Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 159 Madman Attribute, Lavender Brown

Chapter 159 Crazy attribute, Lavender Brown

After returning home, Luo Bin locked himself in the basement. He first used coarse sandpaper with a lower mesh to remove the coarse particles on the surface of the bronze mirror, and then used n fine sandpaper in increasing numbers to slowly polish the mirror.

At 11:30 at night, he held the shiny bronze mirror, opened the wooden door of the basement, and walked upstairs step by step with legs as heavy as lead.

It's a pity that after working so late, I couldn't stay in bed the next day because the promised day to return to school had arrived.

In the early morning, before dawn, Luo Bin got up from the bed. After eating breakfast and telling Nagini to pay attention to the movements of the green waist beads in the fish tank, he returned to Hogg through the tunnel of the Screaming Shack-Whomping Willow. Watts.

The school is deserted!

Robin walked from the Whomping Willow to the eighth floor of the castle. Along the way, he only met Percy, who was wandering in the corridor on the third floor with a prefect badge on his chest. After chatting for a while, he asked for the password for the lounge.

Castle, eighth floor!


In the portrait, the fat lady wearing a pink dress asked.


"The password is correct."

The fat lady shook her body, and the picture frame swayed forward with her, revealing a circular hole in the wall.

When Luo Bin climbed out of the cave and entered the lounge, he heard rustling voices on the sofa seat by the window in the distance.

Judging by the timbre, it looks like it's Hermione and Harry.

"Hermione!" Robin shouted tentatively.

In an instant, Hermione's little head poked out of the armchair and sofa.

Hermione saw that it was Robin who was calling, her eyes sparkling with surprise. She ran towards the cave entrance excitedly and shouted: "You're back."

Then, like a small cannonball, she crashed into Luo Bin's arms.

After a while, the two of them let go of their hands and walked towards the sofa chair by the window while talking and laughing.

When Robin walked over, he saw that the table and under the table were piled with old newspapers and periodicals. Harry quickly flipped through the old newspaper "Daily Prophet" as if he was looking for something.

Ron held up Ginny's small round mirror and looked it up and down on her face?


Ron let out a deep sigh and put the small round mirror back into his pocket.

At this time, Robin understood the reason why Ron looked in the mirror. There was a circle of red pimples around his mouth, and his lips were swollen like sausages.

With sad and plaintive eyes, a big sausage mouth shape, and a burst of joy, Luo Bin's mouth twitched a few times, and he tried not to laugh and asked: "Ron, what's wrong with your mouth?"


Ron was lying on the table helplessly, "Just laugh if you want, they both have been laughing all day."

"Nonsense, your mouth hasn't been swollen for more than a day," Hermione retorted.

"Are you allergic?"

"Don't mention it, it's a shame."

Ron buried his head in his arms and muttered.


"Let me tell you!"

Harry threw a thick stack of old newspapers behind the table and explained to Ron what the red pimples and swollen mouth were.

"Last night when curfew was approaching, Fred and George used black spiders to force Ron and Lavender to the end of the corridor."

"There were ribbons of pure mistletoe hanging from the ceiling there, and Fred and George were singing and humming!"

"Kiss the swollen one?"

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), pink girl, has she awakened her ‘Kissing Mania’ attribute in advance?

"certainly not!"

Ron buried his head deeper into his arms.

Harry also shook his head in denial, "No, just a hum. After Ron returned to the dormitory, he used warm water, soap, disinfectant, and stain remover dozens of times in turn, and his mouth became like this."

"Hermione, what was Lavender's reaction when she returned to the dormitory?"

"She was very happy and claimed that for the next half month, she would not wash her face but her mouth."

Lavender has been even more infatuated with Ron since he won Professor McGonagall's transformation wizard chess. "

"She has a small notebook that no one else can touch, which is filled with Ron's preferences. The words 'Ron Weasley' are engraved all over her personal desk."

"Hey, I'm so scared just thinking about it."

"Please, guys, please stop discussing this and change the topic, please?"


The biting cold wind made the already loose glass of the door crackle. Ron, who was frightened and ashamed, picked up a stack of old newspapers and covered his head.

"Okay, let's talk about what happened at Malfoy's place?"

When this was mentioned, Ron got excited. He tore off the old newspaper and told Harry and Hermione about the process of last night's routine.

The information extracted last night was similar to what Luo Bin expected:

Malfoy is not the heir. The Chamber of Secrets was opened 50 years ago. The person who opened the Chamber of Secrets was expelled from school and is probably still in Azkaban.

The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died and the monster stopped attacking. So, this time, another Mudblood was going to die, and Malfoy hoped it would be Hermione.

"Although we haven't figured out who the heir is, the polyjuice potion was not in vain. At least we got some key information: 50 years ago, someone died, he was expelled, and he was suspected of being imprisoned in Azkaban."

"It is impossible for newspapers and journals not to report such a big event."

Hermione said as she flipped through the newspaper.

"Robin, where is Azkaban?" Harry asked.

"Oh, that's a prison built by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on a small island in the cold waters of the North Sea to hold wizard prisoners."

"The prison's guards are a group of dementor monsters known as 'soulless demons.'"

"Dementors feed on people's good memories and positive emotions, and can make people remember the most terrifying memories deep in the brain."

"Once prisoners are held there for a long time, they will lose all their beautiful memories, emotions, and thoughts. They may also be tortured to the point of insanity by endless horrific memories."

"Insanity?" Harry asked in shock.

"Yes, that's true! My father said that the prisoners sent to Azkaban will scream and go crazy after a while."

Harry's eyelids trembled with fear, "So, is it possible that that person escaped from Azkaban, sneaked back to the school recently, and opened the Chamber of Secrets again?"

"Absolutely impossible. Azkaban is impregnable and dementors guard it 24 hours a day. Outside the island is the boundless North Sea. No one can escape from there." Ron said.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), Sao Nian, don’t talk too much, or you’ll be slapped in the face!

In the original work, the dementors have no emotions, can't tell who is who, and suck people's souls whenever they see them.

Barty Crouch Jr. (the fake Mad-Eye Moody) takes advantage of this loophole and switches identities with his mother who comes to visit him in prison.

Not long after, Sirius Black also escaped from prison and came to Hogwarts under the eyes of the dementors on his own.

Later, in order to gain freedom, the Dementors were loyal to Voldemort and released a large number of imprisoned Death Eaters. After the war, the Dementors were eliminated by Kingsley Sharr, and the guards were replaced by Aurors.


The door to the girls' dormitory was pushed open.


The sticky shout with a long tail sound makes people's skin crawl.

Ron's face suddenly turned pale, and a moment later, Lavender Brown, carrying a crossbody bag, sat down next to Ron.

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