Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 164 A boy who is proud of his ancient bloodline!

The four walls of the auditorium were covered with big and shining pink flowers.

The ceiling was dyed a dreamy light blue, and countless heart-shaped and colorful confetti were slowly falling from the top.

Some of the students sitting at the long dining table looked disgusted and kept waving their hands to brush away the confetti that fell on the food. For example, Ron arrived in the auditorium one step ahead of Robin and Harry (they were too late and tired from training yesterday). , got up late in the morning).

Some didn't care at all and just did their own thing silently, such as Neville who lowered his head and stroked the toad.

Some smiled broadly and reached out to grab the colorful confetti in the air, like Pepper and Hermione?

In the faculty seats, except for Lockhart and Dumbledore, the other teachers had serious faces, as if there was a big mountain in front of them, waiting for them to climb.

As soon as Robin took his seat, he saw Fred and George walking around the long dining table like bees. When the brothers passed behind him, he also smelled a faint scent.

After a while, Lockhart, dressed in pink, strode to the center of the hall.

"Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!"

Lockhart finished shouting and clapped his hands vigorously.

Twelve dwarfs with gloomy faces, carrying miniature harps on their backs, golden wings on their backs, and silver whistles around their necks suddenly walked into the auditorium.

After the dwarfs stood in a row, Lockhart showed his big white teeth and said: "They are friendly and affectionate little cupids. They will wander around the castle and help everyone deliver Valentine's Day letters."

“The fun doesn’t end there, my colleagues are also happy to participate in the Valentine’s Day activities.”

"If you are interested, you may wish to ask Professor Snape how to prepare a love potion, ask Professor Flitwick how to cast a psychedelic spell, and ask Professor McGonagall"

Snape's eyes were filled with cold knives, Flitwick buried his face in the silver plate, and McGonagall pursed her lips into a thin line. Only Dumbledore still had a smile on his face.

"Hermione, don't tell me, you are going to send a love letter to Lockhart today?"

After breakfast, on the way to the classroom, Ron asked with a look of disgust on his face.

"You need to take care of it!" Hermione replied.

Throughout the day, dwarfs carrying harps kept knocking on the door and breaking into the classroom, delivering all kinds of Valentine's Day cards, giving the professors a headache.

Afternoon, third floor of the castle.

After the History of Magic class, Robin and the others followed the flow of people and walked in the corridor.

While walking, a high-pitched, harsh shout suddenly came from ahead.

"Hey, Harry Potter, just stand there, I have a letter for you to read aloud to music."

The dwarf held a greeting card, spread everyone's legs with his elbows, and squeezed towards Harry with a gloomy expression.

"Don't stay here."

Harry didn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone, so he turned around and was about to run, but after just three or four steps, someone suddenly hugged his knees, and when his right foot became unsteady, he fell heavily to the ground. ,

The dwarf sat on Harry's tailbone and shouted: "Okay, stop struggling, finish it quickly, I'm still in a hurry to find the next boy with light blond hair."

"No, let me go."

Harry arched his body and turned to the right, knocking the dwarf over. However, before he could stand up completely, the dwarf hugged his knees again, grabbed his robe, and climbed up.

Harry shook his body vigorously, trying to throw the dwarf away, but ended up throwing away a light blue letter. Fortunately, the letter accidentally landed at the feet of Goyle, who was joining in the fun.

Goyle picked up the card and handed it to Malfoy.


Harry shouted as he grabbed the dwarf's golden wings.

Malfoy waved the greeting card nervously, "Wait until I take a look at it."

With that said, he tore open the envelope and after reading the contents, he laughed so hard that he held his stomach. Crabbe and Goyle also laughed non-stop as if they were under a tickling curse.

After laughing, he read the words on the letter in a humming tone.

Whose eyes are as green as freshly pickled toads.

Whose hair is as black and cool as a blackboard.

Whose smile makes people's hearts beat and cannot sleep.

It's him, it's him!

The warrior who conquered the Dark Lord, Harry Potter.

The crowd burst into laughter, and even more, they made the dwarf play music and recite a love poem.

Harry's face turned red and he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Robin stepped forward, grabbed the dwarf's back collar, pulled it away from Harry, and then said to someone who was still throwing the envelope: "That's enough, Draco Malfoy, return the letter." .”

Deng Deng~

The dwarf straightened his clothes, ran to Malfoy, raised his head, and stared at his pale golden hair.

"What?" Malfoy asked confused.

"Are you Draco Malfoy?"

"So what?"

The dwarf took out a black letter from his bag and said, "Here is an enhanced version of your letter humming with music."

Immediately, every face in the crowd turned to Malfoy, with the look of watching a good show in their eyes.

"I do not want to hear."

Malfoy, who didn't want to embarrass himself, said sternly.

"No, you have to listen!"

"Get out of here, don't touch me, you filthy pest."

Malfoy scolded in a low voice while slowly retreating, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"Stop and don't move."

The dwarf roared, grabbed Malfoy's bag and pulled him back.

Malfoy raised his textbook and greeting card and hit the dwarf on the head.

The dwarf's thick fist knocked away the textbooks and letters in Malfoy's hand. It then grabbed the opponent's ankle, pulled his arm back violently, and pulled him to the ground.

Then, he jumped onto Malfoy's belly.

"Goyle, Crabbe, why don't you help me quickly?!" Malfoy yelled angrily.

No matter how strong the dwarf was, it couldn't stand up to three against one. After a moment, it was pinned down by the combined efforts of Goyle and Crabbe, who were like hills.


A muffled silver whistle sounded from under Gore's chest.

Soon, several crisp and loud silver whistles came from upstairs, downstairs, and at both ends of the corridor. After a while, five dwarfs spread everyone's legs with their elbows and squeezed into the center of the crowd.

Now, six to two and a half, the dwarf won without any suspense.

They formed a group of two and stood on the bellies of Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe. Then, they plucked the strings with their fingers and began to hum a love poem.

A boy who is proud of his ancient bloodline.

Like a blobfish, born from the abyss.

He stared at the sky with gray eyes.

I want him to lie on my lap, and want his thorny hair to penetrate deeply into my flesh and blood.

The crowd burst into laughter and lamented that the person who wrote the poem was a talented woman, but Malfoy went crazy, "Who wrote it? Who is said to be blind, ugly, or frizzy? I will kill you."

The blobfish has won the title of 'the ugliest fish in the world' due to its slimy pink skin, large bulb-shaped nose, monkey-like mouth, and soft, gelatinous body.

When it is paralyzed, its fish face is in the shape of an inverted triangle. It just so happens that Malfoy's pointed face also resembles a triangle.

How could Malfoy not be angry when someone compared him to a blobfish?

After the dwarf's feet landed on solid ground, Malfoy picked up the book on the ground (the greeting card was taken away by Harry), led Goyle and Crabbe away, cursing, and the crowd gradually dispersed as they lost their enjoyment. More than half of it.

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