds. Because she had no teeth, the lower half of her face was deeply sunken inward, and her lips were as dry as a rag.

The old woman left the table, crutches in hand, and walked towards the load-bearing pillar tremblingly.

The whole audience was in mourning, and the wizard's face turned pale, "No, don't, I don't want you."

The wizard was bound by the bet and could not leave the load-bearing pillar. He could only watch helplessly as the old woman approached him little by little.

About 2 minutes later, the old woman walked to the load-bearing pillar.

Amidst the bursts of cheers, the wizard tilted his head downwards like a duck, and tried to escape like a dragonfly.

However, the old woman refused to let him go.

The old woman walked out of the bar tremblingly with a cane in hand. After the wizard got up, he glanced at the bar, lowered his head and quickly fled from the place where he was embarrassed.

Luo Bin raised his eyes and looked in the direction where the wizard was looking before he left. There was a tall and strong wizard sitting there.

He wore a black felt hat, a sealskin coat, and a long shell necklace around his neck. There was a large box beside the chair.

Seal skin?


Could it be

Luo Bin left the table and slowly walked towards the bar. When he smelled the strong salty smell of seafood and the faint fragrance of flowers, in his mind, the tall and muscular wizard was suspected of being a traveling merchant of seafood. Rapid rise.

After Luo Bin took his seat, he found a large black iron plate in front of the tall wizard, with three push-type bells commonly used in restaurants standing on the silver plate.

"My name is James, James Caden. Do you want to bet?"

James noticed that his 'new deskmate's' gaze was resting on his bell, and addiction suddenly came to his heart. He asked with clear eyes.

"Leon, Leon Chelsea, how to bet?"

James took out a white fur ball the size of a quail egg from his sleeve, and Robin suddenly felt the fragrance of gardenia coming to his face.

James stuffed the ball into the bell and quickly turned the three bells upside down while saying: "After I turn the bell, guess where the white fur ball is hidden. If you guess once out of three, I will give you something you want. All three. If you didn’t guess it, hehe, just stand under the mistletoe ribbon and contribute the 19th fun of the day like Reddock Watson.”

Luo Bin turned to look at the load-bearing pillar, and happened to see an old woman with a stooped body, a wrinkled face, and a pea-sized mole on the corner of her mouth. She was holding a cane and walking tremblingly behind the witch in the rivet jacket? ? ?

Luo Bin: →_→, a traveling merchant, a witch, and an old woman are working together to commit crimes, right?

"Do you have gillyweed?"

"Yes, I have!"

James bent down and opened the circular zipper on the top of the big box. After groping for a while, he pulled out a mesh bag. In the pocket was a sticky, salty smell that looked like hundreds of gray mice entwined together. Ugly guy.

It’s undoubtedly gillyweed!

"An ugly guy with a lot of tentacles on his tail.

"Want to bet?" James asked as he zipped up the box.

Luo Bin's eyes swept over the gilly grass with its tail swaying, the shiny bells, the mistletoe ribbons with many children, and finally landed on the rivet witch with a sneer on her face with the corners of her mouth curved up.


"Okay, keep an eye on it."

James put his palms upward, showed the white fur ball, and stuffed the ball into the bell on the far left. Then, he quickly switched the positions of the three bells with both hands.

On the other side, at first, Luo Bin's eyes were rapidly turning left and right following the bell. In the middle, his eyes were in a trance, and he saw double images. He gradually couldn't keep up with the wizard's hand speed, and finally fell into a state of confusion. middle.

"Guess where the ball is hidden?"

Male James asked after he stopped spinning the bell.

"The bell on the far left."

James responded and opened the bell on the far left. There was nothing inside. After smiling enigmatically, he opened the bell on the far right. The white fur ball inside was especially eye-catching against the black iron plate.

"Young man, your eyesight needs to be improved." He joked.

James pinched the fur ball and stuffed it into the bell in the middle. Then, he quickly slid his hands to reverse the positions of the three bells.

Luo Bin's performance was not as good as last time.

At the beginning, his eyes were in a trance, and he saw double images of things. In the middle, his head was confused, and he had no clue which bell the ball was in. In the end, he could only point his troops and let James uncover the bell in the middle.

As a result, the ball is inside the bell on the far left.

"Young man, if you guess wrong again, you will have to go on stage and contribute to everyone's fun."

James laughed, and the smile on his face was even more malicious than when the stupid fox was tricking people into scheming.

"Sir, the bar offers free warm water. Do you want me to pour you a glass?"

The bartender walked up to the two of them and asked, carrying a tray with a teapot and cups.

"I'm not thirsty, let's go." James waved his hands impatiently and drove the bartender away.

Luo Bin happened to have dry lips, so he asked the bartender to pour him a glass. As soon as he raised the glass to his face, he smelled a faint sour taste and took a sip.

Sure enough, the water is acidic!

Has it gone bad?

It shouldn’t be!

"Bartender, why is this water sour?"

"Ah, sour?"

The bartender put the tray on the counter and poured himself a glass of warm water. He drank it to the end without tasting the sour taste.

"It's not sour!"

The young man bartending at the counter chuckled and reminded: "Alva, when you poured warm water into the teapot, did you use a red ladle? That ladle had scooped apple cider vinegar before. Even if it is washed, there will be water on it. It still has a bit of a vinegar smell, and you can still taste it if you touch it with a sharp palate.”

"Sir, I'm sorry, it was my mistake. Let me get you a new one!"

"No, something sour is good. Drinking something sour can keep you awake."

The bartender was stunned for a moment, said "Okay, sir", and then went to serve other guests.

"Young man, can you start the third one?"

Luo Bin picked up the cup and replied calmly: "Okay."

James threw the ball up, then caught it handsomely, and stuffed it into the rightmost bell. After chanting a prayer that others could not understand, he quickly switched the positions of the three bells with his hands.

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