Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 161 The 16-year-old Voldemort is also a tsundere


"It may be dangerous. Don't believe it. My father told me that one out of ten books confiscated by the Ministry of Magic contains dangers."

"Some books, the words will shine and blind people's eyes. Some books, if you hold them up, you will never put them down, unless the person dies. Some books, after reading them, you can only speak using the paragraphs and sentences in the book , some books”

There was a faded date stamp on the lower right corner of the cover, indicating that it was produced 50 years ago. Robin ignored Ron's nagging and opened the cover directly.

On the title page, the word 'Diary' is engraved in dark brown in the middle of the top, and underneath, there is a signature that has been smudged in ink: Riddle.

On the pages after the title page, except for the date printed in the lower right corner, no other word appears.

On the back cover of the diary is printed the name of a newsagent from Vauxhall Road, London.

"Riddle is definitely from a Muggle and mixed-race family. Otherwise, he wouldn't go to Vauxhall Road, a Muggle street, to buy a diary." Apparently, when Robin was flipping through the diary, Ron was also standing on tiptoe. feet watching.

"Ron, whose name did you just read?"

Hermione asked excitedly.

"The name of the owner of the diary, Riddle, what's wrong?"

Robin waded back to the wall and handed the diary to Hermione and Harry to read.

After a moment, Hermione pointed to the smudged signature and said in surprise: "It's really him. I know him. He won the Special Contribution Award to the school 50 years ago."

"How did you know?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Do you still remember that when school just started last year, Malfoy asked you to go to the prize showroom for a duel at midnight, but ignored you? While you were waiting for Malfoy and the others to come, I was wandering around in the showroom and saw a big medal on , engraved with Riddle’s name.”

"Does it say on the medal how he received the Special Contribution to the School Award?" Harry asked.

Hermione shook her head and said she didn't write it.

"Maybe Riddle got thirty certificates (ordinary wizard level examination), or rescued a faculty member from the tentacles of a giant octopus, or invented a rare magic device." Ron hypothesized.

"That Malfoy told you that the Chamber of Secrets was opened 50 years ago, right?" Luo Bin reminded you specifically.

"Yes!" Harry nodded.

"This black diary is also from 50 years ago." Hermione's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah, so what?" Ron asked confused.

"Fifty years ago, the man who opened the secret room was expelled from the school. In the same year, Riddle won the special contribution award to the school, so"

Robin raised his eyebrows and looked at Hermione. Hermione took the words and said, "So, is there a possibility that Riddle won this award because he caught the heir of Salazar Slytherin? Maybe. , he wrote everything that happened in his diary, such as: the process of capturing the heir, where the entrance to the secret room was, what the monster in the secret room looked like, etc."

"That's a pretty good theory, but there's not a word in the diary!" Harry said.

"It could be a magical diary," Hermione speculated.

"How do you prove it contains magic?" Ron asked.

"Try it and you will know."

Robin took the diary away from Hermione's hand, placed it on the sink, took out his wand, and cast the 'flaming' charm on it.

The table suddenly filled with smoke, because the water absorbed by the pages of the diary was rapidly evaporating upwards.

After about three minutes, the diary no longer emitted water vapor, but it was in the center of the flames and showed no signs of burning.

Robin waved his wand and extinguished the fire. Hermione picked up the diary, touched it a few times, and said excitedly: "It's not hot, it's warm. There is really magic hidden in it. The words that are not displayed may be written with invisible ink." .”

She pulled out her wand, tapped the cover three times, and said, "Reveal quickly."

After turning it over, the page was still blank. She was not discouraged and took out a red eraser from the magic cloth bag. "This is the invisible eraser I bought in Diagon Alley when school started this year."

She rubbed hard on the page with the date 'January 1st' printed on it in the lower right corner until the eraser was 1/3 worn, but not a single word appeared on the page.


Hermione blew off the eraser scraps on the paper and took out two small bottles from the magic cloth bag. "These are acid-base reagents. Professor Snape said that when some things encounter acidic or alkaline reagents, their colors will change." Transformation occurs.”

When the acidic reagent was poured on the paper, there was no other reaction except that the paper became a little wet. She poured the alkaline reagent on it again, but there was still no reaction.

"Hermione, stop wasting your efforts. Let me tell you, Riddle only wrote a signature and nothing else. Come on, if I hadn't turned into the bathroom just now, I would have fallen asleep by now."

Ron was hungry. He wanted to go back to the dormitory and eat the remaining half of the box of cookies from lunch.

"Write? Wait, what would you do if you got an empty old diary?" Luo Bin asked.

"Put your fingers against the center of the cover and turn the book around for fun," Ron said.

"Stuff it into a pile of old books. Maybe one day I'll dig it out again when I'm tidying up the storage cupboard," Harry said.

"Use the free ones to take class notes. I can use up a notebook in two months." Hermione said.

"Yeah, I got an empty old diary and wanted to write something in it, so"

Robin took out a quill and a bottle of ink from the magic cloth bag.

He inserted the quill into the ink bottle and dipped it in it, then raised his arm, letting the ink on the pen tip drip onto the page with 'January 1st' printed on the lower right corner.


The ink dripped onto the paper, smeared out a little, and then, as if it was sucked into an unknown space by the paper, it disappeared from the sight of several people.

Luo Bin inserted the quill pen into the bottle again, and after it was filled with ink, he wrote on the paper: Hello.

‘Hello’ blurred on the paper for a second, and was sucked into an unknown space.

Then, a magical scene appeared. A greeting that was different from Luo Bin's angular handwriting seeped out from the paper.

【Hello! 】

The handwriting tilted to the right, giving it a natural and elegant feel. After being displayed for a few seconds, it disappeared.

The three people standing behind Luo Bin exclaimed in surprise when they saw this scene. Ron even said: "Cool, I also want to try, what is it like to talk to the person who lives in the diary."

Robin could see that Hermione and Harry had the same idea, "Which one of them will write a sentence and take turns."

After saying that, he handed the pen to Harry, and Harry excitedly wrote on the paper: My name is Harry Potter.

This line of text blurred for a second and was sucked in. The next second, a line of self-introduction seeped out of the paper.

[My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle! 】

Ron took the quill from Harry and couldn't wait to write on the paper: Do you know any information about Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?

【I know everything! 】

Hermione took the quill from Ron and wrote excitedly on the paper: Can you tell me everything you know?

【cannot! 】

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