Ron didn't want to be so close to Lavender Brown, so he raised his butt and moved in. Unexpectedly, he moved, and Lavender followed suit. He reluctantly squeezed in again.

In the end, this chase battle, in which you and I moved, ended with Harry being squeezed out.

Harry sat across from him and watched the show with Robin and Hermione.

"What do you want to do?" Ron grabbed the sofa and asked in horror.

"I wanted to give you a gift, but I was too busy yesterday to give it away."

Lavender took out a heart-shaped pink iron box from her crossbody bag. She opened the lid and said excitedly: "Dangdang, new flavor macarons, baked by me myself, strawberry flavor, bacon flavor, spicy flavor." Both root-flavored sauce and braised flavor are available.”

Luo Bin: Good guy, you developed this because Ron likes to eat Bibi multi-flavor beans, right?

When Ron saw the colorful macarons, his stomach turned upside down, and when he heard the strange taste, he retched so hard.

"Take it back, my mouth is swollen and I can't eat this."

Lavender picked up a green macaron and said, "It's edible. I sprinkled it with frosting mixed with clear fire lotus powder. If you eat it, your lips will heal faster."

Ron opened his mouth, and just as he was about to retaliate, a macaron was forced into his mouth, and then the second, third, and third macarons were forced into his mouth.

When he inserted the fifth one, he covered his mouth and looked at the three people opposite him with a look of help.

"That one"

Lavender looked at Harry in confusion, "You want to eat too? I still have a few big boxes in my bag, how about"

Harry was so frightened that he hurriedly cut off Lavender's words, "No, no need to."

"Robin, Harry, let's go, Percy should be anxious." Hermione said with a wink.

"Oh, yes, it's definitely time to go," Harry agreed.

Then, under Ron's astonished gaze, the three of them climbed out of the portrait hole one after another.

"Are we being too inhumane?"

Harry asked as he stood in the corridor.

"If we stay in the lounge, can we force Lavender Brown away?" Luo Bin asked.

"You can't do it. Lavender has the nature of a little girl. The more she is not allowed to do something, the more she will do it. Besides, Ron doesn't necessarily really want to reject Lavender."

"Hermione, the pain and disgust on Ron's face don't seem to be fake," Harry said.

"We'll see." After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the library.

"Robin, do you believe what Hermione said?"

Harry asked as he followed Hermione forward.

There is no doubt that Ron likes Lavender, but this happened during the sixth part of the original work, and it is really impossible to say for sure now.

"I believe half of it, and the other half depends on Ron's reaction. After all, Lavender is coming very hard."

Indeed, with the blessing of ‘Baking Secrets’ and ‘Kissing’, Lavender Brown’s offensive is fierce.

At the end of the vacation, when students were once again carrying textbooks between classrooms, her passion for chasing Ron had not diminished one bit.

However, under strong protest from the other party, she replaced the macarons with cookies, soda, whole wheat and other biscuits.

As for Ron, as time went by, his attitude also quietly changed.

At first, he was very resistant and disgusted, and would retching when he returned to the dormitory.

In the middle, he protested strongly and repeatedly stated that he didn't like macarons. He also said that if he really wanted to give them, he would give other cookies.

In the end, he sometimes complained that Lavender was crazy, and sometimes lamented that the cookies he received today tasted pretty good.

In short, the change in the relationship between the two made Harry know that Hermione was right.

In early February, a damp and cold air filled the entire castle.

Colds and colds suddenly became popular among faculty and students, causing the school hospital to run out of stock of energizers.

Before the new refreshing potion was prepared, Madam Pomfrey asked the students suffering from severe cold and cold to lie down in the hospital ward to rest.

That night, after visiting the sick Neville and Seamus, Robin and the others walked from the campus hospital to the lounge. When they reached the second floor, they suddenly heard an angry shout from a person in the corridor upstairs.

"It's Filch!" Robin frowned.

"I'm probably trying to teach some unlucky guy a lesson, so just leave it alone." Ron said with disgust.

"Go and have a look." Luo Bin suggested.

"Okay!" Hermione replied.

Robin pulled Hermione and climbed to the third floor. He hid behind the entrance wall at one end of the corridor and listened carefully to the movements in the corridor.

Harry and Ron saw this and followed them, hiding behind the opposite wall.

"I see moths every day. Is it a ghost? Can I just sprinkle water outside at will?"

"I've been mopping the floor all night. The more I mop, the more water there is. No, I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to find Principal Dumbledore and ask him to ask someone from the Ministry of Magic to cure you, this bad guy."

Filch's hysterical shouting disappeared from the entrance and exit at the other end of the corridor.

The four of them poked their heads out from the wall and saw that half of the corridor was being flooded. Moreover, water was still seeping out from the crack under the door of the girls' bathroom. No wonder Filch lost his temper.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked.

"Just go and take a look and you will know."

Then, the four of them rolled up their trousers, carried their robes, waded through 3cm of water, and walked into the bathroom where a malfunction notice was hung.

The shrill, shrill cries filled the entire room.

The cubicle where Myrtle usually hides sprays water at people like a fountain in the square, and the height of the water column even exceeds the top of the cubicle.

And the few candles that were left had been blown out long ago.

"Are you okay, Myrtle?" Robin asked.

"What are you going to hit me with again?"

A timid voice drifted from the water fountain room.

"You have no grievances, why should I hit you with something?" Luo Bin asked.

"do not ask me."

After Myrtle roared angrily, she jumped out of the toilet and sat on the door panel of the cubicle, staring at the four people gloomily and sadly.

"At that time, I was thinking about my own problems here, and someone broke into the bathroom and thought it would be funny to throw books at me."

"But even if someone throws something at you, it won't hurt you. It should go straight through."


Myrtle was angered by Ron's words. She rushed to the four people and screamed: "Let's hit Myrtle with a book. She can't feel it anyway. If she hits her stomach, she will get 10 points. If she hits her head, , gets 5 points, hits the thigh, gets 5 points as well."

"Then who hit you?" Harry asked.

After hearing this, Myrtle returned to her gloomy and sad state, "I don't know who I didn't see. At that time, I was sitting on the toilet seat, thinking about death and life, and the book hit me on the head. . The book is right there, it was washed under the sink by the water in the toilet."


After pointing to the location of the book, Myrtle jumped into the toilet again, and the shrill, high-pitched cry filled the whole room again.

Robin bent down and looked under the pool. In the water there, there was a book lying there. Robin waded towards the pool, bent down and picked it up. When he was about to open it and take a look, Ron came over and stopped him with his hand. he.

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